Editing Source to allow items to be dropped using right click


Dec 10, 2010
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i have been searching everywhere for;
1. a source api document, none can be found, except for the source wiki
2nd. a way to edit the baseentity to enable it to drop items instead of using e, to use the right click.

another thing i wanted to know was how to attach items together using vphysics, would this be a setting in the engine it self, i wanted to put something along the lines of
if equal or great force is delivered, move box in direction of force, its for a game i'm making just need some guidance, anything would help, thank you.
You can just change the key that +use is bound to. Or do you want e to pick up, and right click to drop?
You can just change the key that +use is bound to. Or do you want e to pick up, and right click to drop?

Yea i want to pick up with e and right click to drop instead of right click being to throw it, as well i want to understand vphysics more, any sites for that? other then the source wiki
I'm pretty sure that the Valve Developer wiki is the only place with any decent information.
I'm not really familiar with the code, but I'd find where the picking up and dropping code is make it pickup only, then duplicate it to work with another command (+drop or something like that) and make it only drop.