e3 Next gen games

Which Next generation games are you impressed with the most?

  • Xbox 360 games

    Votes: 9 15.3%
  • Playstation 3 games

    Votes: 36 61.0%
  • Nintendo revolution games

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • PC games

    Votes: 14 23.7%

  • Total voters


Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Which Next generation games are you impressed with the most?
tech demo? :dozey: sounds like a fun game.

I'm most impressed with morrowind or gears of war.
dammit, clicked PS3 before I saw the PC option.
We havent seen any revolution games....anyways Xbox 360 sine I havent seen any Revolution ones yet.
Quake 4, F.E.A.R, and anything on the U3 engine coming to pc look better then any of the games I have seen for the new consoles. However E3 just started, who knows what will pop up in the next few days.
PC games by far. Ut 2007 looks just if not better then gears of war. PS3 comes out in mid late 2006. UT 2007 comes out in 2006. By that time we will have PPU better gfx. The only thing that PS3 has right now that i can seriously be amazed by is the CELL processor. But who knows what PC will have by then. It will be about even for half a year. Then pc will be higher again. I will probably be getting both xbox 360 and PS3, im not a console hater.
Smack500 said:
Quake 4, F.E.A.R, and anything on the U3 engine coming to pc look better then any of the games I have seen for the new consoles. However E3 just started, who knows what will pop up in the next few days.
Quake 4 and F.E.A.R. aren;t next-gen, they're current gen
Oh, let's see... Tech demos vs. actual games?

I'll go with the 360 on this one.
Morrowind or Killzone..since nobody seems to know if the Killzone footage is pre-rendered or real time I voted for PC.
I'll vote at the end of E3 when we have seen the Revolution controller and games.
The killzone footage is actual gameplay, but the person who is playing is scripted, look on the gamespot forums on the subject.. it was proven.
Zeus said:
Are they redoing the whole game of FF7? If so I'm buying a PS3. End of story.

nope they have no plans to remake FF7, he even said so after the video finished playing.

special-ed said:
The killzone footage is actual gameplay, but the person who is playing is scripted, look on the gamespot forums on the subject.. it was proven.

Link please :D
special-ed said:
The killzone footage is actual gameplay, but the person who is playing is scripted, look on the gamespot forums on the subject.. it was proven.
The person playing killzone was scripted? A next-gen title indeed.
in general, I think the PC has the best looking games: Alan Wake, Hellgate, Spore, FEAR, STALKER, etc. sound promising, are innovative/imaginative in some way (Gameplay, story, technology, etc), and aren't sequels of existing franchises.
Alan Wake will also be released on the next-gen consoles. Check the official site.

Anyway, what is Hellgate like? I haven't seen anything about that one. I'll probably end up giving FEAR and STALKER a shot... but I'm not all that hyped about those two.

I'll give you one thing, though... Spore does sound like a kick-ass idea for a game if they can pull it off. I hope it doesn't turn out to be a much more dumbed down version of the original concept like so many other highly ambitious games... especially the ones involving Peter Molyneux.
PS3, I know somethings like the Killzone footage was prerendered, but the games announced intrest me more than the 360. And why put the Revolution on the list? No games were shown.
Just watched the new Quake 4 trailer and i'm very depressed by the lack of rusty orange and brown :(