Earth's Moon is 'cosmic rarity'

It doesn't "float". Just like the planets it's in orbit around something, in this case the center of the milky way. Everything is affected by gravity on our universe, if there was no attraction between objects things would just sit were they are. They wouldn't float or move since there is to little matter in space for stars or planets to "float" anywhere without gravity.
There's a supermassive black hole at the centre of our galaxy. Basically works like our sun does.
I don't know why, but for some reason when I saw the image of whatever planet that was passing by the sun, I thought of it saying, "Whoaaaaaaaaaa...!" and now I can't stop laughing.

Bahahaha, I dunno why thats funny but it is.
Moon is an alien monitoring station. Also could be used to annihilate earth should we become too imbecilic.

This is wrong because it would have happened already.

I wouldn't say that our Moon is very rare (occurs in 5-10% of planetary systems... okay, so planetary systems are very rare themselves, but disregarding that, its a pretty fair percentage)... especially not compared to how UNBELIEVABLY INCREDIBLY RARE the Earth itself is.
This is wrong because it would have happened already.

I wouldn't say that our Moon is very rare (occurs in 5-10% of planetary systems... okay, so planetary systems are very rare themselves, but disregarding that, its a pretty fair percentage)... especially not compared to how UNBELIEVABLY INCREDIBLY RARE the Earth itself is.

Actually I'd like to motion that we're getting smarter, it's just we bring more attention to the stupid things.