Edwards-Cheney debate

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Sep 9, 2003
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Anyone is going to watch this ?

I hope Dick will keep control and don't resort to "****", that would **** him up.
Cheney is almost, but not quite, as evil as Tom Delay (who is rumored to be headed towards doom on ethics violations. Too bad nobody will ever get him on supporting apartheid and slave labor within US territory). His "sensitive" bullplop was one of the most cynical and hypocritical attacks in American history: he not only grossly misrepresented what Kerry said ("sensitive to the concerns of our allies" turned into "sensitive to the terrorists) but the fact is that even in some of the SAME interviews in which he criticized Kerry for using the word, he used the same exact word! Plus, he Bush, and many people in his current administration have spoken of being more sensitive to the concerns of Muslims and so on many times. If that's not ridiculous hypocrisy, I don't know what is. Well, maybe it's his attacking Kerry for voting unsuccesfully for minor cutbacks on weapon systems that Cheney himself had proposed cutting even MORE and even complained that Congress wasn't cutting them ENOUGH.

Or maybe it's Cheney saying in 1992 that invading Iraq would be a major mistake and be a very very hard thing to be in control of: criticisms that he ridiculed when other people made them in 2002. (of course, those critics turned out to be right about the situation of post-war Iraq, and his ridicule sickenly arrogant in the face of how many troops his misjudgements and hubris have cost us). Of course, he can argue that 9/11 made invading worth the lives he original said it WASN'T worth invading for, but he can't argue that 9/11 made the invasion and occupation magically much easier and with less danger than he had argued in 1992.
Edwards is actually about 20 minutes away from my town, preparing in the same place Clinton would prepare for his debates. I won't be missing any of the debates this year.

As an aside, hello Apos. Nice to see you're back :)
Only from time to time. I couldn't resist checking in when I heard the mags were coming out with reviews. :) Looks like I might not miss the release of HL2 after all tho. Heh!
cheney seems like he would debate well.
qckbeam said:
Edwards is actually about 20 minutes away from my town, preparing in the same place Clinton would prepare for his debates. I won't be missing any of the debates this year.

At least he doesn't live in your state :|
gh0st said:
cheney seems like he would debate well.

He sure debated well when he argued that his oil services company should be allowed to do business with Iraq, Iran, and other terrorist nations, in contradiction to legal and ethical standards at the time, all so he could make more money. How anyone that spent the 90s arguing that the restrictions on trading with people who funnelled their money to support terrorism should be lifted could claim to be anti-terror is beyond me.
Sprafa said:
Anyone is going to watch this ?

I hope Dick will keep control and don't resort to "****", that would **** him up.
Dude,. you are such an enigma. How can you be so disrespectful of America, but be on the side of the current administration? Whos side are you on, exactly?

Personally I hope Edwards tears him up. He certainly has way more charisma. It would be absolutly brilliant if Cheney told him to go **** himself. Oh man. I'd love that.
f|uke said:
Dude,. you are such an enigma. How can you be so disrespectful of America, but be on the side of the current administration? Whos side are you on, exactly?

You misunderstood what he wrote.
Edwards seems to be one of the most liked people in this whole race, Cheney happens to be one of the most hated people in this race. The outcome has yet to be seen, but I predict heart attacks, and law suites. We'll see. ;)

Should be a good one to watch though.
blahblahblah said:
You misunderstood what he wrote.
No,. if anything, he misspoke. He said he hopes Cheney doesnt do something specific that would 'f' him up. He hopes Cheney doesnt 'f' up. Therefore he's rooting for Cheney.

If, somehow, this was an attempt at sarcasm, it was feeble.
f|uke said:
No,. if anything, he misspoke. He said he hopes Cheney doesnt do something specific that would 'f' him up. He hopes Cheney doesnt 'f' up. Therefore he's rooting for Cheney.

If, somehow, this was an attempt at sarcasm, it was feeble.
he could just be hoping that candidates keep it civil. just because you don't like the administration doesn't mean you want them to say something incredibly stupid or hateful.
CyberSh33p said:
he could just be hoping that candidates keep it civil. just because you don't like the administration doesn't mean you want them to say something incredibly stupid or hateful.
the prefix "that would 'f' him up", is the logical endpoint to his statement. The common sense conclusion is that him getting 'f'd up is what he hopes doesnt happen. Now I believe there is a good chance that is not what he meant... but it is clearly what he said.
f|uke said:
the prefix "that would 'f' him up", is the logical endpoint to his statement. The common sense conclusion is that him getting 'f'd up is what he hopes doesnt happen. Now I believe there is a good chance that is not what he meant... but it is clearly what he said.
I give up
Well I hadn't read the subtext,..

Ok I'm slow sometimes... but when I get there,. woo boy! lookout!
Uh, some unfortunate news for you revolutionaries!

There not going to get rid of Sprafa. The mods enjoy him, and enjoy talking to him. There not unified, so the country bashing they honestly dont care about. To them its exciting, but the first people they will probably ban is you guys.

Just because they like Sprafa...thats okay...im making one too!
Cheesus, it's just a guy burning a flag. What if the flag had rabies and was about to bite a child? What then, huh? What then?

If some guy in Chezecloslovakia (sp?) burnt a Canadian flag, do you know what I would do?

I wouldn't give a shit, because burning that flag hurts no-one except the guy who spent good money for it.

So someone hurt your feelings? Boo-hoo. Suck it up and deal with it. Can't you see that you're just descending to his level with your LOL PORTUGAL SUCKY NAZI avatars? If you think what he's done was so horrible, why are you acting the exact same way?

Except he's likely putting that burning flag up as protest for the war in Iraq, while you're all "Portugal sucks because I don't like Sprafa LOL!" What ever happened to the freedom to protest?

At least he has a cause. You're just insulting an entire nation to be petty.

Sprafa - I am protesting the US's unjustifed and illegal invasion of Iraq.

Gh0st - Yeah, well I hate... uhhh... Portugal! Yeah, that's your country, right? I hate it now!

Me - Why? What has Portugal ever done to anyone?

Actually, I dont know what you are talking about. I'am not aware that im bashing countries, and nor do I carry Swastikas in my avatar containing Portugal.

But you are right, people have a right to protest. But I have to say, people dont burn flags because disease is on it. But because they think disease is in it.

I find that disrespectful, no matter what country it is. Sprafa, bring your Avatar down.
Mechgodzilla cant find the forum posts that are what he says they are.

Too bad Mechagodzilla, your enjoying what Sprafa is doing too. Hence, your ignorant reply of, "LOL IT COULD BE DISEASES LOL".
K e r b e r o s said:
Would you care if I burned your flag then? I think you would.

Actually, I already said I don't give a shit who burns what just in that last post.

Why should I give a damn if a single idiot burns a flag? It's just a freaking metaphor. The entire point is to get me angry, so I can best fight it by not spreading the hate.
It's not like he invaded my country for no reason or something.

Burn all the canadian flags you want. All you'll be doing is making some canadians angry at the cost of your money.

In the meantime, your avatar is the true way to show patriotism. If someone burns your flag, put up three more. Show that you're more mature.

Don't go around hating an entire country. That's probably the sort of dangerously reactionary attitude Sprafa was protesting in the first place.
K e r b e r o s said:
Mechgodzilla cant find the forum posts that are what he says they are.

Are you accusing me of something? That sentence makes no sense.

Too bad Mechagodzilla, your enjoying what Sprafa is doing too.
Don't jump to conclusions and call me some anti-american terrorist or something. I said to just ignore Sprafa's protest instead of retaliating and starting a huge avatar flamewar. Peace, get it?

Hence, your ignorant reply

If you didn't see that as the joke that it was, then you are a sad, sad individual. There's a difference between ignorance and levity.

Do you even know what ignorance means? If you do, then what was I being ignorant of?

My point was, and still is, that everyone should just shut the hell up and not blow this thing into some sort of international incident.
Someone is mad. Join the revolution Mechagodzilla, and bash your own country!

But noone elses! :D
Cheesus, stop rewriting your post. This thing has changed three times, at least:

K e r b e r o s said:
Actually, I dont know what you are talking about. I'am not aware that im bashing countries, and nor do I carry Swastikas in my avatar containing Portugal.
I was refering to seinfeldrules and gh0st. they have have the "portugal is a nazi" and "portugal sucks" avatars, respectively.

But you are right, people have a right to protest.
Well, there you go.
I find that disrespectful, no matter what country it is. Sprafa, bring your Avatar down.
You can ask him to, but he has the choice to keep it up.

Keep in mind that he's just showing a stock photo of some guy burning a flag. Sprafa never burned anything himself.
Did anyone stop to think that ( by showing a flag-burner) his point might be that America should be aware that it's bad foriegn policy decisions are resulting in Anti-americanism?

Someone is mad. Join the revolution Mechagodzilla, and bash your own country!

But noone elses!

Sorry if I sound angry or something, but I tend to be prone to less-than cogent swearing when I'm freakin' sleepy. :monkee:
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