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hey this is probably the dumbest question (and its my first post)
but when is E3?? and will there be new hl2 vids released??

thanx dont flame me :(
I think May 12-14.
About the vids, most likely.. There will definitely be new videos, but not necessarily at E3.
may woah thats a while away. hopefully they release hl2 b4 that.
Thanx for the anti flame post :D
huffer said:
hopefully they release hl2 b4 that.

...? so you want them to release the game, then new vids?
Hopefully it will be on a weekend, so I can drive down there without worrying about class
WhiteBoy said:
Hopefully it will be on a weekend, so I can drive down there without worrying about class

I don't think you can get in E3 unless your press or have some special privelage can you?
Innervision961 said:
I don't think you can get in E3 unless your press or have some special privelage can you?

Press only, like the man said. Oh and 18 minimum age.
Hmm, so it's only 2months and a week to E3. That's not long, really. It's been like, what, five months since some really big and OFFICIAL news? For HL2 fans, the E3 will be almost as important as the actual release date of the game, since it will practically mean "Now we get to know when the game will really be finished".

Hold on, only two months to go!
Thats cool, my Birthday is on 29th april, which is a thursday (This is a day when I'm off college), then the Buffy convention on the 30th, 1st, 2nd (30th is a friday, but i'm still going to take a day off). Hopefully Half-Life will be released sometime in April, or at least the e3 happens a week later. This will be the best month for me