EBGames...what a bunch of chodes...


Aug 29, 2003
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My brother and I walked into EBGames earlier this evening being that I got out of work, so he could pre-order his own copy of Half Life 2. I was wandering around looking at the Xbox games, and when all said and done my brother asked when will it be released, and as the asst. manager said "November 2nd", I said, no, the official street date is Nov. 16th.

And he says Where did you hear that from? Well VUG announced it, and I'm part of the Halflife2.net community as well.

He had the nerve, to say "The Half Life 2.net community? Hah, I've been there and I dont like it there. Alot of trash talk and flamers."

I gave him the Goombatommy Evil eye, and I said to myself "I'm watching you....shit for brains". Then my brother and I smiled and walked out.

Bah, people, this has to be the most influential, informational Half Life 2 community on the web. Screw what others say.
Where in New Jersey is that EBGames?

*shifty eyes*
Well, honestly, I don't want to get in trouble, or have anything done then all fingers point towards me lol, but it is in New Jersey.
Well to tell the truth there are a bunch of noob bashers here and of course yes their are smart folks who try to contribute to this forum, but there are also 10 year old flamers who think they know everything about HL2.
He is sorta right you know. I mean there are a few amount of retards around here. But every forum has them, and we are far more informed then he obviously is.
Redrum123 said:
Well to tell the truth there are a bunch of noob bashers here and of course yes their are smart folks who try to contribute to this forum, but there are also 10 year old flamers who think they know everything about HL2.

heh true, but the whole point of somebody that I don't know, who doesn't know me, to say that about this community and kinda put me on the spot in front of two other customers, really ticked me off.
Goombatommy said:
He had the nerve, to say "The Half Life 2.net community? Hah, I've been there and I dont like it there. Alot of trash talk and flamers."

I gave him the Goombatommy Evil eye, and I said to myself "I'm watching you....shit for brains". Then my brother and I smiled and walked out.

Wow you sure showed that guy.

You be sure and beat him down on INTERNET!
tell that guy he's wrong and you're wlling to bet on it ... then make some money :afro:
Platinum said:
tell that guy he's wrong and you're wlling to bet on it ... then make some money :afro:

I'm half tempted to do that with several people I know... :laugh:
I'm afraid places like Gamestop and Ebgames will be sold out of hl2 in seconds so i'm just gonna go to best buy first ... then if it's not there ... i will shit myself ... and if i go to ebgames and its not there ... i will shit myself again ... and if it's not at gamestop ... i will die ...
You could have politley asked him to check his company store website.
One thing i've learned in my travels as a gamer is that EB Games is a terrible establishment full of idiots and morons (and maybe the occasional real gamer). I have heard of so many stories of EB employees talking out of their asses just like this case because they think they are so smart... egh it sickens me. Bottom line is take anything anyone in EB tells you with a large grain of salt. (i've also heard and witnessed many horror stories about pirates in those stores too... i.e. employees stealing CD keys from games and giving them out to friends, while still selling the boxed copy to unsuspecting gamers)
Everyone calling him an idiot just proves his point :P

But it's true, he's retarded
Goombatommy said:
heh true, but the whole point of somebody that I don't know, who doesn't know me, to say that about this community and kinda put me on the spot in front of two other customers, really ticked me off.
**edit, I did misread, you did state that you were "a part of the community",. still

I doubt he meant anything against you. There was just no reason to take his comment personally.

And the man was not wrong. But there is a lot of that stuff everywhere.
I'm sorry, but if I were an employer at EB and some kid/guy walked into my store and said "I'm part of the Halflife2.net community!" after giving them a wrong release date, I would've laughed my ass off and told him to get a life.
f|uke said:
Just because you read it here doesnt mean you were the designated representative of the HL2.net community. There was just no reason to take his comment personally.

Wow, why dont you go join him? Have I pointed out anywhere that I was a designated representative? Show me, by all means. I was just sharing what I had experienced. Jesus Christ man calm down. Don't be a troll.

And yes, I do have a life thank you very much. Full time job, I'm married and have two daughters. I am very happy with my LIFE. And I thought I would just share where I got my information from instead of bluntly pulling the info out of my ass.
Goombatommy said:
Wow, why dont you go join him? Have I pointed out anywhere that I was a designated representative? Show me, by all means. I was just sharing what I had experienced. Jesus Christ man calm down. Don't be a troll.
Calm down? I'm chill, man. I'm trying to calm YOU down. :rolleyes:
Platinum said:
I'm afraid places like Gamestop and Ebgames will be sold out of hl2 in seconds so i'm just gonna go to best buy first ... then if it's not there ... i will shit myself ... and if i go to ebgames and its not there ... i will shit myself again ... and if it's not at gamestop ... i will die ...

Uhhh....pre-order? If there are any left that is. Or buy it over Steam.
f|uke said:
Calm down? I'm chill, man. I'm trying to calm YOU down. :rolleyes:

For starters I am calm, I have been calm. Secondly, I've done nothing to you in the past or commented on whatever it is you ever posted on, yet you come here and start flaming me down the tubes. Seriouslly what is your problem?
How did you find a path through the garbage to get into the ebgames in the first place?

I'm just kiddin ya, jersey is really clean.
Malfunction said:
Uhhh....pre-order? If there are any left that is. Or buy it over Steam.

i figure its a little late to preorder ... hehe ... i'm thinking best buy's gonna have hundreds of copies anyway ... our best buy rules ... :cheers:
Homer said:
How did you find a path through the garbage to get into the ebgames in the first place?

I'm just kiddin ya, jersey is really clean.

The part of jersey I live in is clean, but I agree with you on the rest of it lol.
Goombatommy said:
For starters I am calm, I have been calm. Secondly, I've done nothing to you in the past or commented on whatever it is you ever posted on, yet you come here and start flaming me down the tubes. Seriouslly what is your problem?
How am I flaming you? I didnt say anything to insult you, nor did I mean that in any insulting way. I dont know where you're coming from, frankly its quite perplexing.

I was just stating that perhaps you took his comment a little too personally. That he probably was not trying to insult you.

You're only making a case for my point here, by taking my comments as insults. I offer an alternative perspective in a peacefull manner and you take it as a personal attack.
f|uke said:
How am I flaming you? I didnt say anything to insult you, nor did I mean that in any insulting way. I dont know where you're coming from, frankly its quite perplexing.

I was just stating that perhaps you took his comment a little too personally. That he probably was not trying to insult you.

You're only making a case for my point here, by taking my comments as insults. I offer an alternative perspective in a peacefull manner and you take it as a personal attack.

I mean I'm over it lol It's just a forum post no more. And I do apologize if it seemed I took it as a personal attack, but I guess it was just the idea I got off of it when I read your post. I probably took it the wrong way which I'm sure I did. Hard to determine these things via the internet.
Goombatommy said:
I mean I'm over it lol It's just a forum post no more. And I do apologize if it seemed I took it as a personal attack, but I guess it was just the idea I got off of it when I read your post. I probably took it the wrong way which I'm sure I did. Hard to determine these things via the internet.

Hey, it's all good. Let's all sit in a circle and smoke the ol' peace pipe, shall we?
No worries,. it happens :)

I did actually missread your first post, I had thought you just told him you heard it on HL2.net,. in which case you could be an impartial observer and his comments wouldnt have any bearing on you.

Saying that after stating you were a part of the community, yah, that was rude. But I would guess he probably didnt mean it that way.
I can sure go for the peace pipe right now....

but yea, some parts of jersey is good, some are really, really shitty. and I mean shitty, you go to the inner city of Jersey City, and if your white, forget it your just fresh meat for the dogs there. And no, i'm not racist =p.
I think i'm gonna go to a gamestop just to mess with em ... and ebgames ...