E3 2004 Video - Better Quality

I had to sleep and stuff - me computer was over-worked.

Have to continue from 38.7% @ 1-5 kb ;(
I started d/loading about 30 minutes ago, and I'm up to 13%. It reckons I've got 3 hours to go, which is nice.

I'll keep it going once I've d/loaded it.
Mine goes up and down. Sometimes it is down at 1 KiB/s, and sometimes it is up at 65.
seems like we caught up to Burning Fish's uploading. :?
I've got 70% of the file and now I am getting croaking speeds of about 2K. It fluxuates though. Sometimes it will go up to about 15K, but then go back down.
:dozey: How many people actually have the video?
I got exactly 76,1% downloaded, and currently its downloading at 5,5kb/s and uploading at 47.
I believe "1" the person who made the video. Everyone is kind of stuck at around 71% or lower and recieving very poor rates.
73% here, i went from 70KB/sec to 1KB/sec... awesome.

I think i'll see the second coming of christ before I see this video.
Mine stopped at 9% :( But when I tried again, it still said 9%, even though I had only dl 1Mb
My prediction was correct, this thread is big.

Hmm, once a second person gets 100% there'll be like 30 more inside about an hour ;)
I just hope this video better be worth it. It seems so, hopefully it remains so too.
no one seems to be going passed 75 percent, part of it may be lost?
No, burning fish probably just hasn't uploaded more than that amount.
dear god the torment :)

Another good 4-9 hours i think.

Ah well, still gotto appreciate the work burning fish and co. I just hope the first downnloaders keep the seed alive, but then again, about 200+ people are ALL gonna finish at the same time :p

I now got 80,1%, DL: 0,9kb/s, UL: 48,0kb/s.

And i am using BT++.
The second a seed got up, about 15 more people started DLing it...
Yes people, we have a seed atlast, go DL your hearts out, and make more little seedlings!
That's strange, I don't seem to have any seeds at the moment, and only .778 distibuted copies. 305 leechers :)
Average 75.5% done :/
Burning Fish said:
I've been uploading 118% now.
Good job. If you were super-seeding we should have extra seeds by now... and whoever got it and left is fecking ghey. :flame:
We're all stuck at 78,3%...

EDIT: Im in super-seed mode, but I dont know what it does :rolleyes:
Hey I just came back and resumed the download but now it ways that it cannot connect to peers. Anyone know how to get past this?
No one with the full file is on the torrent.. No one with the full file is seeding. that's why we can't past 78% :)
Dile said:
We're all stuck at 78,3%...

EDIT: Im in super-seed mode, but I dont know what it does :rolleyes:
No point being a super-seeder unless you have the whole file, and either you're the only one or only 1 or so others have it.
Thanks for that Estling :) I've been superseeding all the time and at 120% now.