EA fixing server problem!!!

I think our server providor needs to request a supply drop... But EA would probably just deny it.
Who else here didn't know that fixed the UAV trailer and arty when you first started commanding? I had people screaming at me to do it. :LOL:
No really, lol, read their new comunity update:

Community Update - 6/16/06


The launch of Battlefield 2: Armored Fury has started off with great success, the maps have been great and the new scout choppers are introducing a whole new style of game play. Not surprisingly, there has been a lot of support and approval from the American community. Playing in Alaska, fields and Operation Road Rage make these maps a great change up in play. If not already, I suggest joining in the fun; it?s available for download at http://downloader.ea.com/products/en_US/bf2armor.

We recognize that this has been a very trying time for everyone who enjoys Battlefield 2 and are putting forth every effort to improve upon the issues that are causing some players frustration. The DICE team has been reviewing player feedback gathered from forums, email, and the ranker server providers in an effort to provide the best possible step forward from 1.3. While this work has been highly focused on bug fixing the team has also managed to put some work towards new content.

Some groups have noticed the testing of a new map ?Road to Jalalabad? being run on our test servers. This map will be included in our next patch release and is not part of a new booster pack. Some of the items on the change list for this next step are:

* Reversion: Allowing unlocks on unranked servers
* Fix/Reversion: We fixed the issue preventing mod teams from running multiple game modes in one map list.
* Tuning: We have lowered the number of players needed to start a ranked game.
* Tuning: We have made some modifications to the vehicle drop feature introduced in 1.3. These changes should reduce the overall impact of "cartillery" on game play.
* Crash Fix: We have located and fixed a crash connected to 1.3.

These are only a small portion of the fixes being worked on for our next step. We would also like to announce that we will be holding an Open Beta in early July for this next patch. We will have public servers hosted, Beta files available on mirror sites, and specific threads for feedback during this Beta period hosted on the EA forums.

As always keep your eyes on this space for all the latest Battlefield News.

-The DICE Battlefield Team
looks like they just migh not screw up with this next one, though, i wanna address this HUGE concern of mine:
While this work has been highly focused on bug fixing the team has also managed to put some work towards new content.
hmmm... remember the last time tey wanted to add something to the game?
If there is a way to screw this patch up, EA/Dice will find it.

The patches always sounds promising until you see the actual product, it's funny how Dice has the tendency to do what's actually not wanted by the public. (random weapon buff / nerfs, removing squad hopping, etc)
While this work has been highly focused on bug fixing the team has also managed to put some work towards new content.

oh no no no no, i don't want ANY more new CONTENT! we were fine in 1.22, we DIDN'T need "Cartillary". (though it is sfunny dropping cars on choppers)
Ideas to fix this horrible game at present:

- Make claymores destructable by grenades and or bullet fire like MOST GAMES.
- One grenade per kit, maybe two. Enough of this spamming all your nades in hallways on Warlord bullshit.
- Give the Insurgent anti-tank some kind of a boost, seeing the RPG isn't laser guided.
- Probably a few hundred more changes.

Some good ideas that wouldn't fly with the community:
- Get rid of snipers, and castrate anyone who has played sniper for more than 20 hours.
- Add a fist that goes on top of your monitor and punches you in the face every time you TK for a heli.
DreadLord1337 said:
- Add a fist that goes on top of your monitor and punches you in the face every time you TK for a heli.

That's my favourite reasons to kick people on my lan server. Bloody TK'ing sons of !@#$%^&*()
HEY! in order to get General, you NEED Expert Sniper which takes 100 ours. :p

I don't understand why EADICE can't just release a damn FIX for the crashes? Why do they have to add more shit that is only going to end up introducing new bugs?
DreadLord1337 said:
- Add a fist that goes on top of your monitor and punches you in the face every time you TK for a heli.

I've got a boot for that. :p
I actually experienced my first server crash yesterday. Was playing with Shaker and JNightshade on 256 and it crashed. That's kind of a pain in the ass, eh?

I hadn't had a single server crash before that lol.