End Of The World After June?


Sep 13, 2003
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It's sort of like this ---> HERE, but the meteor didn't say "Oh **** that".

Read these in order...

End of world part one --->HERE

End of world part two --->HERE

Now I can't get that R.E.M. song out of my head... *singing "It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine...."
Who reads those things anyway? There must be four or five A4 pages there.
I Thought That HL2 Will Be Out Before The End OF Humanity :borg:

Its A Very Nice Read Just Read A Bit And You Cn Stop :LOL:
Did You Read It All?
Seems VERY real but my mind just can register that happening
yeah, but seriously, wouldn't you think that SOME of the gossip papers would have found out by now, if it's all over the net? especially those here in finland seem to report about something like this every month... :/

EDIT: also found this http://www.rense.com/general53/hhx.htm
if you read the 2nd page you can look at his studys from the 70's
Leonard Burnstein!
I'm sure I'll make the most of it, eating cheetos on my couch.
Predicting the world to end on a particular date is a stupid thing to do.
Simply because if it doesn't end on that date, everyone will mock you... and if it does, well you don't get the chance to say 'I told you so!'

Best to just keep it to yourself.
Pobz said:
Predicting the world to end on a particular date is a stupid thing to do.
Simply because if it doesn't end on that date, everyone will mock you... and if it does, well you don't get the chance to say 'I told you so!'

Best to just keep it to yourself.
unless we'd be able to see it coming.. then you'd probably have a few days of "i told you so" to milk at least.. and that'd make it all worth it!
Well, it is June 11th and the skies aren't darkening and no observers have seen anything at all.

But, the "end of the world" posts come once a month, planet x, planet y, planet z, asteroids, comets, nuclear weapons, the anti-christ...
So, is it really gonna happen?

I wanna know if I should bother studying for my exams.
Baal said:
So, is it really gonna happen?

I wanna know if I should bother studying for my exams.
eh...don't bother with exams...go out and get laid.
Heh, know what I find funny? I just watched Armageddon last night.

And I watched Deep Impact less than a week ago...
This clearly conflicts with John Titor's warnings :) :LOL:

Anyhow, if no meteor hits by next week.. well.. we're good :)
If something hits, I hope it doesn't hit Atlantic Ocean causing a huge tidal wave because I live on the coast of Nova Scotia (Canada, anyone who saw Day After Tomorrow might know where it is by now)
I wonder what odds I could get that the end of the world will take place in mid-june at the bookies?
This Aussiebloke seems like an idiot. If he wishes people on his side, and for people to believe him, he isn't doing a good job of it.
Hes Not A Idoit Just Trying To Pull Off A Good Hoax In Witch He Is
Kinda Like John Titter But He Will Be Proven Wrong
Well it's just the way he talks makes me believe he's a liar

Besides, even if this was all true, is anyone actually worried?

Don't worry about stuff you can't control, only things you can.
Whezzy said:
Hes Not A Idoit Just Trying To Pull Off A Good Hoax In Witch He Is
Kinda Like John Titter But He Will Be Proven Wrong

No, the way John Titor put things across and explained things, no matter what he says, even if none of what he predicted comes true, he will still be able to argue that his Earth timeline and our timeline are so significantly different, that he would never be able to predict anything. Also, John Titor, even if he was a hoaxer, was someone who was extremely smart and very well read, with the answers he gave and his understanding a quantum singularities and the theory behind using them to time travel was very good.

Anyway, June 27th is my birthday, so it would be nice to have a nice fire works display, of course, you guys are all invited if it does go down :cheers:.
And John Titors Pictors were Proven As Fake Sooo.. If The Pictures Are Fake Why Should We Belive What He Says?
It was pretty obviously fake anyways. He was like "THEY are after me!" and "THEY programmed you to laugh at my truth!"
"anomaly" will have unknown effect but current estimates are not too encouraging. Diameter uncertain. mass uncertain. What IS known is this...it is composed mostly of a crystalline substance of unknown consistency. Some have speculated that it could be a chunk of diamond from the core of a gas giant as noted here http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/3492919.stm this fits it as well http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlkop/diamond.html ...who knows. But it is weird and fast and coming this way. It is NOT a comet...NOR a planet...it is nothing like we have ever seen before. That is why we do not know what it will do if and when it hits us. Have a laugh now...I know you will..WE did at first too when we first detected it.

and this too, they say its 40,, then in the other article 17 light years away. and it would have to be doing thrice times the speed of light to get here within 4 o 5 years, lol

why the f*** do people do that, my heart was beating like mad for the first part.

I guess its to really try and hit home on what the reality would be like.. hes right about one thing , dont lisen to the governments.
I'm not reading all that shiznat so I'm going to assume its about meteors rite?

If so, that would be cool if one hit, everybody would be like "shit shit!!!" and then I'd be like woot, I can't wait untill the shockwave hi-" and then I'd be disintigrated and it'd be like funkay.
I predict at our current rate the 'Apocalypse' will probably come within our lifetime, but it probably won't be from any meteor, it'll be through our own ignorance.
mortiz said:
I predict at our current rate the 'Apocalypse' will probably come within our lifetime, but it probably won't be from any meteor, it'll be through our own ignorance.


brb, gotta go shove a blasting cap in my mouth, bite it, then see what happens.
well if his predictions are true our skies should have a darkened cloud, i've yet to see any, also this is the first time i'm seeing all this, its all kinda interesting, yet to me total bull.
I predict at our current rate the 'Apocalypse' will probably come within our lifetime, but it probably won't be from any meteor, it'll be through our own ignorance.

yeh its more likely we will bring it on ourselves. before nature has a say. But I have hope.
Blah, ain't gonna happen...I mean, we still need to get through PCI-X, Intel High Definition Audio, Half-Life 2, and DOOM III! The world ain't ending anytime soon.
and ATI Radeon XM700 Ultra XXX, the nVidia Pwnd9000, Virtual Reality-compatible Half-Life 4, Intel UberProc7800 (7.8Ghz), Western Digital SkyEagle 8000 (20KRPM, 8TB), etc. etc.
Omg you almost forgot Duke Nukem Forever!!11111one

oh, sorry, that definitly won't be out before the end of the world. What was I thinking?

Although the Aliens will be playing it on their spaceships with their pal George Broussard. Damn those Aliens.