Elections Canada


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
today is a federal election in canada for our new Prime Minister

our choices are:

Liberals: Paul Martin (current PM) flip flops on enviroment, healthcare, tax cuts, supports big business, promises to keep canada out of iraq, ambigious abortion stance, wants same sex marriages

Progressive Conservatives: Steven Harper, supports big business, wants to repeal gun registry, send troops to iraq, cut healthcare, abolish same sex marriages, flipflops on the enviroment (usually supports big business over enviromental issues)

NDP (New Democrapic Party) token 3rd party (never been in power): Jack Layton: supports the little guy, left leaning, for the people, supports same sex marriages, abortion rights, enviromental issues, tax cuts. Jack Layton, most trust worthy of all candidates

independents/Green Party/write in ...rarely get seats in parliament...except when marijuana is an election issue

I think I'll vote Liberals but that is not my choice ...I think most canadians are voting based on who they dont want to see in power. I'm voting liberal because I dont want Harper in power...he scares me...he scares Ralph Nadar..he scares some of our former PM's

in a perfect world I'd vote for Jack Layton, he has repeatedly stuck up for the little guy and pissed off some big fish in the process. Elections canada estimates there'll be a 60 % voter turnout. If everybody voted political parties would have no choice but to address issues because traditionally the people who dont vote are the poor and young adults (that means you)

so I hope all canadians today will take the time to vote today. If you dont take the time to vote today you have no right to complain about anything that's wrong with this country
CptStern said:
I think I'll vote Liberals but that is not my choice ...I think most canadians are voting based on who they dont want to see in power. I'm voting liberal because I dont want Harper in power...he scares me...he scares Ralph Nadar..he scares some of our former PM's

yeah.. that about sums up the Conservatives.
and u are right.. pple will be voting in fear of instead of all the other reasons :|

right now i am ticked off at the Liberals because of the sponsership thing and recent broken promises.. on the other hand there is no effin' way im voting Conservatives.. like u said.. their ideas scare me.

so who is left? NDP and the Green Party...hmm.. not sure who i will vote for.. but heres a promise i can keep (hey Liberals, are u reading this?).. theres no way im voting Conservatives.
Dr. Freeman said:
right now i am ticked off at the Liberals because of the sponsership thing and recent broken promises.. on the other hand there is no effin' way im voting Conservatives.. like u said.. their ideas scare me.

ya I dont trust the liberals as far as I can throw them, but Steven Harper and his Canadian Alliance cronies are a little too frightening for me.

the green party is a complete joke..at one of the debates the candidate when asked about enviromental issues and renewable energy said "we have many initiatives in mind". Wtf is that? they're the green party yet have no concrete platform on renewable energy? It seems everybody is running on the same platform this election: "vote for me I'm not as bad as the other guy"
CptStern said:
ya I dont trust the liberals as far as I can throw them, but Steven Harper and his Canadian Alliance cronies are a little too frightening for me.

i would like to see the Liberals win...but not as a majority...a minority win would be okay with me.
Lets do these from another prespective now, shall we?

CptStern said:
Liberals: Paul Martin (current PM) flip flops on enviroment, healthcare, tax cuts, supports big business, promises to keep canada out of iraq, ambigious abortion stance, wants same sex marriages

Liberal: Paul Martin (current PM). Responsible for the current wretched state of heathcare, military. Dosent know anything about all the finance scandals despite the fact he was finance minister throughout all those years. Is fine with judges making laws (as opposed to parliment). Is willing to spend billions on ineffective programs to appease special interest (gun registry). Appeases Quebec.

Stance on heathcare: If you elect me, I will fix (pour money into it) heathcare, unlike the Conservatives, who will fix (reform the system) it if they are elected.

CptStern said:
Progressive Conservatives: Steven Harper, supports big business, wants to repeal gun registry, send troops to iraq, cut healthcare, abolish same sex marriages, flipflops on the enviroment (usually supports big business over enviromental issues)

You watch the CBC waaaaaay too much. Out here we call the CBC "Pravda".

Send troops to Iraq = Officilaly support the US in the war. Note: Canada dosent have enough troops to send there anyway.

Cut heathcare = reform healthcare to include the possiblity of private imaging clinics and clinics for elective surgery.

Abolish Same sex marraige = Let parliment decide in a free vote.

Flip-flops on environtment = get rid of the Kyoto accord becaue, of all the signatories, only Luxembourg has made its commitments and the previous govornment (Liberals) have exempted the car manufacturers of Ontario and Quebec anyway.

CptStern said:
NDP (New Democrapic Party) token 3rd party (never been in power): Jack Layton: supports the little guy, left leaning, for the people, supports same sex marriages, abortion rights, enviromental issues, tax cuts. Jack Layton, most trust worthy of all candidates

Never been in power? Never even been official opposition. Rarely gets enough seats to be recognized as an official party.

Left leaning = coo-coo bonkers left.

For the people = against the rich.

supports tax cuts = supports taxing the rich and making everyone poor, then cutting taxes to the poor.

CptStern said:
independents/Green Party/write in ...rarely get seats in parliament...except when marijuana is an election issue

Greens, Marijuana, Libertarinas, Canadian Action Party have never to my knowledge ever been elected to a single seat.
KagePrototype said:
:laugh: I really hope that's a typo. :P

heh I didnt even notice that

ductonius: Like I said: I wouldnt trust the liberals as far as I throw them, but no way am I going to vote for harper...he's just too conservative for me. I'm assuming you're supporting the PC's but I really dont see why you would: everything you mentioned that was bad about the liberals could be applied to the PC's except for their dreadful "family first" hidden agenda, dreadful commitment to healthcare (we dont need reform, at least not privatisation reform ...wait till you have aging parents and you have to rely on healthcare on a weekly basis like I do...it's bad enough as it is...how would you like to pay for imaging? my father has been sick lately and has needed extensive testing; it would have cost in excess of $300,000 last month alone...privatization will only bring about user fees and less stringent care standards)

btw I really dont care if the gun registry was unsuccessful...at least they started the ball rolling on dealing with the ever increasing gun problem, and before you start crying foul that the registry is targeting legal gun owners let me remind you that americans have been using this angle for years and it doesnt seem to make them any safer. If it was up to me all guns would be illegal.
As opposed to every canadian out here, I'm voting for the Bloc Québecois. I know it's impossible for Gilles Duceppe to be prime minister but at least, if Quebec votes for him, there is gonna be a good opposition to defend Quebec's cause. Yess i'm a lefty and a separatist. I'm not ashamed to say i'm Canadian (French Canadian that is), but I'm proud to say I'm a Quebecois Sti!
CptStern said:
I'm assuming you're supporting the PC's but I really dont see why you would: everything you mentioned that was bad about the liberals could be applied to the PC's except for their dreadful "family first" hidden agenda,

Ah, yes, the famous "hidden agenda" boogy-man.

Martin: Hey I man be dishonest and waste your money, but those conservatives are up to something. They have shifty eyes.

CptStern said:
wait till you have aging parents and you have to rely on healthcare on a weekly basis like I do...it's bad enough as it is...

I do have aging parents who rely on heathcare on a weekly basis. Both of them would dearly love to plunk down a few hundered dollars to get some elective treatment sooner.

CptStern said:
how would you like to pay for imaging?

I would love it just fine! Then my father who has been wating for an MRI scan for a month could finally get it!

CptStern said:
my father has been sick lately and has needed extensive testing; it would have cost in excess of $300,000 last month alone...privatization will only bring about user fees and less stringent care standards)

Allowing private imaging clinics alongside public ones will only allow the line for public imaging to grow smaller.

You seem to think "privatization = priavate hospitals" when really what Harper is proposing is "Public Hospitals etc + private imaging + private elective surgery"
ductonius said:
Ah, yes, the famous "hidden agenda" boogy-man.

Martin: Hey I man be dishonest and waste your money, but those conservatives are up to something. They have shifty eyes.

I do have aging parents who rely on heathcare on a weekly basis. Both of them would dearly love to plunk down a few hundered dollars to get some elective treatment sooner.

I would love it just fine! Then my father who has been wating for an MRI scan for a month could finally get it!

Allowing private imaging clinics alongside public ones will only allow the line for public imaging to grow smaller.

You seem to think "privatization = priavate hospitals" when really what Harper is proposing is "Public Hospitals etc + private imaging + private elective surgery"

I'm all for private elective surgery, but when you privatize things that are essential like MRI's you are just asking for a downward spiral in terms of quality care. When it's an emergency there is no waiting time. Talk to anybody in the healthcare industry..the liberal agenda isnt as harmful in the long term as the conservative platform

btw what about Harper's stance that canada should have gone to iraq...or massive military spending on unnessecary things like air craft carriers (since when does a country that is known for peacekeeping need ships that are capable of carrying fighter planes?)
ductonius said:
I do have aging parents who rely on heathcare on a weekly basis. Both of them would dearly love to plunk down a few hundered dollars to get some elective treatment sooner.

I would love it just fine! Then my father who has been wating for an MRI scan for a month could finally get it!

u are just assuming here that the rest of Canada is like ur father who can pay money to get health care.

that isn't so my friend.

ductonius said:
Allowing private imaging clinics alongside public ones will only allow the line for public imaging to grow smaller.

You seem to think "privatization = priavate hospitals" when really what Harper is proposing is "Public Hospitals etc + private imaging + private elective surgery"

ultimately...privatization will give a downward spiral to quality healthcare.. its the mindset..

"we have already introduced privatization, might as well add a few more services there" i see this kind of thing happening... :| :x
CptStern said:
I'm all for private elective surgery,

So, your not against privatization then. Your halfway agreeing with Steven Harper and halfway disagreeing wth Paul Martin.

CptStern said:
but when you privatize things that are essential like MRI's you are just asking for a downward spiral in terms of quality care.

Since when has anybody been talking about having a fully private system in teh first place? Not Harper. I dont know how many times I need to say it, but his platform is that of allowing private clinics to open, not one of offloading an entire section of the health system to private hands.

If you have private imaging clinics along-side public ones, all that will happnen is that the public lines will get shorter.

CptStern said:
When it's an emergency there is no waiting time.

Totally, completly, and utterly incorrect. My father had a minor stroke. There was supposed to be "no wait time" on CAT scans for this type of emergency. The heathcare system was supposed to give him a scan right then and there. When did he get his CAT scan? Two weeks later.

I have a hard time beleiving this is an isolated incident. I would have, with a smile on my face and spring in my heels paid as much as it took to buy a private CAT scan.

CptStern said:
Talk to anybody in the healthcare industry..the liberal agenda isnt as harmful in the long term as the conservative platform

Except, you know, all the doctors around here who know and will tell you the insistance on a public system costs lives.


Dr. Freeman said:
u are just assuming here that the rest of Canada is like ur father who can pay money to get health care.

that isn't so my friend.

If he can, why is it wrong that he does? Becaue its not fair, not equal?

Would you bind a mans hands and prevent him from saving his own life simply becuae you think he has to wait his turn?

Dr. Freeman said:
ultimately...privatization will give a downward spiral to quality healthcare.. its the mindset..

Two people so far have said "downward spiral" now but neither of them have actually explained what this mean.

It's just another boogy-man like the "hidden agenda".

Dr. Freeman said:
"we have already introduced privatization, might as well add a few more services there" i see this kind of thing happening... :| :x

So, once one govornment allows it then each successive govornment is bound to allow more and more private, and is bound to degrade the public system?

I dont think so.
BirdMan said:
As opposed to every canadian out here, I'm voting for the Bloc Québecois. I know it's impossible for Gilles Duceppe to be prime minister but at least, if Quebec votes for him, there is gonna be a good opposition to defend Quebec's cause. Yess i'm a lefty and a separatist. I'm not ashamed to say i'm Canadian (French Canadian that is), but I'm proud to say I'm a Quebecois Sti!

Good! :thumbs: Let's go Quebec! Let's go les Nordiques! lol
ductonius said:
So, your not against privatization then. Your halfway agreeing with Steven Harper and halfway disagreeing wth Paul Martin.

Since when has anybody been talking about having a fully private system in teh first place? Not Harper. I dont know how many times I need to say it, but his platform is that of allowing private clinics to open, not one of offloading an entire section of the health system to private hands.

If you have private imaging clinics along-side public ones, all that will happnen is that the public lines will get shorter.

Totally, completly, and utterly incorrect. My father had a minor stroke. There was supposed to be "no wait time" on CAT scans for this type of emergency. The heathcare system was supposed to give him a scan right then and there. When did he get his CAT scan? Two weeks later.

I have a hard time beleiving this is an isolated incident. I would have, with a smile on my face and spring in my heels paid as much as it took to buy a private CAT scan.

Except, you know, all the doctors around here who know and will tell you the insistance on a public system costs lives.

well that may have been an isolated incident....when my father was rushed into the hospital for emergency surgery after a massive brain aneurysm there was no waiting time...even in follow up scans there was no wait time. I've lived here long enough to see that our healthcare is going down the crapper...but privatization of necessary procedures isnt the best solution....look I dont agree with a lot of the crap the liberals have been giving us for years but IMO the PC's are just too dangerous to be in power...I'd rather vote NDP but I dont like backing a losing party...that may pave the way for the PC's...and I'm not willing to throw away my vote.

The PC's are made up of the same canadian hardliners that backed Stockwell day (an admitted "creationist") and Preston Manning (borderline racist) when they ran the reform party which became the canadian alliance which is now part of the PC party
CptStern said:
<SNIP>It seems everybody is running on the same platform this election: "vote for me I'm not as bad as the other guy"
Which is why I wouldn't vote (I am too young at the moment), why should I vote for a person who does not truly represent me. It's like voting for the lesser evil of three, and I will not do that.
ductonius said:
Two people so far have said "downward spiral" now but neither of them have actually explained what this mean.

It's just another boogy-man like the "hidden agenda".

So, once one govornment allows it then each successive govornment is bound to allow more and more private, and is bound to degrade the public system?

I dont think so.

just cause u "don't think so" doesn't mean otherwise.
i don't think u and i will see eye to eye on this subject simply because u refuse to acknowledge that pple in general are notorious for that "we have already introduced privatization, might as well add a few more services there" mindset.

sure u can go ahead and support it if u want.. if it happens 4 years down the road that some important services are totally privatized.. who would be responsible? the government? the pple?..

ahhh.. the debate is endless..
ductonius said:
If he can, why is it wrong that he does? Becaue its not fair, not equal?

so what do you propose? a system like the US where the care you recieve depends on how much money you have?

why should your father have a shorter wait then a single mother who depends on social assistance to survive? because he pays taxes? You're advocating a two tier system that will make all the difference between the haves and have nots when it comes to quality healthcare

btw my son was born 3 months premature...if he was born in the US and I had no insurance I would be paying the hospital over $500,000 for his 3 month stay...a bill that I would be paying for the rest of my life
CptStern said:
well that may have been an isolated incident....when my father was rushed into the hospital for emergency surgery after a massive brain aneurysm there was no waiting time...even in follow up scans there was no wait time.

On the same note, your fathers treatment could be an isolated incident.

CptStern said:
I've lived here long enough to see that our healthcare is going down the crapper...but privatization of necessary procedures isnt the best solution....

The worst Harper is talking about is a private option for imaging.

As for the Conservatives being "too dangerous", I would encourage you to actually find out what they stand for.

Right now, it seems as if your entire opninion of the Conservatives is based on what the CBC wants you to think of them. (that goes for Manning and Day as well)
ductonius said:
On the same note, your fathers treatment could be an isolated incident.

no it wasnt...my dad wasnt in and out of the hospital...he was in critical care for a month, another month in the hospital and another 3 months in a rehab hospital...he's been to the hospital 8 times in the last month. So has my aunt. Healthcare has indeed suffered over the last decade but the PC's are not the solution

ductonius said:
Right now, it seems as if your entire opninion of the Conservatives is based on what the CBC wants you to think of them. (that goes for Manning and Day as well)

Manning is an admitted creationist...he publically said it...he's put his foot in his mouth so often that I'd be very surprised if he ever holds an elected office again
man as long as health care is free.......keep it free ..damn steve harper is trying to kill it....what a bastardo
Dr. Freeman said:
just cause u "don't think so" doesn't mean otherwise.
i don't think u and i will see eye to eye on this subject simply because u refuse to acknowledge that pple in general are notorious for that "we have already introduced privatization, might as well add a few more services there" mindset.

Slippery slope argument.

Your simply dont want to see what might be. Im willing to see what might be, and if I dont like it, change it back.

Dr. Freeman said:
sure u can go ahead and support it if u want.. if it happens 4 years down the road that some important services are totally privatized.. who would be responsible? the government? the pple?..

The people, of cource. If you dont like what a govornment does, turf them, but dont demonise someone on what they might do.


CptStern said:
so what do you propose? a system like the US where the care you recieve depends on how much money you have?

You havent read anything I've written so far, have you?

CptStern said:
why should your father have a shorter wait then a single mother who depends on social assistance to survive? because he pays taxes?

Would you bind a mans hands and prevent him from saving his own life simply becaue its not his turn?

CptStern said:
You're advocating a two tier system that will make all the difference between the haves and have nots when it comes to quality healthcare

I'm advocating a private option for elective surgury and imaging.

CptStern said:
btw my son was born 3 months premature...if he was born in the US and I had no insurance I would be paying the hospital over $500,000 for his 3 month stay...a bill that I would be paying for the rest of my life

This has nothing to do with anything I've said so far. At no time have I advocated private hospitals.


CptStern said:
no it wasnt...my dad wasnt in and out of the hospital...he was in critical care for a month, another month in the hospital and another 3 months in a rehab hospital...he's been to the hospital 8 times in the last month. So has my aunt. Healthcare has indeed suffered over the last decade but the PC's are not the solution

A single swallow does not make a spring. In othe words. All the anecdotal evidence you can give means nothing other than an illustration of your point.

There is still nothing to say that what you have experenced in an way approaches the mean.

CptStern said:
Manning is an admitted creationist...he publically said it...he's put his foot in his mouth so often that I'd be very surprised if he ever holds an elected office again

He retired from politics.

Why am I not surprised you didnt know that?
ductonius said:
You havent read anything I've written so far, have you?

one leads to another...open the doors to privatizing and you'll eventually have a quasi US based system...call it speculation based on "anecdotal evidence", as you like to put it

ductonius said:
Would you bind a mans hands and prevent him from saving his own life simply becaue its not his turn?

who are we to decide who should recieve healthcare?..because a person has a fat wallet, does that entitle him to quality of care that is superior to that of a poorer man? Last I checked healthcare was for every citizen

ductonius said:
This has nothing to do with anything I've said so far. At no time have I advocated private hospitals.

I never said you were. I'm trying to illustrate that that is the road we are heading towards. it's a trickle down effect. For example all newborn babies need immunization in their first year of life, currently it costs around $700 for all the shots. A parent on a subsidized income may have a hard time paying for this (the liberals recently announced they'd be forking the bill). Privatization promises to further expand on what people have to pay for in terms of healthcare, and for people who are marginialized it's an uphill battle.
Your two tier system is elitist and socialably irresponsible.

ductonius said:
He retired from politics.

Why am I not surprised you didnt know that?

that was a typo I meant Stockwell day...hmm gotta stop mixing up the racists and the creationists, somebody's bound to get pissed

btw dont take that tone with me, it makes you look small, it was a typo. My previous post made the distinction between the two
CptStern said:
one leads to another...open the doors to privatizing and you'll eventually have a quasi US based system...call it speculation based on "anecdotal evidence", as you like to put it

In other words, it conjecture and has absolutly no validity.

If you want to base your electoral choises from this, go ahead, but be aware that your doing it not becuae of any solid reasoning because of speculation based on invalid evidence.

CptStern said:
who are we to decide who should recieve healthcare?

Irrelivant, the question is one of a private option in a public system, not of who should recieve heathcare and who shouldnt.

CptStern said:
because a person has a fat wallet, does that entitle him to quality of care that is superior to that of a poorer man?

Again I ask the same question: If a man has the means to save his own life, would you prevent him from doing so?

CptStern said:
Last I checked healthcare was for every citizen

Irrelivant, the question is not of who healthcare is for, but of what options should exist for people to obtain it.

CptStern said:
I never said you were.

CptStern said:
You're advocating a two tier system that will make all the difference between the haves and have nots when it comes to quality healthcare

So, exactally what do you mean when you say "two tier system"? Since you mention a US-style system, I can only think that it is something like that, which does include private hospitals.

CptStern said:
I'm trying to illustrate that that is the road we are heading towards.

Again you use conjecture. Conjecture and slippery slope arguemnts are not valid becaue they are not based on anything but the thoughts of a single person.

CptStern said:
it's a trickle down effect. For example all newborn babies need immunization in their first year of life, currently it costs around $700 for all the shots. A parent on a subsidized income may have a hard time paying for this (the liberals recently announced they'd be forking the bill). Privatization promises to further expand on what people have to pay for in terms of healthcare, and for people who are marginialized it's an uphill battle.
Your two tier system is elitist and socialably irresponsible.

How would allowing an option to visit a private MRI clinic cause this? And if your trying to illustrate what "will" happen, it is, again, conjecture.

CptStern said:
that was a typo I meant Stockwell day.

In any case, Manning is retired and Stockwell Day will be elected becaue he's running in Alberta. They and BC have very different ideas about how this country should work.

CptStern said:
btw dont take that tone with me, it makes you look small, it was a typo. My previous post made the distinction between the two

How was I supposed to know it was a typo? You should be more careful about what you write.

Tone is enterly in the mind of the beholder. This is a discussion, if you put emotion into it, your going to get insulted by very silly things.
ductonius said:
In other words, it conjecture and has absolutly no validity.

If you want to base your electoral choises from this, go ahead, but be aware that your doing it not becuae of any solid reasoning because of speculation based on invalid evidence.

so I'm thinking you must have someway of seeing into the future because you support healthcare reform under the PC's. Speculation is a two way street my conservative friend

ductonius said:
Again I ask the same question: If a man has the means to save his own life, would you prevent him from doing so?

that's what private clinics in the US is for.

ductonius said:
How was I supposed to know it was a typo? You should be more careful about what you write.

if you had paid more attention what i had written before then you wouldnt have assumed I had made the identity mistake

ductonius said:
Tone is enterly in the mind of the beholder. This is a discussion, if you put emotion into it, your going to get insulted by very silly things.

your words carry across your tone...right now you sould like an arrogant sob
CptStern said:
so I'm thinking you must have someway of seeing into the future because you support healthcare reform under the PC's. Speculation is a two way street my conservative friend

I have not made statements about what "will" happen if the Conservative party gets into power, I have simply argued that your speculation, which seems to be "the heathcare system will go in a downward spiral if private care is introduced" is unfounded.

My position is that I am willing to let private imaging clinics in and see where that takes us. If it is bad, then we go back - and I will vote for whoever takes us back - if it is good, then we have improved the system.

You will notice the vast difference between this position and the position of "the heathcare system will go in a downward spiral if private care is introduced".

CptStern said:
that's what private clinics in the US is for.

Very good reply, but that dosent answer the question.

So, once again: If a man has the means to save his own life, would you prevent him from doing so becaue it is not his "turn"?

CptStern said:
your words carry across your tone...

I do not inject tone into any of your words. I try to devoid your words of tone and look at thier meaning.

This is how I read words on the internet and I have no problem with anyones "tone" simply becaue I do not concier it.

CptStern said:
right now you sould like an arrogant sob

Argumentum ad hominem, AKA, namecalling.
ductonius said:
I have not made statements about what "will" happen if the Conservative party gets into power, I have simply argued that your speculation, which seems to be "the heathcare system will go in a downward spiral if private care is introduced" is unfounded.

you are basing your vote around this issue...well at least that is the implied by your statements

My position is that I am willing to let private imaging clinics in and see where that takes us. If it is bad, then we go back - and I will vote for whoever takes us back - if it is good, then we have improved the system.

by then the damage will be done

Very good reply, but that dosent answer the question.

So, once again: If a man has the means to save his own life, would you prevent him from doing so becaue it is not his "turn"?

in a country where everyone is guaranteed access to equal healthcare this position is hypocritical

I do not inject tone into any of your words. I try to devoid your words of tone and look at thier meaning.

This is how I read words on the internet and I have no problem with anyones "tone" simply becaue I do not concier it.

Argumentum ad hominem, AKA, namecalling.

there's that arrogance again ;) anyways you didnt take the least bit offense to my stating my opinions why the pc's are dangerous? why else would you be so vehement in your defense of the PC's? or is it that you just like to nitpick? your overstated stance on Moore comes to mind
CptStern said:
you are basing your vote around this issue...well at least that is the implied by your statements

My statements implied nothing of the sort. Reading what a statement implies in a discussion is dangerous and leads to innacuracies.

CptStern said:
by then the damage will be done

There's speculation again.

The difference between what I am saying and what you are saying is that while I do not predict any given result from the introduction of private heathcare, you do. You have repeatdly said it "will" do this, that or the other thing, while I have said, "I will judge it on what it does".

Like I have siad before, if you want to base your vote on what unfounded speculation of what "might" happen, then go ahead. Just be aware of what you are doing.

CptStern said:
in a country where everyone is guaranteed access to equal healthcare this position is hypocritical

Answer the question please: If a man has the means to save his own life, would you prevent him from doing so becaue it is not his "turn"?

CptStern said:
anyways you didnt take the least bit offense to my stating my opinions why the pc's are dangerous?

No, its your opinion. Why would I get worked up over it? I may think its wrong and quesiton it vigorously, but take offence? Never.

CptStern said:
why else would you be so vehement in your defense of the PC's? or is it that you just like to nitpick?

Why else? Becaue, in a general sense, what you have been saying about the Conservative party is unfounded and a misrepresentation of thier stance and you have posted those misrepresentations as facts.

You seem to think I have an emotional investment in this discussion.
hair splitting is getting us nowhere. Vote how your conscious tells you, my conscience is clear. I will not vote for a party that in IMO will drag this country down.
Oi, Show me an example of a country where the healthcare system didn't go downhill when private care was introduced.

Thank you for making a canadian election thread and to sum it up for us. I have no idea from which part of canada you are, but you forgot a major party. Ok, maybe it touches only 8 million people, but it still takes some place in canadian politics. And if you wonder why its important or consider it unimportant, then know that it is for 8 million people. This proves we have to control us by ourself.

btw, i preffer to see the liberals than the conservatives even though I voted for the Bloc (and would NEVER vote liberal).
Looks like you guys will have a minority government in Canada then.

I'll be very curious to see how long the coalition that will form will last. I wouldn't be surprised if you don't return to the polls in 6 months or so.

Your politics are much more interesting than ours here in the US :)
The Bloc did pretty good, surprised me. I was calling a minority Conservative government, but it looks like minority Liberal, going NDP as partners. Oh well. Damned if you do, damned if you dont.