Really pretty Oblivion total conversion


Jul 30, 2008
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On Andoran one can do what crosses his mind and become anything he wishes: from a smith to a knight, from a pearl diver to a vampire, lurking in the night, from a killer to a diplomat, who won’t deal with armor during the whole game and who will solve all of his problems by convincing others of what’s gainful for him.
Non-linear plot

The story of Andoran is an intertwinement of miscellaneous events. Information is of the greatest value in the game. The one possessing the necessary information has the potential to predetermine the plot and to turn the tide of global events.
Logical madness

What would it be, if time went mad? Meeting your own self, talking to rats, intertaining fleas, live cheese and horses walking on the see – this is what a player will face in the “Axis”, one of the game’s areas. But things are not as they seem, the matters will become clear after a while and logic, though unusual, will replace the madness.
Care for traditions

We hold strictly to the canons of the original TES lore. The only pre-condition not from it is the archipelago itself, the rest is rooted deeply in the Elder Scrolls’ history.
Good or bad?

The world cannot be rendered in black and white. Andoran will highlight the dark side of The Elder Scrolls, where diversely saturated shades of grey dominate.
Various approaches

Each problem can be solved differently, you just have to choose the approache, that suits you better. Want to get an item? You can kill the owner or steal the desired object. There is an opportunity to penetrate the owner’s house dressed like a guardian. A woman with the proper skill can jolly along the master, and while he is sleeping after a stormy night, she easily takes what she wants. What other options? Be original and find them for sure.
A rope and a sack

On Andoran you can bind and carry away practically every character after having him knocked senseless or paralized. Besides, the unarmed fight has regained the option to knock seenseless, not to strike dead. It is up to you, what to do with the captives. You may kill them on the Daedra’s altar, interrogate them or to ransom their relatives or maybe think of something more innovative.
Elaborated and living world

Talk to any character you like: if you appeal to him, he may tell you an interesting story once happened to him – all the stories are unique! All the NPC have an accurately elaborated day plan.
Attention to detail

Details make the atmosphere. For example, gates of a city are closed at night. Want to get in? There are several ways, find a suitable one.

Well here's hoping that comes out before Skyrim otherwise it might overlooked...and if does come out before Skyrim it's something fun to hold us over :)
Goodness, that is pretty.

Man, that translation, though. Part of me wants them to do a better job with the actual release, but another part wants it to be just like that.

What would it be, if TIME WENT MAD?! :laugh:
Looks a million times better than Oblivion itself. I actually think I saw early media for this a long time ago. I'm glad its still being worked on. I'll definitely reinstall Oblivion for this.
oooh found the link here. really want this now since I'm replaying Oblivion now with a Skyrim character :D
I've seen this before, looks really great, although the translation is indeed really terrible.
This might make me buy Oblivion for PC if they do a proper decent translation of it.
Thanks for posting in this thread with some really useful information, Warped; so I was given the false presumption that the mod was released.