Earth's Moon is 'cosmic rarity'

That's not news. We've known it's very unusual and rare for quite a while.
I guess that it is further evidence though.
Piggy, any chance you can give a quick low-down of what to expect or just quote the whole article when you do this? Just a title doesn't give me enough inclination to click on the link most of the time.


Anyway intriguing!
Moon is an alien monitoring station. Also could be used to annihilate earth should we become too imbecilic.
Piggy, any chance you can give a quick low-down of what to expect or just quote the whole article when you do this? Just a title doesn't give me enough inclination to click on the link most of the time.


Anyway intriguing!

Sure thing :)
Which is funny because humans are also a rariety.
Moon is an alien monitoring station. Also could be used to annihilate earth should we become too imbecilic.

The Moon isn't, but this is.

And I was just about to make the "that's no moon...!" joke. :(
I saw this documentary a while back about how it would be very probably for the moon to have life if it had had an atmosphere. The moon has the most ideal location in the solar system to contain life second to earth.

How awesome wouldn't it have been if the moon had life? Maybe even intelligent life, then there could be huge battle between the earth and the moon. That would've been awesome.
I saw this documentary a while back about how it would be very probably for the moon to have life if it had had an atmosphere.

Which is impossible because the Moon doesn't have a strong enough gravity to have an atmosphere.
I'm starting to think that Piggy works for BBC News.
And I didnt know that the moon was that much of an oddity...

yeah cuz jupiter have like 10 moons and we just have one so is like
jupiter: lol I have more moons that you suckaa!
Yes it does.

Not quite. The moons gravity is just enough for it to have a thin atmosphere less than a tenth the density of the earths . However the moon doesnt have a gravitational field to deflect solar flares and solar radiation around itself. For this reason the moons atmosphere has been blasted away gradually to the point where theres now less than 10 tonnes of gas left on the moon to make up its extremely thin atmosphere.

Question answered?

Not quite. The moons gravity is just enough for it to have a thin atmosphere less than a tenth the density of the earths . However the moon doesnt have a gravitational field to deflect solar flares and solar radiation around itself. For this reason the moons atmosphere has been blasted away gradually to the point where theres now less than 10 tonnes of gas left on the moon to make up its extremely thin atmosphere.

Question answered?


Magnetic field, not gravitational field.
yeah cuz jupiter have like 10 moons and we just have one so is like
jupiter: lol I have more moons that you suckaa!

Makes me think of the Mighty Boosh

Moon: Hah! The moon's gota song! Eeey, Jupiter, you ain't gotta song!
Beautiful but tame compared to NASA's STEREO images of the sun
I don't know why, but for some reason when I saw the image of whatever planet that was passing by the sun, I thought of it saying, "Whoaaaaaaaaaa...!" and now I can't stop laughing.