EA ****s up again, announces BF4

The series has gone steadily downhill since EA's full acquisition of DICE following the release of Battlefield 2.
Oh man, what a gaffe! I was totally sitting on the end of my seat waiting in suspense to see if there would be another entry to this long-running series that already has several releases and which is a financial success in almost every case. I just couldn't be sure if they were going to make it, and the tension of not knowing was completely blown by this announcement. Why should I even play BF4 now that I can't wait in suspense for it to get announced? Shame on you EA for this. Shame shame shame.
Oh man, what a gaffe! I was totally sitting on the end of my seat waiting in suspense to see if there would be another entry to this long-running series that already has several releases and which is a financial success in almost every case. I just couldn't be sure if they were going to make it, and the tension of not knowing was completely blown by this announcement. Why should I even play BF4 now that I can't wait in suspense for it to get announced? Shame on you EA for this. Shame shame shame.

The funny thing is that EA has denied it on twitter, while its on a ****ing trailer for MOH:WF. Its one of those cases when the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing.
I really don't understand that no-one at EA even seems to be aware of how stupid they have been lately. I mean, isn't there anyone there saying hey guys, maybe we should think stuff over a bit before we do or say something?

Suppose it's because people like me pay for and enjoy BF3.
Yeah, its god damn hilarious when people in a company of several thousand don't know about mistakes someone else in the company made. Its funny because its unacceptable to people who expect way to much from businesses.
I just feel bad for anyone who genuinely believes this will be better than BF3 and purchases it or the new MOH.

Oh wait, no I don't.
I'm guessing you don't like Battlefield 3 Willie...

In any case, no interest in a new Battlefield game when BF3 is still alive and active. Especially given the fact that they will be releasing DLC for BF3 into the beginning of 2013. Wouldn't mind trying the beta regardless, but the last MOH game was downright awful.
If it's anything like BF3 (dohoho multiple implications), the beta will be opened to everyone at some point, so why even f***ing bother preordering.
MOH was already ruined many moons ago, being constantly dumbed down and over simplified. Not the glory days of MOHAA.

But I read a certain Patrick Bach of DICE quote, saying that they had to lower the threshold to appeal to a wider audience. They ****ing lied about PC being lead platform.
A Battlefield game should be good enough to last a decade, what the hell are EA doing.
May I refer you all to the first post I made in this thread B)
The only thing that bugs me is the name. Why name is BF4? You should save that title for big leaps in the series. You know for a fact it's going to be using the same engine as BF3 and be extremely similar to it. Way too soon for another game IMO anyways. Guess EA is going to be rotating with MOH and BF every year from now on.
Guess I'm in the minority here about BF3... :/

I'm a pretty avid fan of the series - I've played hundreds of hours of BF2, BF2142 and BF3 (well the last one, not hundreds yet), as well as a bit of BF2:BC on a crappy PC that barely ran it (dedication!). I play BF3 regularly, but I definitely for some reason got "old" much faster than BF2 and BF2142. It's a good thing there are a few DLCs lined up (the next is in September I believe, not at the beginning of 2013). One thing is for sure - I wouldn't have played those games as much as I did, if I didn't have people to play them with (non-randoms that is).

But a BF4 announcement so soon is not a good sign at all.
guess none of you bf3 haters saw the armored kill trailer that dropped earlier then huh

sux 2 b a h8r 2day
Just saw it, and I have to admit it appears like it could be awesome. The control points aren't all within 300m of each other.

That said... still waiting on VOIP support :P
voip is in, isn't it? pretty sure it's in the 360 version, or at least i see a lot of servers that recommend squads to switch to voip.

i haven't checked.
It's in the 360 version, but only because (AFAIK) 360 multiplayer games require voice support to be certified. The squad organisation functions are mirrored in PC but there's no in-game voice support at all.

guess none of you bf3 haters saw the armored kill trailer that dropped earlier then huh

sux 2 b a h8r 2day

I saw that trailer, and to be honest I'm most excited about the map on the mountain. The other maps look good as well provided that the trips between control points don't end up being long and tedious...

Also, yeah no VOIP sucks on PC, though I tend to use TeamSpeak for any multiplayer game and I'm set. If you have a couple of friends willing to chip in it's very cheap.
guess none of you bf3 haters saw the armored kill trailer that dropped earlier then huh

sux 2 b a h8r 2day
looks like heavy metal only 20x more staged

ac-130s dont work like that btw
yes, it's staged. why wouldn't it be? a while back i had a bit of a gripe about how much staged videos aren't always truely reflective of how a game plays, but guess what? pr, marketing and advertisement don't work like that btw
a while back i had a bit of a gripe about how much staged videos aren't always truely reflective of how a game plays, but guess what? pr, marketing and advertisement don't work like that btw
I think the critical success of DayZ has proven that concept wrong. It didn't even have any trailers or marketing. It became insanely popular through pure gameplay videos and tales alone.

But sure, marketing movie-like trailers is great for attracting the dumb gamer masses.
I was going to say that I can't really fault EA for their advertisement style of BF3 in comparison to similar cinematic ad styles for other FPSes, like Half-Life 2, but then I realised that Half-Life 2 has a story.

Then I realised that a huge portion of the Battlefield franchise's gameplay experience is the chaos of vehicle-and-infantry combat, and a 2 minute trailer of pure uncut regular gameplay wouldn't have anywhere near the same effect and wouldn't communicate much more of "what Armored Kill is like".

Then I realised I might be sounding like I'm being passive-aggressive towards Veg's post as I type this, and that I didn't mean to, so I stopped typing here.
I wasn't actually saying that battlefield should approach the same guerrilla-style marketing strategy, only specifically challenging knut's point about what successful marketing 'has to be'. It certainly doesn't have to be what he described to be successful.

In fact, a game like Arma would probably be less successful if it had typical action movie marketing, since it would be totally missing its core audience.
I'm guessing you don't like Battlefield 3 Willie...

In any case, no interest in a new Battlefield game when BF3 is still alive and active. Especially given the fact that they will be releasing DLC for BF3 into the beginning of 2013. Wouldn't mind trying the beta regardless, but the last MOH game was downright awful.
Exactly this. We still have 3 more expansions for BF3, I don't give two shits about BF4. But, like you said, I'd still like to see what BF4 even has to offer since it does exist.
perhaps i worded my post wrong. what i should of said was that ea's marketing team think in that particular mindset, but not that it was what i believe a 'successful' marketing or advertising campaign should be across all respective industries.
looks like heavy metal only 20x more staged

ac-130s dont work like that btw

The Battlefield series is probably one of the last ones to complain about for how aircraft work. See: the speed at which jets can fly in this game.
I checked at getsatisfaction site, and apparently DICE is considering mod tools for premium members. lol
Are you ****ing kidding me, Boats? That's some serious profiteering bullshit right there.
No joke.

It also proves my theory correct that mod tools were too complex/too many middleware, was 100% lies by DICE. Meanwhile Valve continues to make Source better with SFM.
Which further proves my "DICE is 'not EA' as much as Steam is 'not Valve' " theory. They bought 'em out post-BF2 and their games have gotten steadily mainstream-for-the-worse since.
Indeed, there was definately been a trend. Of course to long time BF vets chagrin, the series is just a name only. It's lost its own identity, which has become a love child between Bobby Kotick and John Riccitiello.

And the proof is in the dev's mouths, from Patrick Bach "we must lower the threshold" and Gustav Halling's "Mods like Desert Combat would be considered a simulator by todays standards, and BF is not a simulator." "Things that worked 10 years ago don't work today."

And of course my favourite, ""Of course, three months before shipping, I would have loved to have said, **** it, let's ship it six months later. But you can't do that when you're that close. I don't like developers who push their dates. It feels a bit like, come on, I want your game. You promised it. And now you're saying it's not ready."
Every single one of those statements is lowest-common-denominator short-term-is-best-term corporate crap. I'm mad all over again about what DICE and Battlefield have become. Especially that comment about Desert Combat. That mod was anything but a simulator, it was full of crazy vehicles and weapons and chaotic gameplay, and it worked because it actually tried to be forward-thinking and unique. It's as much ARMA as Mass Effect is KOTOR.
After this and becoming completely unhyped for DS3, Mirror's Edge 2 being scrapped, I just don't even know anymore. Video games, man.

video games