EA now trying to take all of Ubisoft, other companies are next!

Are you kidding?

Valve add and patch there games weekly - NO games company does as much as Valve to please there community.

Hell we whined that we had no HL2DM - 2 weeks later Valve gave it us. So for our single game pricepoint we got HL2, CSS and HL2DM - pretty damn generous and giving of them.
Yep, but gaming isn't as good as it was pre 2000 and pre EA... There aren't any good games coming out, just Farcry, Halflife 2 and .... ?

Yesteryear there was Simcity, Final Fantasy 6, 7, 8, Zelda etc.. And they were still all very good games.
nicknitro said:
actually the MOD community releases stuff for HL.. not Valve.. so you stfu kthx.

I like EA they make good games to me. (madden owns nfl2k.)

No, your right, Valve hasn't release a single update since Half-Life 2 was released. :thumbs:

No but seriously, get your facts straight first - Valve has release alot of updates since HL2's release, as well as constant CS:S updates (we got a new map) and HL2DM. Not to mention steampowered.com is always up and you can find help there. You can email Valve employees who'll kindly answer any questions you may have.

I personally hate EA because they're just a rich overpowered company who buys out all the competition, and generally makes sub-standard games but know they'll make bucketloads. Not to mention they just milk everything dry, how many damn Sims expansions were there??
Farrowlesparrow said:
Governments don't allow monopolies to survive very long. EA may hold the market for a while, but something will happen. Even if official action isn't taken, people will simply stop enjoying the crap they turn out year after year.

How do you explain microsoft.

Oh yeah and dus anyone here have a link to that list of 100 best company's to work for.
Well there was quite a big thing a while back about Microsoft being split up if it didn't do something about it monopolising. I'm not sure whats happened with that or all the details...besides, like I said, if something official isn't done then people usually start to become disolussioned with thme anyway.
And, microsoft just got 500 million euros in fines, and have to make a special version of windos for the EU without the mediaplayer integrated.
It's funny you bring this up because a few days ago some buddys and I were talking about how we hate EA and how they're ruining gaming as we know it.
EA is a troll, before you know it half life 3 will be made by EA studios northeastwestsouth. Everybody knows what EA did to James Bond and Goldeneye...
EA is a troll, before you know it half life 3 will be made by EA studios northeastwestsouth. Everybody knows what EA did to James Bond and Goldeneye...

Im glad you bring that up because i had a chance to see Goldeneye: rogue agent. That game had nothing to do with the original Goldeneye. It was a sad attempt at getting more cash from the Goldeneye name.
I would maybe forgive EA if the game was actually good. But hey if you actually played that horrible crap they call a game you would soon realize that its nothing more than a generic shooter. (Damn i miss the glory days of the wonderful Goldeneye.)

The other reason i always disliked EA was that all their games are aimed at the teenage audience, which means that none of their games have any blood in it. I mean I know blood in video games is not that important, but for a wargame or a shooter it is far more important.

Plus they ruined the command and conquer franchise. DAMN you EA