Earliest Gaming Memory

Yep, it was. I honestly don't know how I made it to the end of the game, being five and all, but I distinctly remember the scary Hitler-mech.

Also, I forgot X-COM!
Would have to be a DOS Lion King game that came on a floppy disk. Hmmm, mustve been...15/16 years ago??
Mine was Descent on my very first PC god knows how long ago. I thought I was the only one!
My dad took me to work with him one day, he was in construction. They were finishing up with the inside, got electricity all installed and everything. He sat me in front of the TV, with an NES attached, and Burger Time in there. He told me to play it. I remember running from the salt shakers and...hot dogs? Oh, god was it so fun.

That was the start of my glorious relationship...and it's all his fault :p
Sitting in my basement playing Madden 96 for the Sega Genesis on a shitty color TV that had blur spots all over it from magnets and doing the fake punt play over and over
My earliest memory i think was playing this strange DOS game, platform kind of thing. You were this wizard, in a dungeony castlely place, and you had to collect gems and potions and things.

Are you talking about Hocus Pocus?

Super Mario for SNES or Sonic 3 For Genesis, can't remember.
It would've been one of these three, all in 1985:

Super Mario
Sesame Street Counting Kitchen

I really can't remember. I was two. :laugh:
I have vague memories of a really simple floopyd-disc game that involved using a forklift (or rather, something that was supposed to be a forklift) to put shapes in the correct places. That's all I remember about it.

My next one is a game version of that old puzzle where you have the dog, cat and mouse and the dog kills the cat and the cat kills the mouse and you must get all 3 across a river but you can only bring one at a time. Though they were three different things (can't remember what they were now) and I think it was a forest, not a river. I think it may have been on the same disc as the first one. I seem to recall there being a set of a few discs with various games on them, though those are the only two I can remember.

And the next one is Wolfenstein 3D.
It would've been one of these three, all in 1985:

Super Mario
Sesame Street Counting Kitchen

I really can't remember. I was two. :laugh:

I remember one day when I was a WEEE kid, I beat Mario Bro's without losing a single life. I was so happy, I was yelling at my sister to come look and everything....I was proud of myself \=
Probubly Operation: Wolf or turbo something or other racing game or some weird educational game on the amstrad. Around 1990-91 I would think.

Operation: Wolf was so awesome.
Lol, Operation: Wolf. I remember playing that and shooting "magazines" to get more ammo, and wondering how I was getting bullets out of a book...
I can't remember which game was first. Could have been:


High Steel, or then again possibly Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters, or perhaps even Paperboy, or something equally obscure.

-Angry Lawyer
I think I got started on Chip's Challenge at a friend's house. It was probably back in about 1994. That game was the SHIT. Then my neighbors had a Sega Genesis, and it was good. They had Sonic, X-Men, and some Duck Hunt game (maybe a SNES too), and it was pretty good.

But I really got started when my friend got Starcraft on PC and an N64 with Goldeneye. I got an N64 six months later with Goldeneye and Ocarina of Time, and I swear I didn't leave the basement until the end of next summer.

Killer Instinct
Was that the 2D fighting game on SNES that had all sorts of dinosaurs, and creatures like an abominable snowman? Because I ****ing loved that game.
1989. Playing Castlevania III on my uncle's NES. I was four, and it hooked me for life.
Killer Instinct
Was that the 2D fighting game on SNES that had all sorts of dinosaurs, and creatures like an abominable snowman? Because I ****ing loved that game.
I think you're thinking of Primal Rage. Killer Instinct was the 'ultra cooomboooo' beat em up, where kids in the arcade would try to feign coolness by picking Orchid for her cheesy combos and pulling off her titflashing finishing move. (Real men picked Fulgore.)
KILLER INSTINCT. Oh my God, I had that game for the original Gameboy. Oh, ****ing hell, the memories.
OMG Primal Rage! Haha, I hired that a few times with a friend on Mega Drive. We got bored of the fighting pretty quickly, but we spend ages playing tennis with those little worshipers that come and bow at your feet.

Seriously, you could bat them back and forth with your tail for as long as you could keep it up. We got ridiculously good at it after a while... little buggers just kept coming back to worship us though >_>
My earliest gaming memory is playing Pac-Man on the arcade unit in the waiting room of my pediatrician's office when I was about to get kindergarten immunizations.

My earliest gaming memory of a game I actually owned was Legend of Zelda on the NES. I spent hours playing that thing!
I remember watching my older brother play Mario on the NES... I don't really remember my first time playing it though. I just remember it was tough. Also Duck Hunt was awesome.

First games on the PC were Sim City 2000 and The Incredible Machine.
Some time in the middle- 90s, I can't remember the name, of course, but it involved soccer. I had no idea how to play it, indeed, I think I only did it once. I don't believe I've ever played another sports game since then.
Some mickey counting game. There were two different ones. I was like, three.