E3 2011

Would Introversion appear at the E3 conference?

I doubt they can afford the plane tickets, given how badly they've mis-managed themselves of late. I think Chris Chris Delay is a genius, but unfortunately the other two guys are just hanger on parasites living off his efforts. When the shit hit the fan and Multiwinia didn't secure them the financial future they thought it would, I was rather hoping that Chris would see sense and go join someone like Valve who'd put him to good use and get him out of the bad habit of trying to do everything himself, but unfortunately Tweedledum and Tweedledee managed to convince him that their partnership could work, even though their proven track record of business acumen is pretty much zero (unless you count begging Valve to do them a promo ever so often). 'Cmon Chris, it will be better this time'. Introversion is a classic example of why you don't go into business with your friends.
"Before anybody asks, there is no Gabe Newell, or anybody from Valve here to show any of their games. No, there isn't anybody from Valve hiding in the crowd, and there isn't any magical crowbar hidden somewhere in the convention center to answer all of your questions....

But we do have representatives from Turtle Rock Studio to show off..."

*shout from crowd*LEFT 4 DEAD 3*everybody laughs*

*Fade to black*

*Half Life 3*
Introversion is a classic example of why you don't go into business with your friends.

A wise man once taught me a great proverb about this. It is hard to translate into English, but it comes down so something like: as long as there is money between us, love will be out of the question.
I'm basically waiting for the PS3 Price Drop. Between one of the biggest PR disasters in the history of electronics and price drops for every other major console, Sony would be batshit insane not to drop the price.

So yeah, I'm going to be disappoint.

well dont complaint more games get the callofdutyfycation later

EDIT:when will the big conferences wil start?

If I remember correctly where you live and all that timezone crap, you should see something where you live at around 14:00
I doubt they can afford the plane tickets, given how badly they've mis-managed themselves of late. I think Chris Chris Delay is a genius, but unfortunately the other two guys are just hanger on parasites living off his efforts. When the shit hit the fan and Multiwinia didn't secure them the financial future they thought it would, I was rather hoping that Chris would see sense and go join someone like Valve who'd put him to good use and get him out of the bad habit of trying to do everything himself, but unfortunately Tweedledum and Tweedledee managed to convince him that their partnership could work, even though their proven track record of business acumen is pretty much zero (unless you count begging Valve to do them a promo ever so often). 'Cmon Chris, it will be better this time'. Introversion is a classic example of why you don't go into business with your friends.
It's more a case of "if you spend far too long making an arty game that has no market, don't expect to make money".

I'll be releasing my own game soon enough, so let's see how much money I make.
It's more a case of "if you spend far too long making an arty game that has no market, don't expect to make money".

It's not that the games can't make money. It's just that the two guys who don't program (by their own admission) aren't actually any good at the business/promotional side of things (their record of repeated failure is writ large in the annals of introversions financial history). Essentially they are a just a couple of spongers taking advantage of a fairly talented person that they had the good fortune to befriend at university. Chris would be better off either being a solo act like Cliffski the guy behind of Kudos & Gratuitous Space Battles, getting in the odd freelance programmer/artist to help him out as and when, or by joining an established developer and working with like minded people.

I'll be releasing my own game soon enough, so let's see how much money I make.

Get as much coverage as you can. Esp with sites like Rockpapershotgun
This may not be straight out of E3 (yet), but it looks like Limbo will be coming to PC after all!! I had a hunch and Steam seems like such an awesome choice for developers (FAR better than XBLA).

This may not be straight out of E3 (yet), but it looks like Limbo will be coming to PC after all!! I had a hunch and Steam seems like such an awesome choice for developers (FAR better than XBLA).


this will make my day if true, i've been itching to play it for a while now but it's pretty expensive on 360 arcade, plus i can't add points to my balance anymore because my credit card expired.
What a good start for me, Microsoft, EA and Ubisoft all on the same day :thumbs:

Wait that can't be right, its saying Microsoft should be showing 16:00 UTC, but that would mean its 8:00 pacific time?
MS is in 1.5 hours (12:30 EST). Sony's is tonight at 8pm EST. Nintendo's is noon tomorrow EST. I have not been paying attention to the other non-platform-making publishers/developers.
MS conference not for another 20 mins

quick question: when would a title like BF3 get air time if it's cross platform? is there a seperate conference for various titles?
BF3 get air time if it's cross platform? is there a seperate conference for various titles?

Depends what the flagship console is for its release, but its more likely being shown at the [edit]EA[/edit] conference
I am guessing you mean EA, not E3. That is in three hours btw.

My bad

Also apparently Halo 4 is the remake of Halo, because they want to get rid of all purple ingame. Although I didn't love Halo, I thought the purple textures was the one thing they got right
Just so you guys know, SPIKE is having the conferences on tv.
Wow I didn't even know E3 was coming up... and it's halfway over... I suck.
tomb raider footage, or having to turn the volume down because it sounds like i'm watching very loud porn for all my housemates to hear.

so how about that cod gameplay? looked pretty unremarkable - i was at least expecting to see them show off some kind of new mechanic or two to make it interesting, but realistically it just looked like it could of been a modern warfare 2 level, and it was even on a sinking boat which throws it back to the first modern warfare. bland bland bland.
ME3 is voice controlled, both the conversations and controlling your teammates.
wasn't convinced that the ME3 dialog tree with kinect was any good, but when he issued those orders to take out the soldiers yeah, that was pretty neat. still not interested in kinect, though, and wish there was a little more to see of ME3 but i guess that's coming this week.

new ghost recon looks like it has so many things wrong with it.
Looking at the MS live keynote, I LOLLED. Ghost Recon: Future Ridge Racer :-D
lol yeah, Ghost Recon looked so damn over the top. Although the rifle thingamajig was somewhat cool.
I think the alternate title for the Ghost Recon: Future Soldier presentation was "Dying Franchises, and How to Kill Them". But yeah, the gun customisation looked pretty solid. Also Mass Effect 3's combat voice commands seemed very fluid and a lot more fun than the standard pause/play strategy that game usually requires you do.
Sunglasses on while playing. Thought they said Ice-T, not Stevie Wonder :D
Body Count reunites, that is pretty cool.

That Ryse trailer looked awesome btw. I wonder if it will be Kinect only.
I laughed.

But this Disneyland shit....my mind...my mind.
oh god its this years kinectimals moment.....i feel ill