Easter Egg with Gabe...?

Sep 27, 2003
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Okay, now a lot of us have seen that picture of the Black Mesa Antimass Spectrometer research team, which is pretty cool by itself, but look at the dumpy little lady in the lower left hand corner...

Now look at this picture of Gabe Newell.


I'd get a better one with the right angle, but I'm having trouble locating them.

It's just the shape of the face, the round glasses that ride halfway down the nose, and the hair that kind of makes a sort of backwards "M" with a serif... the collar looks oddly familiar too.

Developer's Easter Egg?

Note: This isn't a dig at Gabe, I just noticed this, and wondered if it was some in-joke at VALVe or something...

(Original screen capture by Dark8Master89)


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Nice theory. Looks more like a womans face to me though in the picture.
I agree that it looks feminine, but that wouldn't be that hard to do via photomanipulation, I reckon.
I dunno, would you superimpose your bosses face on to a woman's body and distribute it in a million-selling computer game?... actually yes, yes I would!

Maybe that is Gabe's twin sister Gabby?
Poor guy. First everyone says he's fat and now we tell him he looks like a girl.
looks like gabe to me... no reasno why they wouldnt put his face on a womans body for a laugh, he probably doesn't even know ;)
Bump-bump, bumpity-bump...

Any more opinions on this?

Think I'd win a prize if I eMailed him :P ?
It's totally a women, and I think he'd get offended if you asked him :P
koopa said:
I dunno, would you superimpose your bosses face on to a woman's body and distribute it in a million-selling computer game?... actually yes, yes I would!

Brian Damage said:
Bump-bump, bumpity-bump...

Any more opinions on this?

Think I'd win a prize if I eMailed him :P ?

You win a prize for emailing him anything i got a poster just becasue i asked for one. Could try it i suppose, I know I would, but hey i actually asked him for something.
happyhappy said:
is the one with no face gordon :D
no, the one with no face is Breen. I think the guy on the far bottom right is the G-Man...Isn't it?
BetaMaster said:
no, the one with no face is Breen. I think the guy on the far bottom right is the G-Man...Isn't it?

That is exactly what i was thinking.
If he was the G-Man, gordon would know him wouldn't he?
Brian Damage said:
Bump-bump, bumpity-bump...

Any more opinions on this?

Think I'd win a prize if I eMailed him :P ?
Maybe. Or maybe he'll ban your steam account sooner than you can say "headhumper".
Try it!
Looks like Gabe to me.
I always thought that woman both looked out of place and strangely familiar.
Brian Damage said:
It's the anal-looking scientist model from HL, not the G-Man.

That drug-addict looking guy who was being a wuss about how the experiment might go wrong in the beginning. Wouldn't you say the potential profit was worth the risk?
Sharrd said:
That drug-addict looking guy who was being a wuss about how the experiment might go wrong in the beginning. Wouldn't you say the potential profit was worth the risk?

Bingo. Sour-looking sod, wasn't he?

kingthebadger: Are you talking to me, or someone else in the thread?
That's kinda what I was worried about.

But it was just niggling at me... the odd resemblance.
ive made my mind up on that already, and i think it dont look like him. no gordon is standing above dr. kleiner, the one with no face is breen