E3 2004 Developer Interview and Video Footage MIRROR



IMPORTANT: 14,000 Mbps Mirror Online

You can download this at unlimited speeds (no capping) in exchange for clicking through a few pages of ads. There is no line to wait in. The ads will be annoying, but it is the only way I can pay for the bandwidth.

There are two files available:
E3 2004 Video Footage
E3 2004 Developer Interview

Download here: http://www.scifience.net/hl2/
I clicked it and i got 100 gain pop ups and then my IE crashed (including my fileplanet 'waiting in line' window)

in others words: i wont click it again

thanks for the help anyways

edit: oh i see u apologise for the pop ups, nvm then :)
Thanks a million times man. Loading with 150kb
460 kB/s, wooooooooooooooohoooooooooo!!!
Thanks, man!! :cheers:
Thanks!!!! :D:D:D:D

However many beers Barney's offered you, i'll double it! :cheers:
Well, it was listed under "E3 2004 Developer Interviews" so I listed it as such on my site.
DAMMIT!!!!! when I extract the file, it tells me that the file is damaged because it's the wrong CRC, and than it deletes the extracted file.... WTF?!? What am I supposed to do now?
That's odd...I downloaded it direct from GameSpy onto my server. In any case, it shouldn't delete the file.
Well it leaves the .zip alone, but it just can't extract the .mov out of it... when it's almost finished, WinZip tells me that the .zip is corrupt and than it deletes the .mov that he extracted... It did that to the .zip from FP too..
Link doesn't seem to be working anymore... Is it low on bandwidth already?

Edit- Well, actually I got the first page now and the first ad, but the second ad timed out, should I just keep going through or is the servers bandwidth for the download running low too?
Grr, why dont you just cap it to like 150kbs so theat you can fit room for more people to download?

I can't find ANY damn link, currently waiting in line at FilePlanet, and trying this new link here...

This sucks. : /

EDIT: Okay, I managed to get to the main page, getting file not found on the http://www.scifience.net/hl2/e3vf.html page. Guess I'll keep trying. :|
Go bronto go!, its up! gettin 70k! :D, thankyou so much!
I was about to give up, BUT KEEP TRYING!!!
I am now downloading at 380KBPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just keep trying, it works!!!

Keep trying everybody who can't get on. It really does work! Pity I only have a 150k connection though...

Edit: Bah to everyone who has a good connection... Me and my 17kb/s will be over in the corner.
Okay, guys, the problem has nothing to do with a lack of bandwidth.

The server has GigE to a 14Gbps (14000Mbps) backbone, so bandwidth isn't an issue.

The issue is that the Apache server is set to only allow so many connections at a time by default and I just recompiled Apache and haven't removed that restriction yet. It will be removed soon. :)

For those who can't get on yet, keep trying! :)
This has now been upped to allow 256 connections at once, the maximum supported by Apache.
I have started additional server processes and can now accept 1024 concurrent connections. Enjoy! :)
If I'm an atheist, does that mean I don't believe in myself then? ;)

Glad you're enjoying it :)
Scifience said:
Okay, guys, the problem has nothing to do with a lack of bandwidth.

The server has GigE to a 14Gbps (14000Mbps) backbone, so bandwidth isn't an issue.

It caps me at 4 or 5MBit, it varies. WHen I download 2 fils, I get up to 10 mbit.

Either way, here's another mirror, 10 mbit:


Only 4 users, as you must use Passive mode and I only have 4 ports open.
btw Scifience, how long is it gonna be up for ? :), ive gotta go sleep for 6 hours now, just wondering if I can resume it tomorrow:D
Bummer. it's only coming in at 200Kbps.... Oh, I'm also downloading some Karaoke MP3s... I guess that's not too bad then. Looks like it will take little more than 1 hour to get.

I almost stopped trying. first IE crashed, then it took like forever to connect... then it hit and the download started flying!!

Don't give up guys! it's worth the wait!
It will be up until I can't afford it (ads stop paying for it).

I have 500GB of bandwidth included with my server, after that it is $1 a GB so I will see how long the ad money will keep me going at that.
Huzzah! I get to sound whiny!
I'm so so sorry Scifience, but I can't get onto your site at all! The loading bar (IE) gets to near haf-way and then seems to decide that it's bored and just stops. This makes me sad as I've tried (and nearly succeeded) to download so many times now, things are getting severly disappointing in my uni IT room - especially with the idiot cockmasters behind me... GRRRR!
I would just to let off some steam because although the bandwicth in my university computer room is amazing (last time I tried I got 2-4Mb) there is "Not enough free disk space"
This is the 5th com,puter I've tried and I'm less than impressed. I know there's nothing I can really do which makes it orse. Bollocks, I really wanna see this movie. and I most certainbly don't want to have to wait and pay to see it from a magazine! Eeeew...
42.7 KBps on cable (for the doug lombardi vid), but that doesn't matter to me. Thank you very much for hosting these :thumbs:
For anybody who can't get on, it is because there are already at least 1024 people connected at that time.

Keep trying.
thank you for the spywaire you asshole.........

you shud be vary happy you just ****ed up my computer.....

I had the same problem. I highly recomend people find a different download location. To fix it, use this program (ftp://ftp.download.com/pub/win95/utilities/aaw6181.exe) and remove the stuff listed below.

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