Early to Mid summerm Mid to Late Summer my ass


Jan 11, 2004
Reaction score
WTf..Early to mid, mid to late, you're still late once again Valve. Now I thought I would some fun with Hl2 on my school vacation I guess you guys are still working for "when its done" :sniper:
It's still summer but that doesn't mean I can get away with swearing at people and calling them idiots does it?!

It only makes me look retarded, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
i am very very sure that it's not going to be out during this year...
goldenboi said:
WTf..Early to mid, mid to late, you're still late once again Valve. Now I thought I would some fun with Hl2 on my school vacation I guess you guys are still working for "when its done" :sniper:

Yes, we all know that Valve's sole purpose in life is to entertain your vacations. After that, they can rest in peace.
Hey, jackass, guess what? There's more in the grown ups world than YOUR vacation....
tkato said:
i am very very sure that it's not going to be out during this year...

Any evidence?

goldenboi said:
WTf..Early to mid, mid to late, you're still late once again Valve. Now I thought I would some fun with Hl2 on my school vacation I guess you guys are still working for "when its done"

Yeah, surprisingly enough, the game is stilll going to be released when it's done. Why are you so angry? They aren't late because they said "summer" and it's summer now.
goldenboi said:
WTf..Early to mid, mid to late, you're still late once again Valve. Now I thought I would some fun with Hl2 on my school vacation I guess you guys are still working for "when its done" :sniper:
They've never given a timeframe of when during the summer the game will release. The current release date is Summer 2004 - meaning there's still the best part of two months before they're late.
The constant complaints about valve delaying the game, or missing dates, bothers me a lot more than the actual delaying or missing of dates :)

It seems like no matter what Valve does they can't win with this. It's almost as if some people are hoping the game IS delayed/messed up at this point just so they can shake a finger and shout to anyone who will listen about how much valve lie or how bad they are in general. Seems kinda wrong in that sense. I would think people would be hoping for the best, rather than waiting to pounce on the worst.

I don't know, just seems like all the negatives about this subject waste a lot of energy when it's just a game.
I would love Valve to overestimate something. Say Winter instead of Summer. That way we can be pleseantly surprised when it comes out early. :)
buy doom 3, squint real hard, and pretend its HL2...

(thats what im doing :borg: )
oh i guess now we should all flame valve for them taking time to make a decent game. Have you ever tried producing any game that's decent? I didn't think so. So stfu
Everyone shouhld just quit b*tching about them missing releases, moving them back..etc... Its not like they have a legal obligation to release this game. Making a game is kinda like building a house, if somthing is late it makes the whole production stop...bad example i know but you still get it...
Jeez...cry me a river. People will find just about anything to whine about these days.
its funny how everyone copies everyone else - on a thread complaining about delays, everyone was saying how they dont like it etc, there were no comments similar to the ones above 'give them a break' but as soon as someone posts a topic about it, everyone suddenly changes their mind and starts agreeing. stop being sheep guys, form your own opinions.

(i personally am annoyed about the delays simply because i really think hl2 is gonna be alot of fun and im looking forward to it, but at the same time i understand the pressures that valve are under and the points made above, so im not gonna flame them, but would be nice to get something on time :) )
Still, I personally am sitting here eating my fingers (I've already finished the nails...) WAITING. But, I have patience, and I'd rather wait another year, and get a game that is the best thing in the world, then make Valve rush it just so I can play it NOW. I mean, I don't want wait a shorter time and get the game, beat it, and say, "All that fuss for this? Ha!". I'd rather wait a longer time, get the game, and say, "Man, what a sweet game! It was more than worth all the wait and fuss!", then go beat it again. You know what I mean? I hope we are all in the same boat.
yep but it sort of sums up everything this thread is about
HL2 will come out when it comes out stop thinking about it start playing somthing else that apeals too you there are about 20 kick ass games out rite now like painkiller, COD, Farcry etc.......rite now im taking my time with doom 3 but i think im already at the end bored so ill play it tommarow
I agree I feel that Valve should start giving release dated that are further away than what they actually plan on. All this delay crap is pissing me off, and it wouldn't be an issue if valve were to either stop giving out incorrect release dates or gave release dates that gave them breathing room to operate and successfully reach those release dates offering what they told the community to expect.

My release dates are just as correct as Valve's, I'm setting a release date of November 1st, 2005 at exactly 9:55AM. Don't miss out people.
the games gonna be released in 2005 my evidence..

Valve is making the game.
So if it goes gold we should certainly be able to download it on steam before it gets to the stores. What's the point of steam if we can't get it faster than a trip to the store huh? HUH!?
for people that have slow connections that dont want too wait too play it over the net with people now days 58% of the US has DSL 256k or DSL 604k i myself i want to pay the extra 30 bucks too ensure i can download things at 350kb/sec - 450kb/sec CABLE BABY
Im pissed and at the same time happy of the delaying, because the more time before hl2 the more time i have to make money for a new computer. It would suck if everyone had it but me because i still need to make more money....
Evil Beaver said:
It's still summer but that doesn't mean I can get away with swearing at people and calling them idiots does it?!

It only makes me look retarded, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Jesus, it WAS censored. :|
To me, this is late summer, so, yeah, that is a little disappointing. At least Doom 3 has come to the rescue. :)
goldenboi said:
WTf..Early to mid, mid to late, you're still late once again Valve. Now I thought I would some fun with Hl2 on my school vacation I guess you guys are still working for "when its done" :sniper:

HL2 late already? September came early this year!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

It's like Christmas In July, except Whining In August is a lot less fun.
Cs:s delayed pre-download mean Hl2 IS DELAYED. GO CRAM YOUR BUNG WITH RUSTY KNIVES.
Ps. Stop scrambling to make yourself seem smarter than an obiouvsly poor thought out post.

barnacle said:
That article was released April 4th 2004 at 11:11 that is too old to go by, when there is newer news that contradicts it.
Umm, no . . . it was released August 4th. You've got the day and month mixed up.

Anyway, that article is just a pessimistic interpretation of Lombardi's statements. Then again, I guess they're very wise to do that.
October? Oh well, we've waited this long, an extra month won't make a difference now. Or will it... :rolling:
Summer isn't officially over untill late September, haha pwnt
AgentXen said:
Shut the Fuçk up. You guys are a bunch of ass holes. i hope you rot in hell.... if there is such a place. Bull sh!t.
Circumventing the swear filter, excessive flaming and swearing... nice little list you're racking up there. Consider this your only warning.
I dont know why they set september as summer.. its kinda chilly :P