EA Hires CryTek


May 9, 2004
Reaction score
In their continuing plan to dominate the universe, EA have hired CryTek to create a new gaming franchise not set in the Far Cry universe (as Ubi holds the rights to Far Cry).


Immediately after the news conference the CEO of EA laughed manically and stared at a map of the world and proclaimed, "Soon it will be ALL MINE..muhahahahaa."
Well i never bought FarCry anyways, but if they can pull off something good......
I wish they would go back to that space sim they were planning.

that's all i'll say. :|
Bugger. That's all I'll say. I was looking forward to a possible Far Cry 2...
I like ea, they made batlefield and nfs underground and medal of houner =D
Does EA think they're going to help the gaming world by buying EVERY SINGLE profitable/ popular game company? Over half the games I play now start with the stupid EA intro.
I like ea, they made batlefield and nfs underground and medal of houner =D

Shmozy, don't be an idiot. EA didn't make those games - they bought them.

Over half the games I play now start with the stupid EA intro.

THe unskippable one? I sympathise. :(
I hate EA too and i probably will never buy another CryTek game again.

The EA intro's are so annoying, they make me laugh because they remind me of the Dell advert thats on TV atm. Its like this...

"....You not just getting a PC! Your getting a Dell!" AHHAHAHAHA what noobs. Its supposed to be like this.

"....Your not getting a PC! Your getting a Dell!" :x
ummmmm I dont think EA bought crytek, they just hired them to make a game
EA has been on my boycott list ever since Battlefield: Vietnam, and Crytek has just been added.
Heh well it explains the lack of a decent farcry modding community ever happening then, don't EA have a history of being a bit iffy on that score with their games?
EA suck dick, as far as I can tell they have basiclly gone to make games for kiddies.
DAMN YOU EA. This sucks... Then again Crytek might do better without UBI, oh how I hate both UBI and EA...
Z|insane said:
DAMN YOU EA. This sucks... Then again Crytek might do better without UBI, oh how I hate both UBI and EA...

UBI is a great company, there customer support is good and helped me to workout some installation problems with PoP: SOT. Better yet, their games are of quality and get good scores too. EA needs to learn from UBI.
Dude Ghost Recon 2, Raven Sheild, Pandora Tomorrow(Still no patch that fixes some of the bugs that have been there from 1.0), FarCry(I haven't had problems with it, but everyone else I have talked to has). THEY ALL HAVE PROBLEMS THAT HAVENT BEEN ADDRESSED SINCE RELEASE. Ghost Recon 2 isn't out but it looks as if they have changed everything that the first one had that mde it great. I suggest you play some other games other then PoP: SoT.
add me to the hate ea, theyre gonna ruin pc gaming, with high demands on getting as many product titles out in as little time as possible. i dont like that idea at all. They did it with the dice (bf) franchise, and now theyre going to do it with crytek.
wait... did they BUY crytech? or are they just renting them for an IP and engine
can someone tell this newbie what IP stands for?
EA didn't buy CryTek.

They hired them to create a new game that EA will publish/distribute.

CryTek remains an independent company.
Curious is to what spawns the animosity towards EA, besides their nearly monopolistic business strategies.
Javert said:
Curious is to what spawns the animosity towards EA, besides their nearly monopolistic business strategies.

Basically ruining game industry. Look how they work, they see good game that sells, they hire/buy the developer (usually after developer been hired, they buy them out in the long run), they run franchises into the dirt, until it doesn’t sell anymore, they kill of the company, treat developers as shit and sit on the licenses. Maybe they make tons of money, but in the long run we are, gamers, get screwed over all the time. Sure they make great sports title, but hell, sports fans are easy to please, they sell the same game over and over again, just adding new teams/changing some names. EA never takes risks… ever.
Mr.Reak said:
Basically ruining game industry. Look how they work, they see good game that sells, they hire/buy the developer (usually after developer been hired, they buy them out in the long run), they run franchises into the dirt, until it doesn’t sell anymore, they kill of the company, treat developers as shit and sit on the licenses. Maybe they make tons of money, but in the long run we are, gamers, get screwed over all the time. Sure they make great sports title, but hell, sports fans are easy to please, they sell the same game over and over again, just adding new teams/changing some names. EA never takes risks… ever.
Have any examples?
Javert said:
Have any examples?
A franchise is created, eg the Medal Of Honor series. Knowing it's a profitable franchise EA will absolutely spam it full of unoriginal titles.

They often hire a small little known company to do their dirty work. For medal of honor allied assault they used 2015. The game was pretty good. But you could clearly see EA's maniacal grip on some the creative decisions. No blood, no gibbing, no story, you don't actually win a medal of honor....., every piece of historical authenticity censored out to not remain politically correct. Ok so those are pretty minor things, but the game could have been that much more authentic. Multiplayer was slapped on. It could have been fantastic if it was given more support and patches but when 2015's contract with EA expired so did the patches (there was only 1 official patch).

Then we compare it to a company like Valve who will release something but constantly nurture it and support the product. Removing bugs, balancing gameplay, trying new things. All whilst EA are busy signing up new innocent companies to quickly profit on a suddenly popular genre. BF1942 was popular, but priority was quickly shifted to cash in on this popular style of game. Road to Rome, Secret Weapon and BF:V were quickly shoved out into the public, while most people know it's basically the same old crap. Some people actually bought all 3 games.

This is the bad side of capitalism. Is that an oxymoron?
Javert said:
Have any examples?

You kidding me right?

1.) Sims, while first game was great, they released tons of shitty expansions, milked it to death.
2.) Battlefield 1942, yeah... two shitty expansions that add almost nothing to the game, and a Vietnam, that still has the same basic bugs from first Battlefield.
3.) Game company Origin, which got all their project canceled because EA wanted to milk UO even more, and now how many shitty expansions do we have?

Should I go on?
how about
NHL 1994
NHL 1995
NHL 1996
NHL 1997
NHL 1998
NHL 1999
NHL 2000
NHL 2001
NHL 2002
NHL 2003
NHL 2004
and you can bet:
NHL 2005

Gee, I think I'm seeing a pattern here?
These games vary very LITTLE from year to year.. what a waste of developers time
Can you feel the hate?

Anyway, get prepared for "Far cry 2: The winter adventures of Jack Carver" and the official expansion pack "Doyle's log".Oh, and they are all rated Teen.

Also, get prepared for a shitty preview every day from Crytek about how hard they worked on the expansions and a gajillion dev interviews. I won't be surprised if EA asks Steven Seagal, Mark Wahlberg and Cameron Diaz to give voice over for Doyle, Jack and Val respectively.
Synthos said:
how about
NHL 1994
NHL 1995
NHL 1996
NHL 1997
NHL 1998
NHL 1999
NHL 2000
NHL 2001
NHL 2002
NHL 2003
NHL 2004
and you can bet:
NHL 2005

Gee, I think I'm seeing a pattern here?
These games vary very LITTLE from year to year.. what a waste of developers time

you think that's bad. we've had to suffer with almost 10 years of FIFA installments (soccer for the uninitiated).

one of the devs working on FIFA was quoted as saying, "FIFA is all about the 12 players on the pitch"...whoa hold it right there you mongoloid little ****. it's 11 players.

god i wish they didn't make FIFA games. the people who make them don't even play football! it'd be like grabbing a bunch of Welshman and asking them to code the next Madden NFL game. madness.
Hey, it's a perfect match, both EA and Crytek have a passion for delivering games that are not finished!
EA blows...Glad Ubisoft got rid of Crytek team, making there reputation look like shit.

Side note, this is EA trying to get into the FPS world to compete with HL2 and Doom3, too bad it doesn't contend since those games won't have 5 million issues when released.
I don't give a shit, they're only the publisher. For all i care they could publish half-life, it deosn't change the game, VALVE still make it. It's the same deal with all the other games. GROW UP AND LEARN SOMETHING.
FreemanHL2 said:
I don't give a shit, they're only the publisher. For all i care they could publish half-life, it deosn't change the game, VALVE still make it. It's the same deal with all the other games. GROW UP AND LEARN SOMETHING.

You don't know much about it do you? Most developers can't afford funding a game, so the publisher invests in it and finally publishes it. And so the publisher has a lot to say about when it should be published, even if the developer doesn't agree with it. Valve is independent from VU Games and funds their games themselves.
And what the hell does this have to do with growing up?