Dystopia being pay for play?

DiSTuRbEd said:
I know the answer to that one, and anyone else with a brain could figure out as well, I'm not going to say what it is, because it just might ruin their rep.

They never used the leak, this was already adressed and it is a false rumor. If you can't respect people who actually quit their jobs in order to work on this mod full-time then you should really double-check your standards.

Betelgeuze said:
Im not intrested in it anymore if its not a mod and if they are going to sell it. I dont care how mutch they ask for it im not going to play it. If I realy want a game instead of a mod ill buy a good one.

If the mod has the quality of a game, why should it not be considered a game?
I'll judge whether I want to buy it after it's released.
Same with downloading a mod, I don't get my hopes up unless I know it is going to work.

-Angry Lawyer
I don't think you understand, Valve has already picked them up.

Negatory, they just knocked on the Valve office door at lunch and brought Doritos. geography is so bias

The speed of production is becasue they started work light years ago
paying to play for a mod? it looks like a kick-ass mod, but I would only pay for it if it was a one time deal, no monthly crap
WhiteZero said:
Thats why there is literally 100x more MODs being made for HL2 than Doom3.
And about 10 Doom 3 MODs have converted over to HL2 because they didnt like developing for Doom3.
Just because most people are using it that doesn't mean it's the best (iPod anyone?)

Look at the Q3 engine compared to HL1. Q3 is clearly the better engine, yet HL1 had the most mods.

Now if a developer wants to create a game that utilizes physics to the highest degree......what engine are they gonna use?
Unreal 3 :farmer:

Sorry, but I have the numbers on my side: Over 400 MODs being developed which = atleased 1200 Team Members that are working with Source. If it sucked so much, I think I would see more than 40 Doom 3 MODs.
Just because you have problems working with Source, dosent mean it's crap. It's called "opinion" and your trying to pass it off as "fact".
Doom 3 was made for the Doom 3 game. Source was made with HL2 and a million other mods in mind. The D3 engine and Unreal engine are still much easier to work with.

Oh, and on the point of Dystopia. I don't pay for mods, period. No matter how big a Neuromancer fan I am.
Gusdor said:
The speed of production is becasue they started work light years ago

A Light Year is a unit of distance, not time. </pedant>
I would maybe pay for it, but DEFINALTY not monthly, maybe a one time fee of a retail price, just because it looks so damn nice!
Pi Mu Rho said:
A Light Year is a unit of distance, not time. </pedant>

yea, it's like both, a light year is how far you would get if you were going at light speed for a year
i wouldent pay 20 bucks for this game maybe if i got to play it first but to me this game is 2 wierd :( in a good way
Afterburn3r said:
yea, it's like both, a light year is how far you would get if you were going at light speed for a year

Oh yeah, well I'll bet you couldn't make the Kessel run in 12 parsecs.

EDIT: Paying for mods = bad.
Well the thing about Dystopia is that I'm not that overly impressed by the gameplay. The Modelling is unsurpassed and the gameplay does have some very strong elements, but I've already seen almost everything about this game in something else I've played or read.

The concept is something that I've already read the books on, so it's not that new (though I will say that I love their interpretation of Cyberspace and how they worked it into the multiplayer as a mini-game. It's not how I imagined it, but then again how I imagined it would not be possible for a Mod that also wants to have ground-based combat). A lot of the weapons and upgrades have appeared in other games (Goldeneye, PD) and Mods, so to older gamers the combination might not seem that eyebrow-raising. So for me and other like-minded gamers, the proof of their pudding will most definitely be in the eating.

I'm not paying the equivalent of $20 just to find out if I like a game or not. In my opinion they should release a demo of the game on gaming magazine discs and as a free download and then wait to see how impressed everyone is.

I'm surprised, really. They as gamers should understand that you don't compete with other games for our money these days, but our time. I can play an excellent Mod for free, so why pay for something else unless it is more deserving of my time?
The demo will be released on the 9th of September. It will require a copy of HL2 to play. It will be free.

The full release will only be sold if we're able to organise with Valve for it to be a full stand alone game. We will never charge for Dystopia while it's a HL2 addon. It amazes me that people have misunderstood this point.

I hope you all check out the up coming demo and then pass judgement.
To quote Fuzzy recently on the Dys forums:
Dystopia will always be free if you're running it on top of HL2.

We've called our first release a demo because we wanted people to realise that we've got a far more polished and stable release than a normal mod beta. Dystopia has been in a closed beta for 6 months now, and the demo release is being released to the public to let everyone get a taste of Dystopia.

The full release will come in a few months and will include more maps and a few extra features like vehicles. This demo version includes all of our core features and gives a very good indication of what the full release will be like.
I read the announcement here and was glad to see it was all cleared up. I'm (secretly) looking forward to being wowed.
Um, I hate to be the first one to mention this (it doesn't even seem to be being discussed on their forums), but, by my calculations, it's late, isn't it?

I'm looking forward to it...
Not late yet, we're still on time to release in 20hrs 32mins 8secs
TechnoHippyChic said:
Um, I hate to be the first one to mention this (it doesn't even seem to be being discussed on their forums), but, by my calculations, it's late, isn't it?

I'm looking forward to it...
Might want to read the release date again...

It'll be out at 6:59pm Friday for my timezone.
damn,, I leave to go away for a week the hour it comes out :(
Same here, just an hour before :/ Oh well, it'll be something to look forward to. What I'm waiting to see are the map design and the weapon use. If the numbers are well tweaked on the weapons (there is no dystopian AWP, for example) and the mapping is well done (not so much aesthetically, but in terms of game balance) this could be the Mod that steals some of my attention away from CS:S and NS.

What I've liked so far from the very first clip that came out showing this, was the fast deathmatch style of play. It looks like the Source man's Quake-variant with the array of weapons available, but with added upgrades and team-based, objective-based play. We haven't really had any fast-paced stuff from Valve or its Modding community since HLDM or TFC (HL2DM being admittedly fast-paced, but the weapon selection lets it down severely for me).

What I really want to know is that with such a huge fanbase eagerly awaiting this demo, and with the potential for converting a hell of a lot of that fanbase into a community playerbase, has the team discussed competitive play at all? How big would the teams be? Etc. If Dystopia does provide the HL2 crowd with a thinkfast, movefast, actfast, playfast title; an updated TFC in those respects; and it supported clan play, I could seriously get into this game.
dys-Fuzzy said:
The demo will be released on the 9th of September. It will require a copy of HL2 to play. It will be free.

The full release will only be sold if we're able to organise with Valve for it to be a full stand alone game. We will never charge for Dystopia while it's a HL2 addon. It amazes me that people have misunderstood this point.

I hope you all check out the up coming demo and then pass judgement.
Dystopia will always be free if you're running it on top of HL2.

We've called our first release a demo because we wanted people to realise that we've got a far more polished and stable release than a normal mod beta. Dystopia has been in a closed beta for 6 months now, and the demo release is being released to the public to let everyone get a taste of Dystopia.

The full release will come in a few months and will include more maps and a few extra features like vehicles. This demo version includes all of our core features and gives a very good indication of what the full release will be like.
Just to go back to this, neither of those quotes categorically states that the HL2 version will still be playable once (if + Valve = once) the retail version is available. I'd like to know that Steam won't suddenly deny access to Dystopia once the retail version's out. It's very cynical of me, and my first impression is that its merely an oversight, but I'd like to have it clarified so I can allow myself to get all happy and anticipative about this :)
You're not going to see a retail version out on this engine...
I will never pay for a mod. period. great for dystopia, kick in the face to all other mod teams, who many of which will release better mods...
evoken said:
I will never pay for a mod. period. great for dystopia, kick in the face to all other mod teams, who many of which will release better mods...
Well currently, it is probably one of the best mods at the moment, or certainly the most polished and 'feature complete'.

Why can't you wait until a better mod has come out and then slag it off huh? :sleep:
They are there, hidden under piles of forum posts. lurking at the back of the room with a knife..ahem :P