Easter Egg In Blood Harvest


Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
I was playing through Blood Harvest earlier when I noticed in the last house on The Bridge the City 17 departures board from Point Insertion.

Has anyone else noticed this?
Yeah it's there, there are a whole bunch of re-used HL2 props.

oic...well it is a modded HL2 engine sooo not surprising there are rehashed textures/animations.
Yeah but that's an oddly specific prop to use.
It's to weed out newjacks from MCs.
Is that building a train station? In that case it was probably just a placeholder prop they never bothered to replace.
The mapper thought: "I could be a nice guy and spend the coffee break designing a train departure table and no one notices anything. Or I could get lazy and get compliments for an ingenious easter egg." Can't blame him.
Maybe it's a hidden clue. Have any of the train times been changed from the original?

are there 3? what could the number 3 mean? hint to Ep3 ?!?!?! ZOMG!!
or L4D2 for that matter

Anyways...It was probably just the mapper using resources that were already made.