E3 2011


The Freeman
Jul 5, 2009
Reaction score

Hey guys, it's Shem. As some of you may know, E3 is just around the corner. Last year's thread was a blast and I had a lot of fun. I want this one to be even better than before. Here's the schedule:

June 6 - June 9

Microsoft Conference: June 6 at around 12:00 pm EST
Sony Conference: June 6 at around 8:00 pm EST
Nintendo Conference: June 7 at around 12:00 pm EST

And by golly if someone made a thread about E3 2011 before me, you all have my consent to strike me, spurn me, and whip me like a spaniel.

Only title I am really looking forward to at all it BF3.
I'm hoping for a return to Mario 64. Which is what it's been sold as so far - Mario 64 meets SMG with a bit of SMB3. Just seeing that in writing makes me want to fap furiously.
woooooooo! I haven't been excited for E3 in years. Looking forward to:

MW3 (comedic tension relief)
Project Café
Skyward Sword
Hitman 5
Prey 2
Borderworlds (a man can dream)
not Half-Life Ep/3
And that's all I can recall right now.

@Warbie: That's exactly what I wanted the new Mario to be. Oh god I'm so excited D:
I'm pretty excited about the new Hitman game, not much else i can think of though
If you really want to have a blast, trying sitting in the hl2.net chat while the conferences are going. Last year was absolutely hilarious, especially when Bulletstorm rolled around.
XCOM, Skyrim, ME3. Perhaps MW3 too as long as the story makes sense (not like it did after MW1)
Interested in seeing this stuff on Prey 2. Had the 1st game and had an absolute blast on it, so hopefully the sequel will be just as good with just as much gratuitous swearing from Tommy. What can I say? I liked the realism it provided.
There's only one game worth knowing about at E3.

We may see some new games that haven't been annoucned yet, and it is quite exciting to think what they could be

Just got the new subscribers issue of PCGAMER UK (obviously it is editted before E3 has even started) and at the back it has as its next months feature:
  • A very big new unannounced game we're NDA'd up to out eyeballs about
  • Another One
I don't know what it is but I'm not terribly excited this year. Maybe once I start seeing the console specs then I'll be excited
Oh wait, I remember. There is another game I'd like to hear / see more about: The Last Guardian. And since we're talking Team Ico: news about the HD remakes of Shadow of the Colossus or Ico would be welcome as well.
Can't wait to see what the deal is with the new Carmaggedon game... and BF3 of course (they will be revealing multiplayer - attendees will be able to play one of the BF3 MP maps, and supposedly they will be talking about coop some too).
Oh wait, I remember. There is another game I'd like to hear / see more about: The Last Guardian. And since we're talking Team Ico: news about the HD remakes of Shadow of the Colossus or Ico would be welcome as well.
I think the creator tweeted that he wasn't going to E3 a week or more ago.

That's the only game I'm waiting on info for.
I'm interested in Skyrim, but I should point out that Uncharted 3 has the ability to give me a warm sensation in my pants. That's a good thing. So, if you don't see me posting during or after the Sony Conference, it's probably because I'm too busy washing off all the happiness on my hands.

Also, replace 'Uncharted 3' with either 'Half-Life 2: Episode Three' or 'Half-Life 3,' and I would still agree with my statement. Oh man, Episode Three... I just realized how long ago -- wait, before I get all sentimental, I better just submit my reply and save you all the trouble.
Games I want to see
Hitman 5
Aliens: Colonial Marines
Metro: Last Light

Games I might see
Deus Ex 3
Tomb Raider reboot
The Darkness 2
Dead Island

Games I don't want to see (and probably hate)
Bioshock: Infinite
Prey 2
Modern Warfare 3
Star Wars: Old Republic
Just to be clear, are we doing separate threads for each conference? Otherwise this is going to be one huge junkpile. Just a thought.

Also, Shaker, the Ico/SotC collection is dated for Japan as September 22, but yeah, I am hoping for a nice US/EU release date of right around there too.

So what am I looking forward to?

Project Cafe news.
NGP (Vita :-\) news.
Journey news.
Agent news.
FFvsXIII news.
Super Mario 3DS news.
Star Wars: Battlefront 3 news.
Thief 4 news.
Aliens: Colonial Marines news.
The Another World news. (DS and PS3)
Persona 5 news.
The Last Story news (US release)
Subversion news (one can hope! :-)

The rest I am excited about but I already know I will be getting like BF3 and Uncharted 3 and Skyrim and Dark Souls and the like. I don't even want to see anymore about them because I want to go into them as a total innocent so their respective worlds are completely alien and wonderful to me.
I hate being a short drive away but being unable to get tickets.

Also why would Persona 5 get announced? It'd come out in Japan first.
Just to be clear, are we doing separate threads for each conference? Otherwise this is going to be one huge junkpile. Just a thought.

It seemed relatively organized last year. We stayed with each conference and commented only on the ones that were currently being shown. Not sure if the chatroom was the same, but I'm sure we'll do great.

Modern Warfare 3.

I can't believe how much of a casual gamer I've become, in the past 2 years I've only been excited for/payed full price for games from Infinity Ward, Valve or Rockstar. So pretty much MW2, GTA: Episodes from Liberty City, Red Dead Redemption, Portal 2 and now Modern Warfare 3.
Also why would Persona 5 get announced? It'd come out in Japan first.
I am not saying we will hear everything that I stated above, but I can certainly hope that we get something. Just because games are announced in the US first doesn't mean they will come out here first.
I really want to see the XCOM reboot, but im getting a gnawing feeling it will be rushed out junk.

The info on Bioshock make it sound retarded and consisting of endless bad action sequences

All I can think of is Beyond Good and Evil 2 with Gears of War 3, yeah that depresses me too
Here is a full and comprehensive list of all the games I am excited about that people will totally read!!!

Final Cutscene: the Cutscenening
Shitgun XVII
Call of War (reboot)
Extreme Scrabble: Zombie Edition
World of Worldworld
Literally Miyamoto's Toilet Leavings 3D
Big Rigs 2

Should be a good year!!!!!!! ^_^

Edit: Oh yeah, and Far Cry 3. Yes really. Haters gon' hate.
Here is a full and comprehensive list of all the games I am excited about that people will totally read!!!

Final Cutscene: the Cutscenening
Shitgun XVII
Call of War (reboot)
Extreme Scrabble: Zombie Edition
World of Worldworld
Literally Miyamoto's Toilet Leavings 3D
Big Rigs 2

Should be a good year!!!!!!! ^_^

you so cynical, and you forgot Washed Up Jap RPG: the Six Suns of Destiny and Gayness
i wanna see:

deus ex 3
batman arkham city
battlefield 3
uncharted 3!!!!
Assassin's Creed Revelations

Mass Effect 3
Hitman 5 (please god to christ dont convictionise this!)
Bioshock infinite

I'll also keep an eye on:
the darkness 2
nintendo's new console and 3ds lineup
Subversion news (one can hope! :-)

Would Introversion appear at the E3 conference?

I really want to see the XCOM reboot, but im getting a gnawing feeling it will be rushed out junk.

From what I've seen of the latest trailer, it has tactical commands similar to that used in Brothers in Arms and has elements of Bioshock as well
neogaf probly cos they'll ahev links to everything from there