Elton John: Shut Down The Internets!

The true answer, is anything you want

(Quoted for truth)

I like QFMFT. Try and guess everyone!

Come on, why are you even arguing on his logic ?
I only see wisdom in those ......pretty eyes.

Hahaha! Nice pic.

Elton John, Bono and Geldof walk into a bar... (finish the joke!)
you are just mad cuz he offended your lifestyle of internet fads and sutpid photochops

though I dont think is the fault of the internet

but videos of kids making rap songs parodying movies and fat people singing songs while bouncing theyr bodies are not advance of music in my opinion
What about fat kids dancing to the Macarena?

cuz I will be honest you,I like to be in forums and sometimes forums are entertaining,but the more I see the less I want to be in

all the "funny" stuff I see is 300 fads making people dumb faces,atleast the pics of cats where somewhat funny,but now is every ramdon crap,and allways is geting called "EPIC",so the average iq of the forums users have reduced or is just pop culture? I blame pop culture

that why I feel more the desire of leaving the forums

if you see everytime I post a funny video I post something that is know to be funny,not pulling some stuff out of my ass trying to make it funny
but videos of kids making rap songs parodying movies and fat people singing songs while bouncing theyr bodies are not advance of music in my opinion

Good thing the kind of stupid shit you're talking about has nothing to do with "advancing music".

Seriously, how are people not seeing the massive disconnect here? We can all agree that there is a vast wealth of crap on the internet, but the vast majority of it has nothing to do with music. Might as well blame Fark or something else equally irrelevant.

Ignoring the obvious benefits of putting your music up on the internet for easy and quick distribution/critique, I think it's very narrowminded of him to judge the vast musical spectrum according to his own particular standards in order to justify these kinds of bullshit statements. Let's say that many of these people are making music in isolation. Can somebody tell me how this is a bad thing? Isn't this just just a different facet of musical creativity? Music born from solitude isn't new, nor is it necessarily bad. The internet is just a ****ing scapegoat among antiques like Elton John.
I blame it on the fact that there will always be bad music, just like there will always be good music. Unfortunately, opinion comes into it somewhere.

Damn opinions!
Just turn off the internet..its stealing our children away from God and Truth. Someone hurry up and hit the "emergency internet shut-down" button immediately!
"Get out there and communicate?" What the **** do you think the internet is? An enormous means of communication.

And I'm sure he would be naive to honestly believe that the "internet" is really a singular entity and could simply be switched on or off. And for that matter, naive enough to think that anyone would agree with him enough to believe that it's worth putting an end to the world's network of various online aids and tools just to attempt to bring forth "better music". I'd hate to see a state of affairs with the internet suddenly gone.
The annoying thing about this is that it's not just ignorance. It's the kind of monstrous stupidity you get when people are trying to argue a bullshit point for their own self-interest at the expense of all reason or logic - but it's that stupidity distilled and purified to a higher form; into a kind of anti-intelligence, almost like the effect you'd get if you took the piss from 100 incontinent old women and filtered it to get only the smelliest bits.

The internet is quite possibly the best thing to ever happen to music. Distribution has never been easier, like Absinthe said, but not only that it's also easier than ever to get the software together to make a passable home studio (if you have a suitable wooden leg and eyepatch). The net also means that bands don't have to be backed by the bullshit hype machine of major-label-monopolised media - they can do it by good old fashioned word of mouth instead.

The net is a massive leveller for music. It might not be the greatest thing for the music industry, which is more about ripping off kids with formulaic shite in order to make a quick buck, but it's a great thing for music. And anyway, the supposed adverse effect of the internet on the music industry has not yet materialised - CD album sales were breaking all sorts of records last time I checked.

Elton John's sour because his last album bombed and he wants to think it's because the the world has somehow ****ed up. He doesn't want to acknowledge that it's because he's a ridiculous ****ing has-been with more money than sense no matter how 'badly' he might be doing. ****, he'd still have more money than sense even if all he had left was a fiver.