
ok then
/me's post count goes up by 1.
lol only j/k

Anyway its also ure fault since u seem to act as if u like her when u see her
I suppose your spam wouldnt be spam because your a moderator? Or at least its some kind of Super special spam....you silly billy (Ok so your little "tiff" with Fat Tony made me say that)

Sp/\z was probably the funniest post ever.
Well if u think about it + it's easier to blame someone who isnt here its the owen (friend) whos at fault for having a party and not chucking her out of it .......
"(this is my last spammy post)" as badger would say " u lie!"
Yeah seriously im about 2 seconds...no wait 1 second...Wait, thats it im closing the thread.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Yeah seriously im about 2 seconds...no wait 1 second...Wait, thats it im closing the thread.

oh really, well then Mr. Moderator, why can I post in here? Huh, not so tough now are you..................please don't hurt me ;(

On topic, mrBadger, you should know that it really isn't common interests, it's personality. :)
Id say in the short term its personality, but long term u need something to keep u interested so, common interests are also neccisary
Fat Tony! said:
Id say in the short term its personality, but long term u need something to keep u interested so, common interests are also neccisary

I disagree, I know lots of people who don't share any common interests (I'm talking hobbies here) but have very deep relationships that have lasted for years.
Yeah but common interestings do help keep things together, its a mixture of both. Sometimes have differing interests makes things a little more....interesting because you learn new things about each toher and the world. But i would say personality is at the heart of it, the only common interest you really need is each other.
Well Mrbadger just go to her and tell her I don't like You :P
qckbeam said:
Morgan Webb isn't really a gamer, she just has large breasts. Now, that old co-host, you know, the one with the Princess Leia hair, she was a real gamer!

i'm e-mailing this post to morgan :P
Fat Tony! said:
"(this is my last spammy post)" as badger would say " u lie!"
Stop that please Tony or I'll reset your post count back to zero.

Sorry dude, but it can be done.

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Pressure 68.202.78.*** [Find Posts by User] [View Other IP Addresses for this User]
Sp/\z 68.202.78.*** [Find Posts by User] [View Other IP Addresses for this User]

:laugh: Nice one pressure :D

BadgerEDIT: Publishing someone's IP adress :/
"Oooooh I love a girl who can awp me"

Heh, I know a few girls like this, they're all too old for me. I say just go with the flow. Maybe her being a hawt gamer goddess really isn't your thing, so what? Maybe an attraction will grow, who knows, but if you're not 100% about it, don't drag her into a relationship, it will probably end badly.

And by the way all the kids called me Spaz at school, thanks for the memories :(