Emo's banned in russia!

For some reason I only ever seem to seem them in the tube, subway to over-the-Atlantic friends, which concludes me to believe Emos are cave-dwelling creatures who shun the light and all good things in life.
Google "Emo Song". Funny stuff to be heard.
Also BHC, what is a /b/? What is...

rules 1&2 ******?

A /b/ is someone on 4Chan who posts in the /b/ threads, and they're often refered to as /b/tards.

Don't go to 4Chan.

It's a bad place......
Emo culture's "negative ideology" may encourage depression, social withdrawal and even suicide, the bill alleges
Wait....did they just make being Russian illegal?
Well a while back I saw in the local news that our government is considering mandatory therapy for anyone exhibiting emo tendencies. Now with a precedent in Russia, that law might actually go forward. :laugh: