Email for Gabe and some thoughts

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Sep 19, 2003
Reaction score
I have browsed through the boards since the early beginning of the site, but only now I have signed up and decided to post a few thoughts, first of all, I have emailed Gabe this:

Hi Gabe,

You know there has been a lot of talk about this recently:

I think Fragmaster has a point (altough I do hope he is wrong) and now everyone is flaming each other.
This is not just a problem on the PHL board, but also on my favourite We know how much you care about the community and I hope you can clear up a few things.

'Is Half Life 2 coming out sep. 30th 2003?'

Thank you very much,


Now, the reason why I wrote this is not because I have to have the game the 30th at all costs, but its because I love this forum. I think it is the best HL2 board on the net and I think we should do everything to assure it will be the best for years to come. There are some who think swearing is the only way to communicate. Do not flame people just because they have different opinions.

I can give you the answer already:


Valve has always always and always said sept 30. True, no year, but even they wouldnt be that cruel :)
He would not say differently to fans until they make an official statement.
Again, might of been an idea to post this in the "official info from valve" thread mate, after you recieved a reply. Although with that question I doubt you'll get a reply.

Gabe was probably well aware that keeping quiet with the release date would only create chaos, confusion and flaming within HalfLife2 communties. I like Valve, Gabe, etc and I like their dedication to fans but this game they play is so very.. mundane.
Indeed D33, Valve are playing a weird game. The reason why i posted this here is because I am aware of the fact that he might not reply, and I wanted to share my thoughts with other peolpe here.

Edit: If I get an answer I will ask a moderator to delete this thread and post the reply in the INFO F. VALVE section
Originally posted by D33
Again, might of been an idea to post this in the "official info from valve" thread mate, after you recieved a reply. Although with that question I doubt you'll get a reply.

Gabe was probably well aware that keeping quiet with the release date would only create chaos, confusion and flaming within HalfLife2 communties. I like Valve, Gabe, etc and I like their dedication to fans but this game they play is so very.. mundane.

I don't believe that Valve are playing a game. I think they are just not being too reassuring about the release date because there's a chance they may not hit it. Valve have a tendency to miss release dates, and they will be aware of this the most.

As for Gabe's "political responses" about the release date, he does seem to never openly say "30th of September" for definate. But only if you twist his meaning slightly. He hasn't just given these responses for the release date. I refer to this (posting in the Valve Info thread):

Its been said that while HL2's lighting is static based, there will be
some dynamic lighting. Do dynamic lights cast dynamic shadows? Is this
something will only be able to be used in a few places (such as in the HL
engine, where dynamic lighting is was a pretty big system hit) or could we do things like in Splinter Cell, with having lots of light bulbs being shot out and whatnot? Would it be possible to have a swinging light ala DOOM III?

I'm not sure where people get the idea that HL-2 doesn't support dynamic lighting.

(DOOM's Note: Still didn't really answer the question though...)

I left Doomaniac's note in because it illustrates a point. Sometimes Gabe's answers can be seen as avoiding the question, it's the way he talks.

EDIT: In case anyone cares, Half-Life 2 supports dynamic lighting.
Yes it is true that all the signs given from Valve point to the 30th, but I am not worried about that, even if it gets releades the 11th of oct. or maybe somtime in november. It's just that because of this different statements from Valve, VUGames, Retailers......... the community is getting mad. Then we get threads like 'Gold' or, 'Delayed' in the forums. In the meantime we could talk about the olf HL games and discuss our experiences with OP4 and Blue Shift.
wait a minute and let's think ...

the print press does not get a double confimation, webmasters do not get a double confirmation, the newstickers do not get a double confirmation, they did not give a double confirmation on their website, plan file or forums...

but YOU an unknown fanboy headcrab will get the answer to the 1.000.000-dollar question first and exclusive...

keep on dreaming!
FriScho, I said I probably won't get any reply! If I don't get a reply then godd, it has been a waste of time, but at least I have tried to do something for the community.
btw. if you rate headcrabs so low (everyone has to begin something, I won't be a headcrab forever), then you should be the first to stay quiet, as you are a headcrab yourself.
You people are nuts lombardi obviously changed his out look from what he has said about the 30th from july based on more current statements. Gabe doesn't seem like the conniving type either and he stands up to all the elephants around him and made sure his company doesn't get draged along their trails. Everything can change in one line of code so I don't expect anyone to know the release. Especially not anyone outside of valve.
Was fairly pointless to make a thread about this, especially so considering you haven't even been answered yet. If you do get an answer, post it in the Valve info thread.
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