EB Games New Date!!!



Electronic Boutique (EBGames.com) has changed there release date back to November 2003!!!! And the new rumour is that it is really going to be out this fall!!:bounce: Merry Christmas
since when are eb dates accurete

wouldnt get your hopes up
Considering it was at March 31st/04 for a few days and now it's back to november is a good sign I would think.
dont count on anything, i wont believe until i see a official gold announcement or on the shelves
Im counting on Sep 30th still. There is a good chance that a paradox will occur so time will start rolling backwards but momentum will continue to drive forwards. WTF Im talking out my ass again! ("Mum!, my ass is spewing out sh!t again")
hey they wernt referring to sep 30th of the ancient babylonian calender were they?
At least its a sign that the March 31 release is a date EB pulled out of its....

Whether or not this new date is valid is debatable, but at least we have a chance it may come earlier than March.
gameplay.com had it down as 50 odd days to go yesterday, now it's only next month.
hmmmm, mabye they know somthing we dont

but i doubt it
quick, everyone flood their local compusa with phone calls asking for the release date!

btw, ebgames was right about hl2 not being released on sept. 30th...
According to the Inquirer

By INQUIRER staff: Thursday 09 October 2003, 16:26

OUR SOURCES continue to reiterate that Half Life 2 is not delayed, and that, in rather pungent language, the Vivendi guy that reckoned that it would be pushed back to April next year "was talking out of his butt".
While Valve still hasn't made any official statement, there is a quote by Doug Lombardi over at halflife.org saying Valve is still assessing the "effects of the attack".

That was in response to a question specifically asking if Half Life 2 is postponed until April next year.

Our source added that the Vivendi mister hadn't even talked to Valve for around a year or so, and decided to give his own take on the affair, as the saga continues.

Wonder where that Valve official statement is?

they'd be like WTF, we just had a huge amount of calls about hl2

what the hell just happend
Yea, and im some days it will be "Half-Life 2 to be out this year"
not we if are game given on moon yesterday befor 17 over the dark sky heaven gift giveth
Originally posted by nstream
not we if are game given on moon yesterday befor 17 over the dark sky heaven gift giveth

i dunno wether to run or flame
mwahahahaha my evil plan to rid all the mortals off this board is in full flow, now for the next stage of my cunning plan! To Stop Chatting Sh!t, that will freak the F@ck out of everyone!
make the bad man STOP!!!

AAHHHAHHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH DEAR GOD ..... ohh wait, i am god. i forgot.




that'll serve ya
Ouch, that hurt, that wasnt very nice, apologise god, or ill have to tell my mummy!
Thank you God.
I am now wise as good as granted me a wish, with this I shall populate the world with mini mes for all the world to enjoy and to say his father was granted an apology by God! God Bless You Mini Mes.
you know we could probably join TJA for this flagrent thread jacking

*hint hint*
utterly impossible, CS:CZ is coming out on the 18th of november. Would you buy CS:CZ today knowing that HL2 comes out in 10 days?
I do think I would (TJA Join Forces to Prevent Any Thread from Making Sense!) Not
I wouldn't buy CS:CZ period as it will suck. PCZ reviewed it a couple of issues ago and it got 70-something %. The SP game sucked, AI is terrible and th eonly good thing about it is the MP, which is FREE via STEAM and with a bit of luck might come out for the old non-steamed ppl soon too.
Originally posted by nstream
I do think I would (TJA Join Forces to Prevent Any Thread from Making Sense!) Not

thats pretty much what we did
Why do people think EB Games is an authority of sorts when it comes to release dates? They're not.

Look, if the game publishers don't know jack about the game, how in the world would EB know?
Just an FYI for those that don't know, November is the default month EB chooses whenever they have no clue as to the release date.
actually ebgames is a major distributor and are better informed than say, best buy or circuit shitty. The date given is the ship date, though is likely to change many times until the game is announced gold.
think valve would just released it w/ a days notice of it being shipped? haha.

::strolls through local eb::

"woah... HL2"

::buys it::