Eldar Scrolls:Oblivion vs. Gothic III


Jan 21, 2006
Reaction score
RPG fans,are you looking forward more to Oblivion or the little heard about Gothic III?As a long time Gothic fan im siked up about GothicIII.But im definetly getting Oblivion also.
I tried playing Gothic I and Gothic II, but got bored really fast. The same thing happened with Morrowind, but on the third try to get into the game (happened last year) when a friend told me how to get the superfast boots and after that the game actually was enjoyable (I could get from one town to another without wasteing half my day).

Having said that, I'm not getting either one, since I know they will be a huge time drain and I'm this close to getting my degree with a decent average.
You're such a n00b. I'm getting Oblivion because I really like Morrowind. Gothic really just reminds me of goths, and I know that if I wasn't so blinded by ignorance I'd realize that it's probably a great game but I just can't get past the name.
I think I'm gonna get oblivion (obviously I will wait for a review to ensure I dont spend 50 of my hard earned dollars on a pile of crap, but Im sure the game will rock, but hey, just in case). I havent really heard much of G3
Both :) And definatly Neverwinter nights 2, which will be out soon with any luck. Oh, and the new Baldurs gate game, cant remember the name now tbh... but its by the same people (probaly in 2007 though). It'll all be excellent.

A good year for RPG's i think.
Huge Gothic fan. In a few days my order of Gothic 2 Gold edition should finally arrive and I can play the expansion pack.

I consider Gothic 1 to be one of my favorite games ever made.

Also a huge Morrowind fan so I have to say my RPG needs are probably going to finally feel met this year.
I am personally looking forward to Oblivion more, but that may be due to the fact there there has just been so much talk about it and great media releases to help the hype. I haven't seen enough footage or heard about enough of Gothic 3's gameplay to decide on whether it will be a truly great title yet. Obviously they could both go wrong, but at this stage, I doubt either will miss the mark by too much. They should both be great.
The Mullinator said:
Huge Gothic fan. In a few days my order of Gothic 2 Gold edition should finally arrive and I can play the expansion pack.

I consider Gothic 1 to be one of my favorite games ever made.

Also a huge Morrowind fan so I have to say my RPG needs are probably going to finally feel met this year.
I just baught Gothic 2 gold ed.and its awsome with cheat codes lol i'm getting Oblivion and Gothic 3 .
I think they will be almost identical as far as AI such as people and creatures having schedules and such.And they both look the same graphically.Im just a Gothic fanboy.Like I said,im getting both. heres all i gotta say about gothic3 80
nwn2 > oblivion > gothic3.

that's the order i want to get them [all] in.
I will get both, but im looking more forward to Gothic 3. I liked gothic 2 (and the expansion is freaking awesome guys... one of my favorites) better than Morrowind. Morrowind got kind of boring, whereas I played gothic through its entirety without any big breaks. Morrowind I would be playing for a couple days, stop for a week or two, pick up again, etc.

Now I think Oblivion will be a fantastic game... but I know so much about it that I probably wont be as awed as I will be with G3.

Oh, and that screen shot is nothing. Check this one out

Never even heard of the Gothic series - just shows how much American advertising dominates the market. This looks absolutely jaw dropping, even compared to Oblivion - ESPECIALLY compared to Oblivion - those outdoor shots look incredibly realistic. Thanx for the tip off :D

Is this 1st person? is it non linear? Did I read somewhere the game area is over 40 sq kilometres? I can find very little info on the game itself, only background story stuff, a lame teaser trailer and the same few screenies... url's would be welcome

lol @ WaterMelon34
I'll be getting Oblivion first, then Gothic 3, then NWN2.:)

Why? Because Elder Scrolls is one of my fav' ol' RPG series still alive, Ultima started to turn crap after 7..

I don't really think there's any chance of Oblivion turning out like crap..
Bethesda is one of the few really really ol' PC devs that're still kicking out good games imo..

And also, if Gothic 3 manages to improve on all the places where Gothic 2 fell short(I.e. controls/user interface imo) it'll definitely be worth me cash.

This is a great year for gamers who want open-ended RPGs..
Gothic 3, Oblivion, STALKER(Not sure that you can categorize it as RPG, but I would want to do that.)!

Also, Bioware are pumping out quite a few new RPGs that seem to be good, for both consoles and PCes.:)
Neither, the only up and coming RPG I'm really interested in at the moment is Fallout 3, I'm just praying Bethesda doesn't scew it up, meaning it's like Fallout 1 & 2 and nothing like Fallout: Tactics, Fallout:POS or TES.
mortiz said:
Neither, the only up and coming RPG I'm really interested in at the moment is Fallout 3, I'm just praying Bethesda doesn't scew it up, meaning it's like Fallout 1 & 2 and nothing like Fallout: Tactics, Fallout:POS or TES.

Agreed. If I want to play Morrowind in a post-apoc retro-future, I'll just play AoA...:|
I'm looking forward to Oblivion but if gothic gets good reviews and seems interesting I may get that as well ...as for other rpg's I'm most looking forward to Age of Conan, a mmorpg but there are some others like Tabula Rasa, Huxley, Vanguard and Bioware's the Witcher
CR0M said:

Never even heard of the Gothic series - just shows how much American advertising dominates the market. This looks absolutely jaw dropping, even compared to Oblivion - ESPECIALLY compared to Oblivion - those outdoor shots look incredibly realistic. Thanx for the tip off :D

Is this 1st person? is it non linear? Did I read somewhere the game area is over 40 sq kilometres? I can find very little info on the game itself, only background story stuff, a lame teaser trailer and the same few screenies... url's would be welcome

lol @ WaterMelon34
http://www.worldofgothic.com/(Was originally a German only site so a lot of things like the FAQ's were not translated all that well.)

Those are the fansites I always visit to get my Gothic series fix.

As for features, these are the same in both Gothic 1, 2 and will also be kept in Gothic 3:

-Totally free form environment, literally go anywhere you want, only thing stopping you in the first is a magical dome of energy which is the main plot focus. In the second you are on very large island which is under quarantine but no one knows why.
-3rd person camera view.
-Non linear, but not to the same level as Morrowind. In the first or second there were 3 different "guilds" you could join to advance the main plot. Each was very different and in Gothic 3 there will apparently be 5 guilds, or you can go guildless.

Here are a few screenshots from Gothic 2 to give you an idea of what it looks like:
is Gothic 2 worth getting? ...mind you I've been sucked up by WoW for the last 2 months so it'd have to be rather interseting to pull me away from it
CptStern said:
is Gothic 2 worth getting? ...mind you I've been sucked up by WoW for the last 2 months so it'd have to be rather interseting to pull me away from it
$20.00 Canadian from Amazon.ca for Gothic 2 Gold edition which includes the regular game and it's expansion.

It takes awhile to get used to the controls and the beginning is rather cheesy but once you get into it I found it very hard to leave. Also note that it is a very hard game until your character has leveled up a few times, with the expansion it is even harder.
ya it's tough to find at most retailers ..only seen it once at Staples of all places

I guess there's no demo ..hmmm maybe I'll read some reviews and figure out from there
CptStern said:
ya it's tough to find at most retailers ..only seen it once at Staples of all places

I guess there's no demo ..hmmm maybe I'll read some reviews and figure out from there
I had totally forgot about it but there actually is a demo:

It also turns our there is a Gothic 1 demo to download which I never knew about:

Aside from looking on ebay though I don't think it is possible to even find Gothic 1 anymore.
The Mullinator said:

thanx dood
will sift through some of those links later. Only thing that puts me off is 3rd person - constantly staring at the back of a virtual puppet kinda ruins the immersion for me. Stuff like Guild wars (hell, even Outcast, way back in the triassic period) is ok cos you can play first person too, so if there's a 1st person toggle, i'll be a happy bunny
You never hear about the Gothic series much until release because its developed in Germany. As far as the interface and controls,i have never really had any problems with it,I guess back when i bought Gothic 1 it was a pain in the ass,but after like 5 years of playing the Gothic series(I played through and beat Gothic2 twice with all 3 character classes) Im kind of used to it.And after beating it so many times,im playing it again and still finding new npcs,areas and quests! And the weapons,items,armor,crafting,npc behavior,open ended decision making,and lvling system still have me hooked on Gothic2,how is that for replay value! Gothic3 is a shoe in for rpg of the year from PCGAMER when it is released.
Gothic III.

A word of advice for people just starting out with Gothic I or II: you really need to get used to the controls in the beginning, but it's worth it for the rest of the game. Apparently the controls are like they are because the games were designed with consoles in mind, but ironically they never made it to a console. I've read they're really improving the controls in Gothic III, so that should be good.
I'd like to play'em all ,,, but i had a bad experience in this kinds of games
Oblivion, but only because I've never played a Gothic game. They both sound/look pretty cool so I'll get both if Gothic III turns out to be good. Meh, we need more good RPGs though. It's sad, there are only like 4 major RPG development houses, whereas there are probably 15+ very large FPS development houses.
I didn't like the demo of Gothic II at all. Morrowind will have the best and most free-roaming world i'll bet.
But if you get Oblivion you get this too:

Xbox.com: The absolute coolest part about Oblivion in your opinion would be? And any specific neat touches gamers should look for?

Todd Howard, Executive Producer: Poisoned Apples are my new favorite. You get them from the assassin's guild and can slip them into taverns and watch people come to eat and drop dead.
Can't wait for the endless possibilities!
I'll be really disappointed if there's any "cutesy" elements in oblivion ..I mean the fantasy world is already saturated by happy little elves and cheerful freakin fairies ..I want bone crushing Barbarism god dammit not some daisey hunting excursion with a group made up of a Smarmy Dwarf, an Impish Elf and a lovable hobbit who colloquially refer to themselves as the "Superfriends"

CptStern said:
I'll be really disappointed if there's any "cutesy" elements in oblivion ..I mean the fantasy world is already saturated by happy little elves and cheerful freakin fairies ..I want bone crushing Barbarism god dammit not some daisey hunting excursion with a group made up of a Smarmy Dwarf, an Impish Elf and a lovable hobbit who colloquially refer to themselves as the "Superfriends"

Whoa! Easy big fella! I am sure there will be plenty of barbarism to be had. When you have a game as open-ended as this remember, its only as violent as you are!

(Rated T for Teen. Disclaimer: Gameplay experience may change depending on the psychopathology of the gamer.)
VictimOfScience said:
Whoa! Easy big fella! I am sure there will be plenty of barbarism to be had. When you have a game as open-ended as this remember, its only as violent as you are!

(Rated T for Teen. Disclaimer: Gameplay experience may change depending on the psychopathology of the gamer.)

so if I wanted to I can hack the daisey fields with big freakin swords?!!!
CptStern said:
so if I wanted to I can hack the daisey fields with big freakin swords?!!!

Yes, friend. Tripple buffered, normal mapped, hi-poly, big, freaking swords.