Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

I just creamed a little bit.

I don't care if I'm broke with a huge backlog of games to play, this is now a must-buy.
Dark Souls
Battlefield 3
Batman Arkham City




Prioritise gaming time...toward Battlefield 3 at the moment.

Might have to wait for this for a while, unless the reviews come out as 10s.
I heard that the skyrim reqs are veyr low and near to the oblivion game,and since fallout3 use the same engine,that means that this game may run like fallout3? hell I hope so

also since you say the game looks like crap them more hope to me!
Loved the theme song there. Need this game. Hurry up Greenman Gaming and get it on your store for cheap! :D
Yeah they are quite low. My 3 year old gaming laptop meets the recommended settings, so I would think you should be okay if you can run games from a couple years ago.
oh, and that theme sounded phenomenal! So excited for next Friday!
**** me that is a heart pounding theme.
Are you referring to the leaked game opening? There were some elements of it that concerned me, but I think it was on a console, so I still believe (hope, if you're cynical) that the PC version will look better. If not, then I'm sure mods will take care of any problems I may have before the year is out.


An actual stream of gameplay, got shut down by Bethesda about an hour after starting.

I'm sure 10-15 gigs of mods will make it worthwhile.
Leveled(Loot + Enemies) + Poorly recorded voice(3 actors) + No plot = Bethesda!(TM)

Convince me otherwise, and my $60 is yours!!!
Well, the leveling is supposedly barely there. I've heard of several players being insta-killed by giants, for instance. The voice acting that I've heard thus far has been adequate (not amazing, but not bad enough to take you out of the game) and there's around seventy voice actors compared to Oblivion's thirteen. Can't really say much about the plot, but Elder Scroll games have never really been about the main quest.
From the voice acting I heard in the stream, it's just as terrible for non-important people.

Dark Souls felt more immersive.
Can't wait for this! The theme is amazing.
From the voice acting I heard in the stream, it's just as terrible for non-important people.

Dark Souls felt more immersive.

Dark Souls is a completely different beast. For one thing, it's not "truly" open world, it's really a set of linear paths in the style of Metroid/Castlevania, so it's much easier for them to set a particular mood or atmosphere when you more or less have to approach the world a certain way. Second, the characters are few and the dialog is sparse. It's not a traditional RPG in the sense that you're not bound to mouthy NPCs who dole out quests and give you directions whenever it's convenient for the plot to move forward. With a few exceptions, your direction comes directly from your natural progression through the world, which depends on it being linear, to a degree.

Personally, I have a rough idea of what I'm expecting from Skyrim, and I don't expect it to disappoint. I'm in it for the exploration and getting lost in the world, and feeling like (first time around, anyway) the way I roleplay my character and carry out quests has some impact on the way things turn out. That's basically what I got out of Oblivion, and I doubt they'll be lowering the bar in any considerable way here. Maybe the fact that I skipped Morrowind helps keep my expectations in check. :P
I'm in it for the exploration and getting lost in the world.

That's what I look for in a CRPG. I don't care too much about voice acting, writing and dialogues. Oblivion and Fallout 3 did an awesome work with world exploration and immersion, so Bethesda will have my money.
Worried about console focus, but I know it'll be great (though that may take a few patches and driver updates). Most of all I hope they are as flexible about community made content/mods as they have been with Morrowind and Oblivion.
Pretty sure they already confirmed mod support. They'd be stupid not to.

Does anyone know if this game requires Steam or not? Places are saying it has Steamworks but that doesn't mean it has to use Steam (i.e. has to be activated on Steam no matter where you buy it from).
^ ^ Man that is beautiful. I told myself I wouldn't be getting this because of the amount of time lost to Morrowind and Oblivion...I might have to reconsider now.
Yeah I wasn't too hyped about this until earlier this week when I actually started to read up on it. I've pretty much ignored it since it was announced.

I guess that's good since I don't have to wait too long for it to come out! :D
It looks nice and all, and good times will be had, but man, those animations look stiff. For example 00:16 in Ren's video - can it be that hard to make the character sway a little or something?
I hope someone makes a "what did you do in skyrim today?" thread, similar to the oblivion thread made when that game was released. Honestly, reading accounts of the game experiences was more entertaining than Oblivion itself. OB was an okay game, but I'm hoping Skyrim has enough possibility for variability in play style so as to create different player experiences. It seems like it will.

As far as the Dark Brotherhood goes, while I'm not saying it was an amazing experience, it was the best questline in OB and I have my fingers crossed Skyrim will continue this.
I hope the thieves guild quests last a bit longer. I completed that so fast since I stole so much.

Also I hope the bow and arrows actually do damage this time and I hope I can actually kill people later in the game playing as a thief/assassin type character.
Also I hope the bow and arrows actually do damage this time and I hope I can actually kill people later in the game playing as a thief/assassin type character.

I recall the damage multiplier from sneaking to be quite murderous.
True, but there are encounters where you cant sneak and I just used to get annihilated. I must have leveled my character wrong and I guess it's the downside to doing way more damage in sneak mode.

Does anyone know if this game requires Steam or not? Places are saying it has Steamworks but that doesn't mean it has to use Steam (i.e. has to be activated on Steam no matter where you buy it from).

The last several games Bethesda has launched uses Steam for activation. Steamworks imply that it uses Steam, otherwise you wouldn't make use of Steam Achievements, Cloud, Stats, etc.

However I just went on to Steam store and it doesn't mention it uses anything. I guess nearer the release maybe?
So yeah, according to Bethesda Skyrim will use Steamworks.

But does that mean that you can buy the game in stores and activate it on Steam? Does using Steamworks imply this?

You know why we are asking this: a lot of stores may be cheaper than Steam.
I just realized that this releases on a Friday. Weird.
yeah 11/11 came out of nowhere. I have only 4 more days to set up my Mancave and then I'm gunna lock the door and play until my hands and eyes bleed from overuse
But does that mean that you can buy the game in stores and activate it on Steam? Does using Steamworks imply this?

You know why we are asking this: a lot of stores may be cheaper than Steam.

I understand the question now, sorry.

Yes, you can buy at retail and use the key for activation on Steam.

I understand why you said cheaper at stores, I managed to get Battlefield 3 £10 cheaper by pre-ordering at HMV rather than preorder at Origin (£39.99, are you kidding me EA?)

To be honest I should of waited to buy Battlefield 3 (I actually thought Origin would of been out of beta by the time its release came around)

It looks nice and all, and good times will be had, but man, those animations look stiff. For example 00:16 in Ren's video - can it be that hard to make the character sway a little or something?

To be honest the animations, from what I've seen from other videos are much improved over Fallout: New Vegas. I especially like this vid of men singing whilst drinking mead
unbanned just in time for the 2 big releases this week....yay
Anyway I thought I'd share this with you it looks like they did a remaster for Skyrim of this "old" Morrowind track.


I remember the first video recorded by someone on here of Oblivion; him waking up from the city inn, and then proceed to dance around in the arena, waiting for the gates to open.

Does anybody else feel like changing from their original class? I know you can use all skills equally without feeling penaliseed, but I used to play a paladin type class (Blade, Heavy and Heal and Destruction spells), but playing as a Ranger looks to be more appealing this time around.

Apparently the Armourer Skill has gone, too.
Is it out on tuesday for the US or is it worldwide on friday?

This had completely fallen off my radar lately.
Unfortunately I will not be picking this up at launch/buying it on Steam for a good while. My laptop just isn't good enough to run it as I want it to, and the laptop I've been intending to get for a while just hasn't materialised money-wise. I won't sully the experience by playing on console either. It'll just have to wait. :(
Man I can't wait until friday, especially after hearing that remastered Morrowind track.
I'm not that familiar with the Elder Scrolls series, so could someone tell me what is so great about it? Is it the story, the big world, ...?

It's a gaping hole in my gaming culture.
It's more the possibility to do a whole number of things in an amazing game world without actually progressing I guess, It's largely a fantasy sandbox. But some of the quests and things are really great as well. I remember that one cool quest in Oblivion about an artist who went missing, and your search eventually led to you discovering that he had entered his painting, and you have to go in after him. The world you enter is like a forest, but all styled like an oil painting. And that was just a side quest!
It's more the possibility to do a whole number of things in an amazing game world without actually progressing I guess, It's largely a fantasy sandbox. But some of the quests and things are really great as well. I remember that one cool quest in Oblivion about an artist who went missing, and your search eventually led to you discovering that he had entered his painting, and you have to go in after him. The world you enter is like a forest, but all styled like an oil painting. And that was just a side quest!

Also mods. Fantastic modding community.

The animations really bother me. Granted, they are a huge improvement over past games, but there is still something just off about them. It's like there is a slight pause in each step cycle or something...as if I can actually see two seperate animation cycles for each footstep. Would it really take that much to smooth it out and make it more natural? Also, the dragon flying animations sometimes are looking really silly.

Not to say I'm not pretty excited about it anway.