Eat Dick: The Return of Jack Thompson

Fundraiser to give my favorite devil dog killing machines copies of this upcoming lovely killing simulator, imo :)

because obviously those with real combat experience need the "respect" of not being able to consume a library of entertainment products as diverse as civilians. I guess the department of defense doesn't think soldiers are conscientious, well informed consumers of media--and assumes they cannot organize a proper public or private protest. oh well, back to the politically correct games like modern warfare 2 because killing innocent russian civilians en masse is fine, Russians are a PC enemy, bros

Jack Thompson declares victory; Tells gamers to "go to hell"; Bobby Kotick struggling to come up with douchier statement.


Kotick: If Gamers don't think each Call of Duty title is worth $100 then they can go to hell! If they think that $25 for each Call of Duty DLC is a ripoff then they can go to hell three times over! (Insert S*** eating grin)


As for Jack Thompson, it's statements like this (and his pointless crusade against video games) that make me wonder about his Psychological stability. I'm starting to wonder if he's doing all this because he has an extreme need for attention at any way possible? Because I have a feeling that even if all videogames were banned he'd go after My Little Ponies for animal abuse.
as much as i hate the idea of the developers bending over and not sticking up for themselves at all in this case, i quite like the idea of jack thompson feeling smug at getting one up over this game of all titles, which is really looking like it's going nowhere before it even gets out of the door if the beta reactions are anything to go by. add to that the fact that in the end, he's still disbarred for being an embarrassing, delusional idiot and really, having some skins changed isn't all that bad compared to what's happened to this guys career.

have your victory, i don't think i know one person who's even going to be playing the new MOH anyway. it's got far more problems than a nametag above a factions head.