E-mail to Marc Laidlow


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
I have an idea to settle some dispute on this forum. Send an e-mail to Marc with a few questions.

Here are mine
Did the Combine control Nihilanth, the vorts etc before the events of HL1?
Are Race-X from Xen?
His reply will feature a lot of words without actually saying much.

It's called PR
Jandor said:
His reply will feature a lot of words without actually saying much.

It's called PR
ie what politicians do.
Exactly. Theres an election coming up, lots of rubbish about to be rammed down my throat.

Hopefully, if you send the E-Mail, he'll reply with a straight answer or politely decline to answer.

I'm not sure which I prefer.
ríomhaire said:
I have an idea to settle some dispute on this forum. Send an e-mail to Marc with a few questions.

Here are mine
Did the Combine control Nihilanth, the vorts etc before the events of HL1?
Are Race-X from Xen?

I can answer that for you!

The Nihilanth was combine itself. (remember all the combine type metal stuff coming out of the bottom of its body?) Nihilanth was the combine's version of controlling xen. (this is the most likely analysis)

Race-X are not from Xen, they are a 3rd party. Thing is, they were designed by Gearbox- not valve, so they aren't part of the official plotline.
I sent him an email and it was straight forward, and i got a detailed answer explaining exactly what i wanted to know. What i am trying to say is: send in one thing, dont ask for people to reply it will be: OMG IS GORDON GMAN, and so on. Just ask one thing, you will get a reply.
Also, Marc won't want to give away the plot. Especially before hl3
bliink said:
Also, Marc won't want to give away the plot. Especially before hl3

Indeed. If your going to ask something, make sure it is relevant and not something that is easily left to be answered in another half life 3 game.

I asked whether Breen died, he told me the end was set up so the player was unsure of any of the characters fates, so they had plenty of options when deciding who they wanted back.
The Nihilanth was combine itself. (remember all the combine type metal stuff coming out of the bottom of its body?) Nihilanth was the combine's version of controlling xen. (this is the most likely analysis)

What if you don't believe that. The Combine never having been to Xen before HL2 is very logical and has just as many good points as the argument for.

Race-X are not from Xen, they are a 3rd party. Thing is, they were designed by Gearbox- not valve, so they aren't part of the official plotline.

I am sure, 99% sure, that a reputable member of these forums posted a quote by Marc Laidlaw saying that both Opposing Force and Blue Shift are canon and accepted parts of the storylines, however they have no affect in the overarching plot.
Jandor said:
I am sure, 99% sure, that a reputable member of these forums posted a quote by Marc Laidlaw saying that both Opposing Force and Blue Shift are canon and accepted parts of the storylines, however they have no affect in the overarching plot.

The plot thickens!

Jandor said:
I am sure, 99% sure, that a reputable member of these forums posted a quote by Marc Laidlaw saying that both Opposing Force and Blue Shift are canon and accepted parts of the storylines, however they have no affect in the overarching plot.

That whole thing confuses me...how can they be part of the plot yet not affect it? Sounds like Laidlaw was maybe being....diplomatic regarding Gearbox.
Laivasse said:
That whole thing confuses me...how can they be part of the plot yet not affect it? Sounds like Laidlaw was maybe being....diplomatic regarding Gearbox.

no.. it could just be that the whole plot of OP4 was not consequential to what was really going on. (maybe 1000's of different alien races are/were fighting in the universe as a result of the combine (or something else?), and species x is no different; whereas, xen and the combine may have some deeper, more plot critical meaning)
Precisely- I've taken advantage of the story vein that OpFor tapped myself- it's quite possible that there a millions of species in the HL universe, just that they really aren't a threat/interesting/relevant when compared to the Combine and the Xenians.

It'll be interesting to see how Mr. Laidlaw replies, of course...
Jandor said:
I'm not sure about 'Decay' though ;) .

Why wouldn't it be? It's as much an expansion as Blue-Shift and Opposing Force.

Though it is interesting that Klienr's picture didn't feature Collete, Gina, or Dr. Keller.
ethan hawke would play a good gordon freeman in the 'half life film'.

if there was one...
KoreBolteR said:
ethan hawke would play a good gordon freeman in the 'half life film'.

if there was one...

Nah... what's that guy... I think he's married to Karmen Electra (Sp?) or he just divorced her or something. I might have the wrong guy anyway...

I think he's the guy who played the astronomer (Main character) in The Arrival. Hehe, he looked just like Gordon Freeman and his character acted the same way I immagine Gordon Freeman would.
Jandor said:
I'm not sure about 'Decay' though ;) .
Decay is also created by genial Marc Laidlaw.
I am certain of Gearbox and Marc Laidlaw consulting.

Another speculations about Gearbox and Valve is here
The only thing that Laidlaw will confirm is Biozeminades.

Send him the e-mail, I can almost assure he'll just skirt around the question.

-Angry Lawyer
So no more suggestions for questions?
DO NOT turn this into a storyline or expansion pack discustion thread!
ríomhaire said:
So no more suggestions for questions?
DO NOT turn this into a storyline or expansion pack discustion thread!

Just send the email :p

Question: Where do Biozeminades fit in?

Or, on a more serious note... *thinks*

What would you consider your greatest writing influences are?

-Angry Lawyer
Ask him if he thinks Jandor is sexy yet suprisingly intelligent :p .
oh yeh, I dug around the forums and found this:

Marc Laidlaw said:
Yes, Samon is sexy, and yet despite this, suprisingly inttelligent

I wasn't to suprised by the comment, just they way he mispelled 'intelligent' :p.
If you post it on a nicely decorated site, with your theories on the Combine Xenian relationship, eventually everyone will take it as fact.

-Angry Lawyer
Marc, here is my site, it says the Combine were not on Xen during HL1. What do you think?

Thats it! I'm sick of answering these questions.

That's cool

....later on the site

I asked Marc about my site and this is what he said.

marc laidlaw said:
Thats it!


As if anyone would treat your site as fact based on that... :upstare:

Jandor said:
oh yeh, I dug around the forums and found this:

I wasn't to suprised by the comment, just they way he mispelled 'intelligent' :p.

No cookie for you.
Marc has indeed laid low...*cough*....
Anyway I can't get is e-mail address anywhere. :eek:
Can someone PM it to me?
There's a reason he doesn't post his E-Mail publicly...

Try sending a mail to Gabe, and ask if he can forward it.

-Angry Lawyer
What was valve's explanation for the metal on nihilianth when first creating him, were they planning a new race called the combine at the time?
special-ed said:
What was valve's explanation for the metal on nihilianth when first creating him, were they planning a new race called the combine at the time?

Valve wouldn't answer a question like that, at least, not until they've decided on the story themselves, and I'm not sure they have. Especially considering the supposed setting for HL2: Aftermath...

But what you've said is fundamentally my argument - they could have been planning some kind of ruling race at the time of Nihilanth's creation. In which case they could have made the link obvious in the sequel. Or the metal on Nihilanth's arse could just be metal which is used in lots of places in Xen, in a quite Xenian way - factory, grunts, drilly things, etc.

...Do we even really need Laidlaw to answer that one? Isn't it obvious? :cheese:
The obvious solution:

I'm right. You're all wrong. Buy me a drink.

Oh, and Laivasse is right too. And Pai. And Jandor to an extent. And a few others. But they don't get the drink.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
The obvious solution:

I'm right. You're all wrong. Buy me a drink.

Oh, and Laivasse is right too. And Pai. And Jandor to an extent. And a few others. But they don't get the drink.

-Angry Lawyer

Don't listen to his lies, the combine controlled xen. Now hand me that pint of beer.
Samon said:
Don't listen to his lies, the combine controlled xen. Now hand me that pint of beer.
Don't worry Samon, one day we will prove him wrong, and then we will dance together. Dance and point at AL and laugh!
AJ Rimmer said:
Don't worry Samon, one day we will prove him wrong, and then we will dance together. Dance and point at AL and laugh!

Indeed, I have a tub of rotten tomatoes to throw as well. Soon the day will come AL. Soon the day shall come. :bounce: