ECTS is near,any news?



27th is comming, any of you got any new info about new goodies they will show us or perhaps the SDK, which they said it will be out about a month before the final release.
I mean that if they release the game on schedule now is a month before Sept.30th...
Am I right or am I right?
Gabe said that they won't show any new strange is that?
They will announce that Gordon has died from an overdose of coffeine pills (got to be alert when fighting aliens and checking in Alyx). Inside info, you heard the news first here.
they might give info on the sdk but not everyone can get it (as in the public) u have to go to some conference in seatle to get it... so i read
Common mistake.

Everyone is going to be able to get it. That conference was for mod developers to go to if they wanted to see it early and learn how to use it.

Eventualy it will be available over steam and other for everyone :)
I don't know yet whats gonna happen... but i'll let you guys know as I AM going! :)
Lucky git!

lol, good on ya. When you return you can tell us how to use the sdk then :p

oh and are you working on a mod?
Originally posted by Frank
Gabe said that they won't show any new strange is that?

I guess this is the quote, from Phlek's post in the Valve Info thread:

"1) Will you be making any big announcements at the
upcoming ECTS in Europe?"

Gabe : No.

Maybe there will be some small announcements though... maybe Gabe is just messing with our minds :)
The fact that there are "no big announcements" can be a good thing, you know. An official announcement that the game has been delayed would be a big announcement, while Gabe saying that it's on track for the 30th wouldn't be...

Also, in regards to the SDK thing: People who can (when is it/was it?) go to the conference can get the SDK before the game's release. So basically, it won't be available to everyone BEFORE the game's release. It is my understanding, though, that when the game is released, the SDK will come with it (or will be downloadable over Steam later, or both), so at that point in time, everyone will have access to it.

Good points Syko. Presumably people who get the SDK before the games release are not allowed to distribute it?
I hope they shows some new movies and realse they on steam later on. =D
It's odd that they wouldn't be showing anything new at ECTS though. I mean, it'd be a little underwhelming for them to just show the e3 footage everyone has seen, including everyone at ECTS.
Yeah, would be pointless in showing the exact same thing as they did at E3 since everyone that has any interest at all in the sequel will have seen it already, and that's pretty much everyone. I hope they show or let out some info on the multiplayer portion of the game, and at least some news on if it has been delayed and til when if it has.
announcing a delay would be a big announcement...but announcing that there was no delay would not be an announcement. It'd just be squelching a rumor, not really an announcement

dunno if that makes any sense it's really late and I'm tired! :dozey:
PHL said that vivendi just showed the E3 video, no new HL2 info, and there was a fully playable version of CS:CZ...
Please let CS:CZ die!!! Noone wants to play a game with outdated graphics and poor singleplayer anyways. CounterStrike is a great game, but it's old news and what we need is a newer CS without the 'buy' options at the beginning of each round. Seriously, how many CT's do you think have to pay for their weapons and get more money for every terrorist they kill? Ravenshield is a much CounterTerrorist game and hopefully HalfLife 2 will come out with a mod similar to it when it's finally released. Condition Zero has Zero interest with most gamers today, sure there are probably a few left, but what we really want is something refreshingly new in the CounterTerrorism mods of the future.
they might tell us a few things considering the release date...or maybe some details on the MP...would be enough for me as long as we see something new
In response to marksman.. No im not making a mod, but dependant on how the SDK handles.. I might join an exisiting team which are looking for members!

Anyways ECTS is going to be great no matter what Vivendi announce or dont.. There are loads of other companies with exciting news, NVIDIA, ATI, virtually every game retailer in europe! etc..

Lot's of free givaways im hoping!!