E3 2004 Video - Better Quality

34.4% to be exact...then in crawls to a halt
Hey mods could you please step in and tell people to stop spamming this topic with whatever % they are at in the download? Litteraly this topic could fit into 2 pages if all the percentage posts were deleted.
A2597 said:
34.4% to be exact...then in crawls to a halt

which is why i'm waiting til tomorrow to DL the video :D

then everyone will have it! and i'll DL fast!
wouldn't this go faster if he direct uploaded to one person that has high upload, and they upload to people on the torrent....that way, the person uploading can gain 8kb of the file per second instead of a bunch of people getting the file at .1 kb per second
thehunter1320 said:
which is why i'm waiting til tomorrow to DL the video :D

then everyone will have it! and i'll DL fast!
But no one will be connected to the network.
torso boy said:
wouldn't this go faster if he direct uploaded to one person that has high upload, and they upload to people on the torrent....that way, the person uploading can gain 8kb of the file per second instead of a bunch of people getting the file at .1 kb per second

That is what is he doing right now, its called Super Seeding.
torso boy said:
wouldn't this go faster if he direct uploaded to one person that has high upload, and they upload to people on the torrent....that way, the person uploading can gain 8kb of the file per second instead of a bunch of people getting the file at .1 kb per second

Yeah I was wandering why they didint do something like that too...I guess you cant really controll it. But if they just uploaded it to like 3 people with high upload rates completely we would all get a faster Download speed
killer916 said:
Ok, this download is not worth the time. I checked the first 10 minutes of it and it is the exact same as the original but a little bit brighter. Save yourself the time and don't bother downloading it.

Killer how did you manage to check the first 10 minutes of it?

Its zipped and so far I've failed to open it up in winzip, rar, ace. Reason being that it isn't finished and is recognised as being corrupt.

Now I know you can view unfinished avi's and mpg's with a little magic but I'm unaware of something that does that for zip files.

I think you can open the completed segment of the file with WinAce, but I hate that program.
Cyber$nake said:
Yeah I was wandering why they didint do something like that too...I guess you cant really controll it. But if they just uploaded it to like 3 people with high upload rates completely we would all get a faster Download speed

I'm constantly uploading at about 40 kb/s...but I'm only downloading at 0-15kb/s when everything starts up again.
HeadcrabOnMyAss said:
I'm constantly uploading at about 40 kb/s...but I'm only downloading at 0-15kb/s when everything starts up again.

Yeah what I'm saying is than no-one even has the full thing so although your upload speed helps others until they get to 36% onnce there it doesnt make a diffrenece because you dont have any more of i than they do :( If they completely distributed it to a couple then they would help the uploads the whole way through. Right now you're all downloading from 1 person if you've gotton to around the 36% point.
since i've been at 36 for who knows how long, i don't think that file planet idea mentioned some 15 or so pages ago was such a bad idea
Plus, I'm not even connected to the one seed. So I have to wait for u guys to get the files so I can steal em from u. Tisk...
guys, i'm not sure the amount of importance of this but i've gotten to 37.4, but now it's not going any more so that sucks
I'm at 38% and now at a standstill of course, well I'm seeding what I have, hopefully we'll be able to finish getting this today....
I can seed for the next 2 days... and will be more then happy too...
What's so hard to understand here guys? EVERYONE is at X% and at a standtill, NO ONE has the complete file except the ONE GUY who is CURRENTLY UPLOADING IT. As he uploads more(at 8k/sec) we will download more. Until the moment he finishes upload we're all subject to that 8k/sec limitation.

It's going to take a while, folks.
39.2 and still going at 3-4kb....theres hope still left.

I've uploaded exactly double what I've downloaded as well :)
Burning Fish said:
New torrent/new link/new tracker :) Hope this one works.
Quoted so people don't have to go all the way back to page six.
Oh, and am I the only person not showing any seeders?
The torrent's in my sig and theres no seeders because theres only one guy with the finished file.
Then shouldn't it show up as one seeder?
I'm surprised that noone has posted a hosting of the file on a ftp server yet.
Lep said:
Then shouldn't it show up as one seeder?


superseeding means that the one person who's got it doesn't show up as a seed. Once someone compleats it, they will show up as a seed if they choose to.

Kazuki_Fuse said:
I'm suprised that noone has posted a hosting of the file on an ftp server yet.

No one has because no one has finished it yet.
Makes sense, btw i'm getting 170 down and only uploading at 9.
its all about the percentage i dont care what speed you have

we should all be roughly at 41%
speed took at nose dive once I hit 41%, you jinxed me!
ELIXIR said:

like i said it would be..

now if the community was smart enough, when it dies, you'd pause the download. so one person (who hasn't paused.. whoever that will be) will get alot more uploading done so we'll have more to download when we unpause it.



ok just pause it when it gets to 0

and go get a drink or watch some TV.. dontbe on the board 24/7.. its not healthy.
Yep, now you'll have to wait like the rest of us.
I just reatarted my whoooooooole download to give you all something to upload :D... and i put Azureus on instead of BitTorrent.
....Why we getting this again? By the time its finished the bloody game will be out in the shops :s
i paused it, and then when i hit resume again it said unable to connect to tracker for scrape. what should i do?
I am still downloading since 2:30. It's at 48% w00t!

I'll leave it on all night. :)