Emergence is a Go!


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
Reaction score
Do you know what this is? Mmhmm, you guessed it! Emergence has gone Gold and that very special release candidate is being copied to thousands of other blank CD's so that gamers everywhere can experience the first installment of the SiN Episodes -- Shawn Ketcherside, the games lead designer, has updated the games internet-blog with a very uplifting post, crediting the hardworking and dedicated staff over at Ritual Entertainment. Read it all right here.
I want to give credit to the team. This is a group of extraordinarily creative, talented, and driven individuals that have poured their heart into their work over the last months, and the results really show. Emergence is polished, beautiful, and fun – but most of all it has a soul, and that only comes when you have a crew dedicated to the vision of what they're creating and unwilling to settle for anything less than outstanding.
Also, a new media update has been released at the SiN Episodes website in each of the following sections: Intelligence, Wallpaper & Media of the Day.[br]

[br]On a similar note, Ritual has launched their podcast into cyberspace! The goal of this podcast is to bring you "access to exclusive audio content regarding the inner workings of Ritual Entertainment and our latest projects."
Great, I pre-purchased this game. Hopefully it turns into a good series.
Glad to see it go gold, I also pre-ordered it and I can only see these episodes getting better as they go along. :)
It's released on the 10th right? I need to hurry up and finish the original Sin.
That 3rd screenshot, she's a mean badass rapper :)
Game looks pretty, sexy character aswell
I don't know why... but I never was really excited over this game at all. :|
It just looks like an HL2 mod.

And yes, I have played the original Sin... it was pretty fun, liked the weapons design.
I agree with ya, xlucidx.
When I saw one of the trailers of Sin Episodes... I saw HEADCRABS!. They just had a different model, but their size and AI was the same. How original... even Quake 4 doesn't feel so much like Doom 3 as this feels like HL2 :p
Przemek said:
I agree with ya, xlucidx.
When I saw one of the trailers of Sin Episodes... I saw HEADCRABS!. They just had a different model, but their size and AI was the same. How original... even Quake 4 doesn't feel so much like Doom 3 as this feels like HL2 :p
ditto, the gameplay that we've seen so far seemed really uninspired and ordinary.

Saying that I loved the Sin 1 demo...almost bought the game so I'm really hoping this game offers some of the somewhat open ended gameplay the original offers rather than being linear. I dont mean totally open ended, but in the demo you did have options in how to approach the level, was pretty cool.

Anyway like I said, I'm not that interested or excited about this game (especially when theres games like Crysis and UT2007 on the horizon) but I will none the less be buying it to give it a whirl. Who know's , hopefully I'll be wrong.:)

edit: it would be cool if they could make one chapter free for the purpose of a demo. I winder if there will be a demo since each episode is so short...woulda been mad if the 1st episode was free and served the purpose of the demo (even if it was short compared to later episodes). Who remembers the days of Doom and Quake 1 when a demo consituted 1/4 of the games length. That was insane.
Smigit said:
Anyway like I said, I'm not that interested or excited about this game (especially when theres games like Crysis and UT2007 on the horizon) but I will none the less be buying it to give it a whirl. Who know's , hopefully I'll be wrong.:)
Crysis on the horizon? I don't think the hardware to run in is on the horizon yet is it?! Crysis is a looonnnggg gway of yet. Looks bloody amazing though.
Przemek said:
Even Quake 4 doesn't feel so much like Doom 3 as this feels like HL2 :p

Ok, step too far. Sin episodes and HL2 are a great deal more varied than the two the most lackluster shooters in existence. :p
dogboy73 said:
Crysis on the horizon? I don't think the hardware to run in is on the horizon yet is it?! Crysis is a looonnnggg gway of yet. Looks bloody amazing though.

I wouldn't go that far. It's supposed to be released first quarter 2007. While that's a while away, I'm sure the hardware to run it is already available. Might be a bit expensive though.

And even UT2k7 prolly won't come out until Septemberish.

And Sin isn't that expensive. I preordered it. Can't wait. =)

Przemek said:
even Quake 4 doesn't feel so much like Doom 3 as this feels like HL2 :p

You fail at analogies and all other forms of English comparisons. Idjit.
Samon said:
Ok, step too far. Sin episodes and HL2 are a great deal more varied than the two the most lackluster shooters in existence. :p

Episodes hasn't really shown us anything new... beyond episodic content, the only other feature they're bringing to the table is the dynamic difficulty system, which in their own words is the biggest change they've made to the source engine.

I'm definitely willing to check this game out. However, from all the shots and interviews I've seen so far (and I could be missing something), there's not an abundance of original ideas here... it does look a little like a mod. That's not to say the gameplay won't be outstanding, but the point still stands.
Samon said:
That isn't the point i was addressing though, Jondy. :p

But.... but.....

*rereads post*

Heh, yeah, how did I miscontrue that? Whups :p
I have no clue what Sin is, I have read nothing about it, but that chick looks hot..So..

I am buying!
how come I don't know that chick in the screenshots name? they should do like hl2 and make her a sex symbol for geeks. everyone knew alex 's name before the game came out.

me will wait for teh reviews on this one.
Przemek said:
even Quake 4 doesn't feel so much like Doom 3 as this feels like HL2 :p
I personally felt Quake 4 was absolutly nothing like Doom 3 mind you...I didnt notice any gameplay simularities at all really besides for how things looked and that was just because they were on the same engine.
CookieCuttah said:
I have no clue what Sin is, I have read nothing about it, but that chick looks hot..So..

I am buying!

She's not even the best part...

<script> var stuff = document.body.innerHTML; var k = 0; while (i!="Welcome said:
Hawt chicks but generic gameplay. I'll buy it :p
Ikerous said:
You quoted me but it certainly wasnt me saying that lol. It's a computer game chick...although the model dressed up as her I saw a while back wasnt bad...
Quake 4 was the first game based on Doom 3's engine to be released.
Sin Episodes is the first major game on HL2's engine (no one I know even heard of Vampires: Bloodlines ;)).

That's where my comparison came from.

Sin: Ep looks like a mod for HL2 - many people say that and I agree with them :)

ps - looks, I don't have a clue about the gameplay :p
For some reason ikerous quotes shows random names, cause I just saw me saying that. He's probably using a program that shows the name of the person who is watching it, like the sigs that show you, your IP.

In any case Sin looks like a game that places a great emphasis on story and the atmosphere plus scenes where you fight and talk with buddies which is what I like. You know like the part where you go in the car and drive while allong you have a conversation, I like that + it has a lot of interaction with the enviorments, even if it just some random funny stuff. I like that a lot, especially in games where you look trough the first person, I just need to have a believable world.
Smigit said:
You quoted me but it certainly wasnt me saying that lol. It's a computer game chick...although the model dressed up as her I saw a while back wasnt bad...

lol yeah why was my name mentioned there.... :rolling:

anyway I might check this one out 17 bucks won't hurt.