e3 cancelled...?

My friend went to E3 this year. Which means he went to the last E3 ever. I hate him.
So what's going to happen now that there is no longer an E3 to go to?
As much as this saddens me - for I actually wanted to attend E3 in all its sleazy, overbearing, booth babe-beholding glory - this is actually for the best. Gets rid of the bullshit, refocuses the purpose of E3, and hopefully goes some way to making the medium seem legitimate to the rest of the world as opposed to an infantile obsession.
It's invitation only now, right?
Making better games than the shit that has come out for the last 2 years > E3
In the immortal words of vanilla ice, "word to your mother"

Totally agree. E3 is the epitome of capitalist rape and whoreage of a once pure industry. Rape rape rape.
I'll miss it. ;( I looked forward to it every year.