Earliest Gaming Memory


Dec 27, 2006
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1980. The Place D'Orleans Shopping Center, just out side Ottawa, Ontario. The game: Space Invaders with a monochrome monitor. I was barely tall enough to see the screen, so I pushed the fire button while my dad worked the controller.

And that was more than a year before getting my first console, a Mattel Intellivision, for XMas.
Sometime during the late 90's I have a confused mixture of the following games: Tyrian, Terminal Velocity, Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, the Original C&C, Jazz Jackrabbit, and something else... I forget what.

But I remember being enthralled by the hookers in Duke Nuken 3D. And I was, I dunno, 7 or 8 or something.
The first game I remeber well was a flying/shooting game on the Atari 2600. There were other, earlier games, but these have all blended into a collage of black and white geometric shapes that moved around on the arcade screens.

The first game I completed in the arcade was the original Wonder Boy - this got me hooked and 20 years later i'm still at it :)
Can't rightly say... most likely a coin-op machine somewhere. Or playing on the neighbour's Amiga :)
Good idea for a thread, the earliest memory I can conjure up is of me playing Monkey Island on the Amiga :D Can also remember playing Granny's Garden in primary school on the BBC micro.

Those were the days.
First game I ever played was Duck Hunt on the NES, I was around 2-3 years old, complete with the NES handgun. Second game was some hockey game for the NES too, where the characters looked like Mario and Luigi.
Oh gods, I forgot to say Lemmings.

I'll say it again.

1980. The Place D'Orleans Shopping Center, just out side Ottawa, Ontario. The game: Space Invaders with a monochrome monitor.

Like you I had my first taste of a video game in Ontario, while visiting relatives in Picton with my family in '81. I played Gravitar for a few minutes. I loved it. I can still remember how shiney and clean and new the arcade was. :dozey:
Well echo the dolphin may be the earliest, if not getting a SNES on xmas morning with mario. The one that was the most 'important' had to be the first time I played TFC, I was more addicted than crack.

The only reason I woke up in the morning was so I could finish school faster and get home and play. Which may explain why I was so eXtReMe in it.
Super Mario World for the SNES in 1994, United States of America. Great memories. :E
I think the earliest gaming memory is probably playing with my dad on the Atari. I was probably about 4 or 5 at the time. Then I got a NES and so on until I'm here today :D
The first cartridge I ever owned was "Astrosmash" on the Intellivision.

The consoles I owned were--from earliest to latest--Mattel Intellivision, Coleco Vision, and The Sega Master System. It's been all PC snce then, though that may soon change.

The first PC game I ever owned was, I believe, Populous. I used to play it on my Step-Dad's old 286.
I don't know the name, but it was about gorillas on skyscrapers throwing bananas at eachother. There was wind which you had to take into consideration when you aimed.
Dizzy's Treasure Island on my bro's ZX Spectrum. That came out when I was 2, so I maybe played it when I was 4 or something.
Something about jumping over snakes on a pogo stick.
Can also remember playing Granny's Garden in primary school on the BBC micro.
Wow, I remember Granny's Garden. That only arrived for us when our school splashed out and bought a CD-ROM equipped comp though.

Before that, in the infants, we used to play stuff like Pod ("Pod can..." whatever) and Geordie Racer.

As for my veeeery earliest gaming memory - that was probably a coin-op somewhere. Either Space Invaders in a chippie in Ireland or Karate Champ in a chippie in a place called St. Osyth's.
The first game I ever played was Starcraft. Seriously. I hadn't even played Pac-man before starcraft.
Alley Cat on a 8086. Not sure of the year, probably around 1990.
It looked like this, except for the fact that we didn't have a "colour" monitor so it was in green screen.


I don't know the name, but it was about gorillas on skyscrapers throwing bananas at eachother. There was wind which you had to take into consideration when you aimed.

i remember that game, we had it at my school :D
1993: playing sonic the hedgehog 2 for the first time (my first video game) *sniff*
First game I ever played was Duck Hunt on the NES, I was around 2-3 years old, complete with the NES handgun. Second game was some hockey game for the NES too, where the characters looked like Mario and Luigi.

duck hunt here too :P...

i also had mario on the nes and a game called california games involving surfing, bmx-ing, playing frisbee lol and others

teenage mutant heroe turtles on the gameboy

the original prince of persia on my WANG computer, yes i had a wang computer :p

lemmings too, what a game...

sonic at a mates house

some DOS game called F-15 or sumit

that DOS game samon mentioned about the wizards sounds like one i had too.

some PC platformer where you played a blonde haired special agent, aw man what was it called!!??
Man, the original Prince of Persia brings back so many memories, I have to buy the 360 remake of the original Prince of Persia, it's so fun.
Incoherently crying at the final boss of Wolfenstein.
The Heroes Of Karn on the Commodore 64
Oh gods, I forgot to say Lemmings.

I'll say it again.

Yes!! Oh man I forgot about my grandpa's computer in his study. He had Lemmings on there, and some really primitive 3D flight sim. You flew an F16 I think... there was also a really crap world war 2 dogfight game that I could never figure out no matter how many times I played it.

Remembered a couple other things from reading you guys' ones aswell. A friend of dad's had a computer with Hocus Pocus and a bunch of other DOS games, so I played that quite a bit. He also had Doom, and I distinctly remember playing and being too shit scared to even leave the first room :D

Also, a friend had Commander Keen and Dune 2 on his family's computer. I remember that because I played it so much I got kicked off and asked never to come back...
Incoherently crying at the final boss of Wolfenstein.

<3 me too. I played it when I was five or so (1994) and dear god did it vex me. Also the second boss, who threw needles at you.

Besides Wolf3d, I remember Dark Forces, Reader Rabbit, Math Blaster, and Duck Hunt.

I haven't stopped playing PC games since then.
Something involving this. Or this. Or, most likely I think, this.

Stellar 7 was the shit.


That's actually a boss in the distance, and it's effin' huge. I'd get the living hell scared out of me whenever he spawned down.
Final boss of Wolfenstein? That was Hitler, wasn't it? In a Krupp mech suit.

Some great last words, he had...