Eclipse Download

Resvrgam said:
I finally got around to downloading this title and let me just say this: This game is gorgeous! It reminds me of the tech-demos on the 3DMark 2003 benchmarking tool.

I sure hope the students involved received an A for this project.

Anyone know of any tweaks to play this game above 20 FPS? I've lowered the resolution to 1024x768 and disabled FSAA and the framerate occasionally dips into the single-digit realm when I start chucking more than one object at something.

Pressing 'Q' will bring up a nifty stat-display. Here's what I'm getting for performance on my system:
CPU: 2.8 GHz Northwood (533 MHz FSB)
VIDEOCARD: BFG Geforce 6800 Ultra OC (430 MHz/1100 MHz) AGP
HDD: 120 GB WD Caviar Ultra w/8 MB cache (7200 RPM)

Not a state-of-the-art system but the majority of gamers can't afford to stay on the bleeding-edge.
Dissable the bloom effect.
I thought this was very good, the moment i saw the video I began to DL the mod, had to DL 2x -_- cause the install one didnt work. (I know how to fix that now i guess I'll the try the guy's advice that was given earlier) I was expecting the stuff I lifted to follow me around, but oh well it was funny when i lifted a ton of rocks and threw them ahead of me and they took me along for a ride -_-. I loved the music very good stuff. Someone commented that the music might be from lineage based on the video I just DL the eclipse OST and txt came withit "All Music Composed and Performed by RICH DOUGLAS
Copyright 2005 Celtech Studios "
just thought I'd give that to that person. Sometimes the game would get a bit too fuzzy but looked great :D. I was hoping for a bit more gameplay after the teleport but oh wel hehehe.
Sharrd said:
So, uh... Guild Wars, anyone?

It might not look as good when you compare the two on the absolutely maximal settings, but damn if it doesn't look and play better on my computer; it's very much the same kind of atmosphere and environment, too. It's like someone decided "let's make a GW single player campaign on, get this, the Source engine!"
Feel free to prove me wrong, I'm open to arguments.

Guild Wars was the first thing that came to mind when I first saw it.
Mine crapped out before I could finish it. Blackmoore doesn't seem to work very well for some reason.
rocklegendfm99 said:
that game is really gay. huge mushrooms. butterflys everywhere. magical fairys. and you dont even get a sword. it sucks

I'm incredibly sorry you're so insecure about your manliness you need to play a game with a sword in order for you to redeem your macho values. I especially like how you call the game gay when most gays are so buff they could rip your spine from your body without even trying.

The game is absolutely wonderful, it makes incredible use of the physics (although the boulders move when you run against them, makes it seem like they're balloons) The problem is I've been having huge stuttering issues that I barely encountered during HL2.
This game is great, a few irritating bugs and I hated the looks on the keepers. A bit to short but otherwise wonderful 9/10
TheSomeone said:
I'm incredibly sorry you're so insecure about your manliness you need to play a game with a sword in order for you to redeem your macho values. I especially like how you call the game gay when most gays are so buff they could rip your spine from your body without even trying.

The game is absolutely wonderful, it makes incredible use of the physics (although the boulders move when you run against them, makes it seem like they're balloons) The problem is I've been having huge stuttering issues that I barely encountered during HL2.

The game requires better specs than Half-Life 2. You're gonna have to lower your settings or get more RAM if you want it to stop.
Hmm the download link isn't working. Oh well back to GTA San Andreas.
Installed, overall incredibly short, like someone else said 15 mins and its all over. The models and textures are quite nice, if a little 'tiley' in places. If you are desperate to play something for the next 15 minutes Id say grab it, thats the sole reason i did. Shame its so dam short and easy. I only got to see the death shader in the mini game(and it does rock). Overall a bit 'meh', but not shite by any stretch of the imagination.
Shens said:
If you're getting the "can't find Steam" problem..

Just reinstall Steam using the installer from the Steam site. It adds in the correct registry settings for the installer to detect.

how safe is this? can I just choose to install to the same location and it will only repalce the registry?
PriNcE oF SpAcE said:
how safe is this? can I just choose to install to the same location and it will only repalce the registry?

I don't know, haven't tried it. Got it off some guy in the Collective.

Should work...
i loved this game. it played in a window, did enyone elce have this problem? i told it to play full screen, but it came up with some kid of error. but otherwhise, this game was awsm. the creators should make a full lanth game, and fix the bugs ppl have been reporting. id give it a 9/10
A great proof of concept. Now if only someone would turn it into a full game.
yes, this would be a good demo, but i would LOVE to see a full game.
gorgeous graphics, innovative gameplay, crappy animations, and very short.
I hope it gets updated, maybe w/ an equally innovative multiplayer and way more singleplayer w/ WAY MORE TYPES OF ENEMYS!
Its an absolute eye candy , but the gameplay suxx hard.
Absolutely awfully optimised, no explanation on how to play until you have a wander around, which is a problem because i just felt slightly lost, as if i was missing something for a while. After getting the first journal the camera switched to staring at a door which did absolutely nothing...I presume a monster was supposed to pop out but it didn't, so i was stuck, quit the game, end.

6800 vanilla, 1 gig of corsair ram and 3.2 gig processor and i'm getting 16 fps on high everything, reflect world, 2XAA and AF, 1000*750 res, which is ridiculous. The bloom looks ridiculous as well.

Overall it looks like a great basic frame for a game but it needs work to be anything i would even consider worth playing.
For a mod done in 5 months, for a school project, this mod rules. And I can appreiciate it since I can't even get my own menu panel to show up on my wannabe-mod. :( Oh well, I'll get it working.

This mod reminded me of Morrowind... a bit of the feel, although first-person woulda been cool (maybe easier). I really like the telekinesis, new gameplay mechanic... a bit more polishing and it'd rule. If they worked on it, they could easily make the game 20 hours long. :afro:
finnally had time to finish this. I think it was really good. I definatley think the team should continue this project. but since it was a school project, i dont think the member will still have the will to complete it. However, they should give the source to another team if they dont want to finish it. The other team could make new maps, weapons, multiplay. too bad that wont happen