Easy way to donate to the red cross

I'm interested to know why people should donate to the Red Cross? I can understand not-so-rich countries accepting donations, but surely the US can fund it's own relief effort?
The Red Cross is a goverment program, right? Therefore, it can get as much money as it needs.
Feath said:
I'm interested to know why people should donate to the Red Cross? I can understand not-so-rich countries accepting donations, but surely the US can fund it's own relief effort?

Um, I think it has to do with people needing to offer to comfort and help to people that are in some seriously f*cked situations. Just hoping the government will take care of everything just smacks of...

Well, slight tangent. In Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy, there is an invention called the Somebody Elses Problem device. An SEP field can be erected on, or projected around a bizarre and and difficult scene so that the unconscious minds of the observers instantly abdicate responsibility for its existence, assert that it's "somebody else's problem", and therefore don't perceive it at all. The primary example of this was given in the third book Life, the Universe and Everything, when a UFO (a spaceship powered by the Bistromathic drive owned by the character Slartibartfast) landed in the middle of a cricket ground during a match, and the assembled crowd failed to notice it. Another prime example is when above ship's field is extended so that the characters fail to notice the fact that they cannot breathe or the fact that the asteroid that they are standing on does not have enough gravitational force to hold them down.

The SEP field requires much less energy than a normal invisibility field (a single flashlight battery can run it for over a hundred years) due to the natural propensity of humans to see things as Somebody Else's Problem (Wiki def, BTW).

I do not like this idea, but think it is true. When something comes around that may be hard to deal with that does not directly involve you, people think somebody else will take care of it, even if most of the time no one else does.
http://www.cloroxnewwhite.com/ will donate $1 if you click the donate button on the site there..

A bit exploitative of them though.. kinda like "visit the site of our new product and we'll give a buck to dying people!"

still, its money..
Yes, giving a dollar to a whole state and a half, to feed 1/3 of a mouth, will make me feel better about myself.

Feath said:
I'm interested to know why people should donate to the Red Cross? I can understand not-so-rich countries accepting donations, but surely the US can fund it's own relief effort?
i dont think its a government agency or anything. the red cross always needs money, you think just federal subsidies alone are going to rebuild NO? think again. early estimates have costs as high as 100 billion.
gh0st said:
if you dont trust amazon, maybe you trust google. click the link at google's page and it brings you to amazon. if its good enough for google its good enough for me.

Ahaha, right I dont trust amazon so I trust Google who knows everything I search for or write in an email.. I will be donating but not by means of Amazon