Editing Damage



Im new to these forums so I'll introduce myself a bit. I have been interested in games since I was 4 when I got my first SNES and I am now 19, enrolled at Purdue University, studying Computer Engineering. Ive had a little experience in programming (mostly in C). With that, I would like to know what language you write code in for Source and if there are any tutorials out there for learning to code in Source. Im mainly concerned with CS:S which brings me to my next question.

I would like to mod CSS so that in a listen sever that I launch, all damage from any weapon will do zero damage unless it is inflicted to the head. Can someone please point me in the right direction?
How many times!? You can't mod CS:S mate, Valve haven't and probably never will release the source code. However I'm pretty sure this can be achieved with a plug-in.
So did Valve relase the source code to HL2?

Any help on how to do this using a plugin?
They released HL2's SDK. Basically the ability to interact with the engine, but not the ability to modify the engine.

There is no CSS SDK. I think you could do it with a plugin though im unfamiliar with that.
Ok, thanks. I'll try to find some info on plugins.

Does anyone know what programs the plugins are for? I know CZ had AMX but what does CSS have?