Echochrome ( much cooler then it sounds)

This was personally my biggest surprise of E3. Killzone 2 was amazing, but this game came out of nowhere and has me really excited.
Added straight to the must buy list. Looks very cool.
Holy shit. This is really interesting.
This is incredibly innovative. It's kind of difficult to build stuff though, I'll try it again tomorrow.
I can see that game driving me utterly insane with frustration :O
And of course, PC.

It's like people think these games are actually developed directly on the consoles.
No surprise there, I always tell people that the most innovative people these days are usually independent developers, sadly most people I encounter don't even seem to know what an "Indie" dev is.

Anyway, TY for that link, another game I dont have to buy a PS3 for..:p:laugh:
That's awesome! :D And people say sony aren't innovative.
I wouldn't go that far. I'm sure it's the same deal as with fl0w. Sony have spotted an innovative title and signed them up. While not an innovative move on Sony's part, it certainly is great for indie devs.
Like I said: Innovation, +5.

In wallet-theft, I guess.
Wow, this game looks like if I ever did play it, my head would explode with confusion!
MS arent anymore innovative than Sony, haven't seen MS pump out innovative games, though I've seen'em buy innovative game devs, same as Sony though.:)
Sony is a shit load more innovative then MS, hardware and software wise.
Eh, pass.

I always like to balance these kind of games by how much fun they'll be against how much they'll frustrate me. This one looks like it'd tip a whee bit far to the latter :)
Gray Fox, sure, if you want to believe that go right ahead, we both know I cant change your opinions anyway.
Gray Fox, sure, if you want to believe that go right ahead, we both know I cant change your opinions anyway.

What part of Vista seemed new and innovative? MS != innovation. Oh wait they charge you to play games online now thats innovation, it's been free for ages except MMOS and the like. Arguably Sony are more innovative primarily because of Cell.
Gray Fox, sure, if you want to believe that go right ahead, we both know I cant change your opinions anyway.

Excuse me but that is just a moronic statement, how you you came to that conclusion is beyond me, I have never expressed any fanboyish feelings towards any developer in this thread or outside it.

But to support my statement, has MS ever brought out a game like ICO, Shadow of the Colossus, Parappa the Rapper, Vib Ribbon, Loco Rocco, Ape Escape, the eye toy.
And now Home, Little Big Planet, and Echo Chroom.
MS has done next to nothing when it comes to original as a console maker and as a game devloper and publisher.

And you're logic is faulty too,it doesn't matter whether or not sony came up with the idea, it's the fact that they chose to bring it to their console, activly supported it.
"You're logic is faulty"? "You're" spelling is faulty.
And Microsoft has supported indie devs quite a bit with XNA and XBox Arcade.
"You're logic is faulty"? "You're" spelling is faulty.
How mature
And Microsoft has supported indie devs quite a bit with XNA and XBox Arcade.
They have given them a platform to bring their games out on, nothing more, that does not make them original. Sony has actively financed and developed original games.
Now that is what I call innovative, looks bloody awesome. Must buy for me.
Sony keeps getting +1`s from me lately.
Can someone clarify one thing..

How does the PC version (that's already available for free) differ from the upcoming console version?
99.vikram, for one thing, you cant save/load levels in the PC version, and also, there are no LEVELS in the PC version, you make your own, my guess is the PS3 verson will be an actual GAME with levels where you have to manage to guide your guy to a spot etc by moving the camera.
99.vikram, for one thing, you cant save/load levels in the PC version, and also, there are no LEVELS in the PC version, you make your own, my guess is the PS3 verson will be an actual GAME with levels where you have to manage to guide your guy to a spot etc by moving the camera.

Save and Load with F2, F3. Only 1 save slot
99.vikram, for one thing, you cant save/load levels in the PC version, and also, there are no LEVELS in the PC version, you make your own, my guess is the PS3 verson will be an actual GAME with levels where you have to manage to guide your guy to a spot etc by moving the camera.
So it will be the ultimate puzzle game? *drools*
I imagine that if the technology is so simple, there must be hundreds of levels to play through. I'll probably buy this.

(I knew about the save thing already)
Very clever. Look forward to playing this on-the-go with a new slimline PSP. :naughty:
Very nice and inovative game, indeed. Maybe I will buy this for my PSP.
Btw, can anyone know what music is this trailer? Sounds like well know classical music.
