Elite Metro Cop model


Aug 8, 2004
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If anybody has the "Half-life 2- Raising the Bar" book...flip to page 110 and you'll see a model of an Elite Metro cop. It looks like an in game model to me but any way...........
I would like to see someone model it and replace it for the regular metro cops in the game
perhaps post a picture of it huh ?
since not all of us have that book ;o
does it have 2 toes on each foot... ( like the thumbnail image for the Combine_super_soldier in modelviewer !? )
Dodo said:
does it have 2 toes on each foot... ( like the thumbnail image for the Combine_super_soldier in modelviewer !? )

I know which one your talking about, I can't show you anything but I can confirm I have finished modelled it. I gave it a little bit of a make over though since the legs sucked imo.
The Elite Metrocop looked like a normal metrocop, but with a different helmet. Sorta reminiscent of a Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine, or a Storm Trooper.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
The Elite Metrocop looked like a normal metrocop, but with a different helmet. Sorta reminiscent of a Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine, or a Storm Trooper.

-Angry Lawyer

I must be thinking of something completely different then :P

The thing I am talking about is made mainly out of metal and is sort of mech like.
Yeah its like a regular metro cop model only with a differnt gas mask

Trying to post pics
Yeah.. as soon as a mod says posting this shit is allowed (considering it's coming from a copyrighted book).
great contribution there, kyle.
unfortunately, it's also a great example of thread necromancy.... :sleep:

chances are, no-one cares anymore...... :| i could be wrong :cheese:
not exactly sure how much this would add to the game. it would be purely for show.
does anyone have a better picture or concept art piece of the first combine_super_soldier ?


man why didnt they put the supersoldier in he looks so cool!
the one where dodo just posted looks cooler that the sven co-op one even though its a smaller image :P