Dying 7 year old Taunted by Neighbors

Sorry for the bump but I just wanted to share a bunch of pictures of Kathleen on her big day.


This one alone says it all:


Oh **** off. If anything this drama brought a lot more attention to her condition, and got more people to send her money. She's doing great now, and **** those weirdos that were attacking her. If you've ever actually met people like that, you know how much they deserved what they got. i live in a town full of those people. They're a bunch of dipshits, and they need to be checked, or they will never stop being cruel. They're too dumb to see otherwise by their selves.
Yeah, your guys' indignation is so ****ing phony. did you send her any money? I doubt it. It's easy to read articles on here and go "oh that's terrible", you say "oh poor thing", and you don't do a ****ing thing about it. Why do you post these articles on here? So you can say "well, that sucks. glad it's not me" and feel good about yourself. You talk about intolerance and ignorance, yet you can't see those things in yourselves, you guys are all full of shit.
Oh, hey Mogi, I'm sure you went out of your way to help her.

A hypocrite calling other hypocrites, hypocrites. Hilarious.
Yeah, your guys' indignation is so ****ing phony. did you send her any money? I doubt it. It's easy to read articles on here and go "oh that's terrible", you say "oh poor thing", and you don't do a ****ing thing about it. Why do you post these articles on here? So you can say "well, that sucks. glad it's not me" and feel good about yourself. You talk about intolerance and ignorance, yet you can't see those things in yourselves, you guys are all full of shit.

I don't know who you're talking about, but if it's me, quite frankly, I'm bad enough off as it is, and i can't send her money. If I could I would, but the point of posting it on here, like this, is to bring attention to the story so that the people who DO HAVE THE MONEY WILL SEND IT TO HER. Is it that hard of a conclusion to come to? I didn't think it was that hard to understand, but then again, the internet has proven me wrong on such simple matters quite a few times, cause, lord knows, everyone is right no matter what.

besides, we all saw the pictures. They raised over $10,000 for the little girl. if anything, they should actually thank their evil neighbors for bringing attention to the story. If it bleeds it reads. If it's fuzzy, no one cares. They certainly got the little girl a lot of attention, and just by them being harassed in return, those same people helped the other family out by giving them money. I don't see how anybody can pull something bad out of this box of toys. The assholes got checked, and the victims got paid.
Yeah, your guys' indignation is so ****ing phony. did you send her any money? I doubt it. It's easy to read articles on here and go "oh that's terrible", you say "oh poor thing", and you don't do a ****ing thing about it. Why do you post these articles on here? So you can say "well, that sucks. glad it's not me" and feel good about yourself. You talk about intolerance and ignorance, yet you can't see those things in yourselves, you guys are all full of shit.

Go be a troll somewhere else...or better yet, take a bunch of pills and try to kill yourself. That way you'll get all the attention you could ever need!
ITT: Mogi thinks terrorizing people is a form of help. I agree, lets all become child molesters so we can prevent kids from being bullies.

You're all terrible people, etc.

Meh, my threshold for caring about these things is about as long as they manage to stay in the top half of the front page.

Edit: Also, jesus christ that girl is adorable. :(
Yeah, your guys' indignation is so ****ing phony. did you send her any money? I doubt it. It's easy to read articles on here and go "oh that's terrible", you say "oh poor thing", and you don't do a ****ing thing about it. Why do you post these articles on here? So you can say "well, that sucks. glad it's not me" and feel good about yourself. You talk about intolerance and ignorance, yet you can't see those things in yourselves, you guys are all full of shit.

My ability to care about things deeply only stretches as far as my wallet. Got it.

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