End Of The World After June?

Until this thread I hadn't heard of the john tito hoax, been reading thru the old archives of the stuff he said...dead interesting, cheers guys!
Tommmo said:
Until this thread I hadn't heard of the john tito hoax, been reading thru the old archives of the stuff he said...dead interesting, cheers guys!

We will have to wait for the American civil war to break out in a few months time to see if he was telling the truth.
Therefore, unless the entire world is introduced to the Anti-Christ in June, we have to believe these events will not be taking place, so you should rest safely on that.
So in other words: "The world might end but if it doesn't then it won't and that's good."
Impulse147 said:
i also read somewhere the chance of a meteor hitting the earth is about the same chance of a 90 mph wind going through a junkyard and fully assembling a working 747 jetliner.

That quote actually refers to the origin of life... and a questionable quote it is, indeed. The chances of Earth being hit by a devastating meteor is quite a bit higher than that.. But still, if an event like that is imminent, we'll ALL know about it, not just some crackpot on a dodgy website. How many times would the world have ended by now had every apocalyptic prediction come true? Give it up people. Don't ever get sucked in to this kind of crap.
lol, great flash cartoon. damn kangaroos.