Editorial I wrote credited to Munro, lol

What, so one of those editorals that have been written, is by you, but Munro has put his name at the bottom? Oh dear, well you've been well and truely shafted there. He's sunning himself up on holiday right now, infact he may never come back. You live and learn.
He seems to have had an awful lot of holidays lately.

Those ads must provide quite a bit of pocket money.
he's fled with the hosting funds you fools. he told me in a dream, although i've never seen his face
What, so one of those editorals that have been written, is by you, but Munro has put his name at the bottom? Oh dear, well you've been well and truely shafted there. He's sunning himself up on holiday right now, infact he may never come back. You live and learn.

I sense a bit of hostility here :p
The article system is a bit of a pain in the arse. It only lets you add content under your username or the username of a current staff account. Because the article was written yonks ago on another system and needed to quickly be ported over I had to use my username as we don't have a staff account for you anymore. I'll try to fiddle with the mySQL tables at some point and attempt to put your name in there, sorry :)