E-Force News



Once again the team at E-Force, the modification that focuses on the war for oil, have released some high quality renders. It looks as though they have put a lot of thought into their concept, so head over to this page to read it.[br][br]Click here to learn more about the fight for oil!
:thumbs: the story is cool, and the renders look nice...
OMFG IM LOVIN teh renders teh 1337, they pwn all teh newb h4x0r g4m3rs!!!!!!12

I love the different vehicles, i hope the textures for them can fill the shoes of the models.
I hope the textures turn out nice as well, I also really want to drive one of those snowmobiles.
The snow mobiles look fun. I'm not sure what the role of those big tankers is: maybe you escort them, and they're basically enormous bombs on wheels. That might be pretty cool, actually.
Man those renders look crazy. I seriously cant believe how many mods are coming out for hl2. Its like once you get hl2 you have at least 100 more games to play.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Man those renders look crazy. I seriously cant believe how many mods are coming out for hl2. Its like once you get hl2 you have at least 100 more games to play.
Thats the only reason I bought HL2...except for the singleplayer...that was cool...and I hadn't high hopes for CS:S, turned out I was wrong.
pur3r4ge said:
The snow mobiles look fun. I'm not sure what the role of those big tankers is: maybe you escort them, and they're basically enormous bombs on wheels. That might be pretty cool, actually.

It's for a game mode called " Capture the tanker" , kind of CTF but with oil tankers.
Just so people know that Spas-12 was WIP when posted, so here's the newest version. This one is complete unless anyone can point out inaccuracies.
