Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion

Dec 26, 2006
Reaction score
1.I got a question about that game. You know the attributes, Strength, speed, etc? And how each skill(blade,sneak,etc)has an governing atibutes? How does that work?

2.Post any straigies you use.

3.Post any secrets you find.

4.General talk.

Mabye ill add more later.
Each skill has a governing attribute- say blade has a governing attribute of strength (I don't know if it actually does) so mainly, your blade skill won't be able to go higher than your strength skill, and that's about the biggest impact it'll have on gameplay, although having more points in strength will let you hit harder and carry more crap around.

As for all the other points, there are multiple threads for each. Or at least there were. At one point there was a whole oblivion sub-section.
Each skill has a governing attribute- say blade has a governing attribute of strength (I don't know if it actually does) so mainly, your blade skill won't be able to go higher than your strength skill, and that's about the biggest impact it'll have on gameplay, although having more points in strength will let you hit harder and carry more crap around.

As for all the other points, there are multiple threads for each. Or at least there were. At one point there was a whole oblivion sub-section.

I'm pretty sure that's wrong. they don't determin max skill.

Attributes gains bonus modifiers from their assosciated skills when leveling up. Depending on how many times a skill of that attribute has been leveled during a character level, once you level up you will get bonus modifiers to your governing attributes ranging from 0 to +5.


to raise your character one level you will have to raise any combination of mayor skills 10 times.

say that 5 out of the 10 times are spend raising skills with strength as their governing attribute, once you level up you'll get a +5 bonus modifier to strength, should you choose to raise that attribute. naturally you want to raise the attributes with the highest modifiers.
Started to play this again on my 8800GTS (Full settings, 4x AA, HDR):




I use a few mods though and I played it un-modded (out of box) and the mods are a huge improvement:

> Living Economy
> Natural Enviroments/Habitats
> No more Oblivion Gates ever
> Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul
> Unoffical Oblivion Patch
> Distant Land LOD Textures
> Reduced tiling textures

Playing as a Knight with Warrior star sign. Imperial.
I can't play unmodded Oblivion. With the mods it is extreme^to the max.
I'm pretty sure that's wrong. they don't determin max skill.

Attributes gains bonus modifiers from their assosciated skills when leveling up. Depending on how many times a skill of that attribute has been leveled during a character level, once you level up you will get bonus modifiers to your governing attributes ranging from 0 to +5.


to raise your character one level you will have to raise any combination of mayor skills 10 times.

say that 5 out of the 10 times are spend raising skills with strength as their governing attribute, once you level up you'll get a +5 bonus modifier to strength, should you choose to raise that attribute. naturally you want to raise the attributes with the highest modifiers.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that part, which is pretty important. But I was still right though :O
It might be worth it again once I'm capable of running the 1337 graphics, but for gameplay alone... even with mods, no fanks. :D
Three mods I recommend above all others to pretty up the game:

Slof's horses - Forget those plastic purple horses. Amazingly realistic horse textures, now with reins! One of the best graphic enhancements so far methinks.

Illumination Within Revived Optimised - Cities lit up at night


Qarl's Texture Pack 2 (sorry for the filefront link) - Much much sharper and more realistic environment textures.
Those horse textures are ick. Only like 2 of them actually look better. One looks like a freaking banana, another looks like it has aids.
I should've got Oblivion instead of Guild Wars... gah.
I've got a question about soul gems... I've got a bunch of soul gems in my inventory that aren't filled up all the way ... like a "grand" soul gems that only have a soul level of "common" or "lesser", but when I attempt to soul trap even small creatures like rats, I get the "no soul gem in your inventory with enough room" message. How do I fill these soul gems up?
There arnt "levels" of filling soul gems. If you have a greater soul gem with a lesser soul... then you have a wasted soul gem. There isnt anything to my knowledge that can let you remove a soul.
There arnt "levels" of filling soul gems. If you have a greater soul gem with a lesser soul... then you have a wasted soul gem. There isnt anything to my knowledge that can let you remove a soul.

Well that's dumb since you can't control which soul gem the captured soul goes into :\
It's not that dumb. Making the Mages guild storyline totally retarded was dumb, but that was just a mysterious magic thingy that we totally can't understand. :O
Knowing your PC, it wouldn't even load up the launch window.

I've upgraded a little bit since then.

I've got a 7600 GSOC BFG with 2gb of ram.
Runs Rainbow Six Vegas with everything on high just fine.
Runs Company of Heroes with everything on high beautifully.

I need a better hard drive though, it takes me about 4 minutes to load levels in both games. :|
Those horse textures are ick. Only like 2 of them actually look better. One looks like a freaking banana, another looks like it has aids.

Those are old screenies from the first version. The new textures are all taken from real horses except Shadowmere and the 'banana' which was a request from a friend who wanted a gold steed. Load em up, and then compare them with the duplo horses in vanilla Oblivion. Trust me, you won't look back.
v1.2 offical patch is out!

The distant textures look really nice now, no more mushy pea looking textures, lol.
where do you guys download all these Oblivion mods from?
might have to reinstall the game :P
Oblivion is annoying. I want to play it, but I can never get past level 20 or so. After that I don't want to play. I don't understand it.
Level 20 is quite hard because the blocks start falling faster and you barely have time to register their shape and rotate them before they hit the top of your poorly assembled pile. Level 21 is ever faster. :x
I found a naked corpse with 2 000 gold on it on the bottom of the Cheydinhal canal once.
How do you run HDR and FSAA on a 8800? Mine just wont do it.
You can. I run HDR and 4x AA now.

When you load up Oblivion (the splash screen) go to the options there and turn HDR on, leave AA off. Then in your Nvidia Control Panel, over-ride the Oblivion profile to do 2x, 4x or more AA. Then there you go. :)
where's a good place to download all these mods?
and which ones do you recommend?
You can. I run HDR and 4x AA now.

When you load up Oblivion (the splash screen) go to the options there and turn HDR on, leave AA off. Then in your Nvidia Control Panel, over-ride the Oblivion profile to do 2x, 4x or more AA. Then there you go. :)

I thought it was actually impossible to have both at the same time.
I take it its especially made for 8800 users ;)

Nope, not at all. In fact they had no fps impact that I could tell on my little 6800. Might take a coupla seconds longer to load, but hey.
You can even go through the list of textures once installed and remove the ones you don't like, keeping the ones you do :thumbs:

Give it a go, nothing to lose but download time.
I use it on my 7800

Might consider downloading tonight, are there any other screenshots other than the ones on the site. I really like the look of the wooden fences now, actually looks like wood now.

Is qarl the guy who made the texture pack for morrowind as well?