Edge 10 for Mario Galaxy :)


Party Escort Bot
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Not surprising for anyone who's played it, but still nice.

Crysis - 9
CoD4 - 9
Drake' Fortune - 8
Zak & Wiki - 8
Mass Effect 7 - (bah!)
Assassin's Creed - 7

plus loads of other I can't be arsed to type out.
MG deserves the 10, but Mass Effect on par with Assassins Creed?

Below par with Crysis? :/
The stats/rpg element and frantic combat don't quite gel, too easy on normal setting, and the setting charatcers don't live up to KOTOR, apparently. I'm not too fussed - it still looks good to me :)

Oh, they slammed the Witcher and Hellgate, giving them a 5 and 6 respectively.

MG deserves the 10, but Mass Effect on par with Assassins Creed?

Below par with Crysis? :/

The marks don't mean that much - they've slammed games I love in the past.