EA Downloader woes


May 8, 2004
Reaction score
So I just purchased Crysis through the EA Store. I already had the EA Store/Downloader application on my PC, so I went to open it after making my purchase, and every time I try to start the program, it tells me to open my browser and go get the Flash plugin necessary for the program's operation. I go to the site, download and install the flash plugin and try to start up the EA Downloader again. It gives me the same message. I tried reinstalling the plugin about 10 times, I tried restarting my computer, uninstalling the EA Downloader and re-installing it, but I still get the same message.

If I choose Cancel instead of going to the Flash plugin download, the program just ends.

Can anyone help me?
I just set IE to my default browser, re-installed the Flash plugin via the link from EA Downloader, followed all instructions, and tried running the program. Again, I get the same bullshit.

I really hate EA.
ea downloader is utter wank... contact ea via mail and tell them about your troubles but i advise anyone else to avoid ea downloader liek the plague.
So I discovered something fishy:
For some reason, whenever I install the EADM, it's like, FUBAR. The EULA thing that is supposed to show is blank, and everything else looks weird. I had my friend download and install it from the same link I did, and his installed fine. Here are two comparison shots, the first being my friend's, and the second being mine:



I really have no idea why this is happening. Anyone have any ideas?