Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Am I the only one tired of all these tweaks and fixes and stuff? There's so many, and all of them seem necessary which is ridiculous. Bethesda should've just made a working game to begin with.
I've only seen two bugs since release, neither of them game breaking. Maybe I just got lucky or maybe it's something to do with consoles but it seems very stable to me.
I've been playing it on PC and I've encountered no bugs at all. I had it crash once when I lured a frost troll into a town (for the lols) but I reloaded my quicksave and it was fine.
I've seen flying ragdolls, that's about it. Also to whoever was having issues with the ring of hircine, it's an ability added after you put the ring on. Just keep re-equipping the ring.

I've done some of the graphics tweaking, and ambient occlusion adds a lot to the game, even when set to minimum.
I haven't seen many bugs either.

I did have a problem where the textures on trees didn't load properly, and they were all purple like candyfloss. The game crashed not long after that.

I farmed my destruction up to 100, and now I feel dirty :(
i used to be funny, and then i took an arrow to the knee

please kill me
Oh God That Was Awesome

lmfao the end of the video - just WAILS on everyone :laugh:
Lol, the finishing moves make that awesome.

Also the Daedric armour looks amazing.
The way the NPCs just revert to a completely static, emotionless facial expression makes those finishers pretty ****ing creepy, haha.
I built myself a set of daedric, and the most profitable way to do so is by fast traveling between major cities with blacksmiths, buying all of their bars dwarven and up, then smithing bows (exception being orcish, then make armor), improving said bows and re-selling them for massive profit.
I built myself a set of daedric, and the most profitable way to do so is by fast traveling between major cities with blacksmiths, buying all of their bars dwarven and up, then smithing bows (exception being orcish, then make armor), improving said bows and re-selling them for massive profit.
You could have gone to the dwarven ruins and got all that dwarven metal (~400 ingots worth) for free.

Enchanting iron daggers is also more cost effective for making money if you're grinding buildable items.
It's a wonder no one at Bethesda brought that up during development.
If they haven't learnt that their UI's are bad after 4 or so games I don't think they'll ever learn!
Are there any human classes that are good for rouge or archer routes? I only ask for roleplaying reasons :p
I'd say Imperial but it doesn't really matter in Skyrim as much as the older games which race you choose.
They're not humannnn :(

After reading ASoIaF for over a year I just cannot immerse myself in Skyrim when playing a non-human. I played Argonian for a number of hours and it was fun and all but I still couldn't get over the fact that I was a Lizard with a sword. Playing a catman or lizardman or woodelf just doesn't click as well as it did in Morrowind or Oblivion, for me anyways.
Redguard female with levels in sneak, archery, one handed, illusion and conjuration.

*goes back to A Clash of Kings
I did Imperial for their bonus to Speechcraft. Like you, I can't play non-humans. But Speechcraft isn't as useful in Skyrim as it was in Morrowind or Oblivion, which sucks.
Morrowind's UI was perfect IMO.

Wat. Some parts of the UI may have been serviceable, but there is no defending the godawful journal system. Having to comb through pages of writing to find the info relevant to a specific quest was terrible, and the stages of the quest weren't even organized together. I understand the chronological method would make it more immersive, but with no way to search or organize the journal topics, it was unforgivable.
Any news on the Creation Kit? The last I heard, it's supposed to come out sometime in January. I basically just hope it hasn't been delayed.
Am I correct in that the best light armour is glass and the best heavy armour is dragonbone? I've currently got my elf all superior elf gear. Elf bow, armour, sword and shield. Made most of it myself :)